Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging Calibration between Sites and Comparability
Jeffry R. Alger
Matthias J.P. van Osch
Thoralf Niendorf
Pamela W. Schaefer
Kohsuke Kudo
Roland Bammer
Importance of Between-Site Calibration
Dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of microvascular hemodynamic parameters has the potential for guiding the development of new drugs or devices, as well as improving diagnosis and disease staging for individual patients. For example, precise measurement of these parameters in individual patients and controls may be useful in developing antineogenic (i.e., antineoplastic) agents. Such measurements can also be useful for assessing tissue viability and the efficacy of reperfusion maneuvers used for acute ischemic stroke. A number of multisite clinical trials and multisite observational studies have already used DSC MRI.1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Given that most modern-day clinical trials are performed across many sites to optimize statistical power within a practical time period, realizing the full potential of DSC MRI hemodynamic parameter imaging requires a means of establishing whether different sites produce biased hemodynamic measures and, if so, developing a means of correcting for the biases. Furthermore, reproducible measurements across sites might enable the use of threshold values (either directly applied to perfusion maps or after calculating ratio maps by comparing to the contralateral hemisphere or reference area) in the diagnostic process for staging of disease severity (e.g., tumor grade). Beyond the scope of clinical trial research and everyday patient care, it is also important to consider that advancing knowledge in any medical field is enhanced by reliable and reproducible measurements that can be used with confidence at any site. Without between-site consistency, the medical literature can become confusing, as small studies done at individual sites may become contradictory.
DSC MRI is a complex procedure. This is underscored by Willats and Calamante’s8 description of no fewer than 39 issues to be aware of in the collection of and processing of DSC MRI data. Complex procedures are more likely to produce site-specific biases. Site specific bias in DSC MRI measurements can be attributed to the following causes:
Most sites use MRI devices that are manufactured by one of three companies (General Electric Healthcare, Siemens Healthcare, and Philips Healthcare). None of these companies has an overwhelming predominance of installed MRI units. Furthermore, several new manufacturers are now entering the commercial landscape of MRI. Because of this, any clinical trial that uses DSC will have to consider the possibility of site biases attributable to engineering design choices made by MRI system manufacturers. By custom and expectation, these companies compete with one another. This leads to holding in confidence information about gradient system design or performance, pulse sequence design, radiofrequency system design, and image reconstruction methodology. Yet each of these “trade secrets” could impact DSC MRI performance. Often the site’s MRI physics and engineering teams are not aware of key engineering design issues that may introduce bias into the DSC MRI study. Furthermore, numerous clinical sites might not have appropriate access to MR physics and engineering expertise. As will be demonstrated below, most sites use gradient-echo (GE) echo-planar imaging (EPI) as their basic DSC MRI detection technique. This leads to a false sense of security with respect to potential site-specific bias. Although Siemens, Philips, and GE use similar names for their GE EPI implementations, these products differ with respect to k-space gridding trajectory, direction of k-space readout (i.e., have different susceptibility distortions), parallel imaging technique, lipid suppression technique, effective slice thickness, reconstruction filtering algorithm, partial Fourier reconstruction algorithm, two-dimensional field of view ghost correction, and Maxwell correction technique. In addition, each company uses different DSC MRI postprocessing software, and this is known to produce bias.9
One must also recognize that even individual manufacturers offer a variety of MRI models. The most common way of identifying models is by the operating static field strength (B0). This practice is superficial in that it ignores the fact that different models, even when operating at the same field strength, may have different performance characteristics attributable to use of different gradient systems, radiofrequency coils,
pulse sequence software, scanner operating systems, and reconstruction software.
Radiologists, clinicians, physicists, engineers, and technologists at individual sites have the freedom to choose their own DSC MRI acquisition parameters and techniques. Over a period of time, individual sites tend to develop local “standard-of-care” DSC MRI procedures. Such sites may resist the imposition of outside standard-of-care DSC MRI parameters and procedures that have been developed for a clinical trial because of the possible impact on diagnosis decisions or clinical operations. Homogenizing sequence parameters over different sites is therefore not always feasible when DSC MRI is also part of the normal clinical workup.
Clinician, radiologist, and technologist training is somewhat variable across the world. This results in between-site differences in how the DSC MRI study is performed. Examples include (a) whether the left or right antecubital vein or some other vein (e.g., a central venous line that may be available in a hospitalized patient) is used for the contrast agent infusion; (b) the volume rate of contrast infusion; some radiologists and technologists find performing infusions at 5 mL or greater per second worrisome; (c) the dose of contrast agent infused; some sites may use 0.1 mmol/kg but stop at 20 mL for larger patients, some sites may use double doses (0.2 mmol/kg), some may use even lower doses and (d) some sites follow contrast injection with a saline injection to clear contrast agent from the injector tubing. Other sites do not, despite that this is wasteful of contrast agent and results in the patient receiving a lower than planned dose of contrast agent.
The contrast agent may be important. There is no longer only one generic MRI contrast agent. Commercially available contrast agent preparations vary in viscosity, osmolality, and relaxivity (see Chapters 7 and 37). The combination of pulse sequence and contrast agent can be important. For instance, different contrast agent preparations have different R2 relaxivity, and this can be very important when DSC MRI is performed with spin-echo–based pulse sequences (see Chapter 7). Some sites are required by institutional purchasing agreements to use only specific contrast agent formulations and are not allowed to switch to another contrast agent, even when the agent is supplied as part of a clinical trial.
Although not a site-specific factor per se, it is important to consider that the patient sample contributed by a particular site may cause some bias to exist. The contrast agent bolus is broadened and delayed as a result of passing through the vascular system from the site of infusion to the site of arterial input function (AIF) sampling. Between-patient variability in AIF can lead to variance in measured hemodynamic properties. This type of variability can become a site-specific bias if the site contributes a predominance of certain types of patients (e.g., clinical history, age, race, gender, systemic vascular disease).
Present Methodological Variability
A meta-analysis was performed to evaluate the degree of variability in DSC image acquisition techniques. Publications that described use of DSC MRI for clinical research purposes that were published in the English language in 2011 and 2012 and were available through the first author’s library were included. The keywords “dynamic susceptibility contrast magnetic resonance imaging” were used in a Medline search to identify candidate publications. Technical development studies were excluded to avoid confusion of emerging methods with established ones that are currently in common clinical use. Key parameters obtained from the methods sections of these publications appear in Tables 32.1 and 32.2. These data demonstrate the degree of variability that is to be expected in a hypothetical clinical trial if no prospective effort was made to establish a homogeneous across-site DSC MRI acquisition procedure.
Several key summary points emerge from the data shown in Tables 32.1 and 32.2. Perhaps the most interesting is that some authors manage to publish without specifying any details about the DSC MRI methodology they used. All but one of the studies listed in Tables 32.1 and 32.2 is focused on brain imaging. This may be an artifact of the keywords used in the Medline search or it may be an artifact of the time span used for the search. If not an artifact, it suggests that DSC MRI is not being used for research purposes related to body imaging or cardiac imaging, which might be explained by the presence of the blood–brain barrier, making DSC MRI very suitable for neurologic applications. Outside the neuroaxis, contrast agent leakage and the challenges of performing high-quality EPI scans has mostly favored DCE-type acquisitions, which are typically based on T1-weighted three-dimensional sequences and pharmacokinetic modeling. Scanner hardware in use at clinical research sites is almost equally distributed between 1.5T and 3T for these brain studies. GE and Siemens MRI units are being used in about equal proportion, with the use of Philips scanners being about half of the use of GE or Siemens scanners. The majority of reports define the acquisition pulse sequences as GE EPI or with terminology that can be regarded as the equivalent (e.g., fast-field echo EPI). The outliers are several studies that used principles of echo shifting with a train of readouts (PRESTO) pulse sequences with Philips scanners. Volume image acquisition time resolution varied from 600 to 3000 milliseconds. The number of volumes in the time series that were acquired varied from 10 to 120. The average echo time (TE) used at 1.5T was 45 ± 18 milliseconds (mean ± standard deviation) and the average TE used at 3T was 35 ± 10 milliseconds. In many instances, flip angle was not reported. If the PRESTO studies are excluded because PRESTO uses a significantly different signal excitation method, the flip angle used varied between 30 and 90 degrees and was only weakly correlated with the time used to collect one stack of
two-dimensional slices (i.e., repetition time [TR]). In-plane spatial resolution tended to be about 2 mm but also showed some variability. Slice thickness (through-plane resolution) varied between 3 and 7.5 mm.
two-dimensional slices (i.e., repetition time [TR]). In-plane spatial resolution tended to be about 2 mm but also showed some variability. Slice thickness (through-plane resolution) varied between 3 and 7.5 mm.
TABLE 32.1 IMAGE ACQUISITION PROTOCOLS USED IN DYNAMIC SUSCEPTIBILITY CONTRAST CLINICAL RESEARCH STUDIES PUBLISHED IN 2011–2012 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

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