Diseases primarily involving the choroid cause loss of retinal function in the macular region principally by three mechanisms: (1) reduction of blood flow within the choriocapillaris; (2) increased permeability of the choriocapillaris causing exudative and hemorrhagic detachment of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and/or retina; and (3) a combination of the two processes. Diffusion of nutrients from the choriocapillaris across Bruch’s membrane is the major source of sustenance for the RPE and the photoreceptors. The choriocapillary endothelium and the RPE are the primary barrier to the passage of large proteins and oncotic water from the choriocapillaris into the subretinal space. Interference with the blood supply to the choriocapillaris, for whatever reason, may lead to the loss of function of the overlying RPE and retina. Acute visual loss secondary to obstruction of the short ciliary arteries occurs infrequently because of the rich arterial anastomosis in the choroidal vascular bed. Acute visual loss may occur, however, from either embolic or thrombotic disease obstructing the choriocapillaris. There is minimal evidence that chronic ischemia secondary to gradual obliteration of the large and small choroidal vessels is a significant cause of deterioration of central vision. Loss of central vision occurs most frequently because of serous and hemorrhagic macular detachment caused by a variety of diseases affecting the choriocapillaris, Bruch’s membrane, and RPE. The frequent circular shape of this detachment or the scar that results is responsible for use of the descriptive terms “disciform detachment” and “disciform lesions.” Although most localized detachments of the macula are caused by diseases affecting the choroid and RPE, a localized macular detachment may occasionally be caused by retinal vascular diseases, by retinal hole, by vitreomacular traction, or by anomalies of the optic disc (see Chapters 6, 7, and 15).
The peculiar structure of the choroidal vascular system is probably of primary significance in explaining the predilection for localized detachment of the RPE and retina to occur in the macula and peripapillary region of the eye (see Chapter 1). It is in these areas that a large volume of blood is fed into the choroidal circulation by way of the short ciliary arteries (see Figure 1.06). The choroidal arteries are richly interconnected and via short precapillary arterioles quickly empty large quantities of blood into the sinusoidal network of the choriocapillaris, probably under considerable pressure. This blood is drained from the choriocapillary bed by venous channels that converge on the vortex veins. The concentration of short ciliary arteries and their branches in the macular region probably accounts for greater hemodynamic stress on the choriocapillary bed posteriorly. Thus any disease process affecting the choriocapillary bed and the normal adhesion of the RPE to the inner collagenous portion of Bruch’s membrane is likely to result in exudative detachment of the RPE and retina in the macular region. If the pathologic alterations also involve disruption in the continuity of the collagenous or elastic portion of Bruch’s membrane, bleeding may occur, either directly from the choriocapillaris as in traumatic rupture, or much more frequently from rupture of new capillaries that have grown from the choroid through Bruch’s membrane into the sub-RPE space (type I choroidal neovascularization) or into the subretinal space (type II choroidal neovascularization) (see Chapter 2). The stimulus for this process, referred to as choroidal neovascularization, is unknown and probably is multifactorial. Liberation of angiogenesis factors from the RPE or retina in response to chronic ischemia, chronic nutritional deprivation, and other pathologic alterations caused by a variety of diseases have been shown as vasoendothelial growth factors (VEGF). Type II subretinal choroidal neovascularization can be produced experimentally.
Mechanisms of Serous and Hemorrhagic Disciform Detachment of the Macula
Diseases of the choroid cause exudation and localized (disciform) macular detachment primarily by three mechanisms: (1) increased permeability of the choriocapillaris associated with loss of adherence of the RPE to Bruch’s membrane; (2) choroidal neovascularization; and (3) increased permeability of the choriocapillaris and devitalization of the RPE. The reader is referred to Chapter 2 for a discussion of the various pathophysiologic, histopathologic, and fluorescein angiographic changes that are associated with these types of detachments and the histopathologic and fluorescein angiographic features that accompany them.
The histopathologic stages of localized choroidal exudative RPE and retinal detachment unassociated with choroidal neovascularization and those caused by choroidal neovascularization have been illustrated diagrammatically in Chapter 2 (see Figures 2.04 and 2.09). The various hemorrhagic and reparative stages are illustrated diagrammatically in Figure 3.01 . Each of these stages of changes occurring anterior to Bruch’s membrane, irrespective of the underlying choroidal disease, presents a characteristic ophthalmoscopic, biomicroscopic, and fluorescein angiographic appearance that will be illustrated in subsequent discussions of the underlying diseases. The patient with focal disease affecting the choroid often remains asymptomatic until he or she develops detachment of the overlying RPE and retina (as in a non- or minimally leaking occult neovascular membrane). This detachment may obscure the underlying choroidal lesion. The clinician’s initial problem, therefore, is to recognize the presence of disciform detachment and to identify its stage. By careful examination of the surrounding fundus in the same eye, and particularly the macular region of the opposite eye, and by consideration of the medical history and other physical findings, the clinician can often determine the nature of the underlying choroidal disease.

Specific Diseases Causing Disciform Macular Detachment
Idiopathic Central Serous Chorioretinopathy
Clinical Features
Idiopathic central serous chorioretinopathy (ICSC), previously referred to as central serous retinopathy, idiopathic flat detachment of the macula, and central angiospastic retinopathy, is a specific disease that typically affects young and middle-aged males with type A personalities between 20 and 45 years of age. Unusual emotional stress frequently accompanies the onset of visual symptoms. There may be a history of headaches, which occasionally are of the migraine type. Males are affected more commonly than females by approximately 10 to 1. Before the onset of symptoms, most patients develop one or more small areas of serous detachment of the RPE in the macula or paramacular area ( Figure 3.02 A–C). This may be followed by serous detachment of the overlying and surrounding retina ( Figure 3.02 D–F). If the detachment does not extend into the central macular area, the patient is usually asymptomatic ( Figure 3.02 A–C). The retinal detachment may resolve spontaneously ( Figure 3.02 G). When the detachment spreads into the central macular area, the patient typically develops metamorphopsia, a positive scotoma, and micropsia ( Figures 3.02 D, 3.03 , and 3.04 ). An occasional patient will describe macropsia with the affected eye. Macropsia is the result of crowding of the photoreceptors in a unit area and micropsia is due to decrease in their number in a unit area. A relatively positive central scotoma and metamorphopsia can usually be demonstrated on Amsler grid testing. The micropsia may be unappreciated by the patient until demonstrated by confrontational comparison of image size of the examiner’s head. Some describe the micropsia as “objects being farther away with the affected eye as compared with the normal eye.” The visual acuity is often only moderately decreased and may be improved to near normal with the addition of a small hyperopic correction. There is a delay in retinal recovery time after exposure to bright light, loss of color saturation, and loss of contrast sensitivity. The patient’s past medical history, family history, and general physical findings are usually unremarkable. The author has seen two instances of ICSC occurring in siblings.

Ophthalmoscopically and biomicroscopically, a well-defined round or oval area of shallow elevation of the retina in the macular region is the typical finding ( Figures 3.02 – 3.04 ). This area usually presents a slightly darker color than the surrounding normal retina. The foveal reflex is attenuated or absent. The detachment may be relatively inconspicuous ophthalmoscopically but is usually readily apparent on slit-lamp examination of the macula with a fundus lens. The stereopsis obtained by using a wide light beam directed from a few degrees off the visual axis is generally adequate to appreciate separation of the retina from the underlying RPE. Observation of the increased distance separating a retinal vessel from its shadow cast on the underlying RPE is another helpful clue to the presence of serous detachment of the retina. Separation of the narrow light-beam reflex traversing the retina from that striking the RPE, when demonstrable, is further evidence of a serous detachment. In some instances, particularly in the presence of a shallow detachment, this separation may be impossible to demonstrate.
The detached retina is usually transparent and of normal thickness. The subretinal serous fluid is usually clear. There may be a small round yellow spot, probably caused by increased visibility of the retinal xanthophyll, in the center of the fovea. This may be mistaken for a small RPE detachment. In some cases the posterior surface of the retina may be partly covered with multiple yellowish dotlike precipitates ( Figure 3.02 J). In approximately 10% of eyes the subretinal space may be partly filled with a gray-white serofibrinous exudate that may be misinterpreted as a focal area of acute retinitis, an ischemic infarction of the retina, or a subretinal neovascular membrane ( Figure 3.03 J). Serofibrinous exudate is often associated with a larger area of retinal detachment as well as more prominent fluorescein leakage into the subretinal fluid ( Figure 3.03 A and L). The serous detachment of the RPE underlying the retinal detachment is variable in size and in some patients is often impossible to detect without the aid of fluorescein angiography ( Figure 3.03 A). Typically, it appears as a round or oval, yellowish or yellowish-gray lesion that is less than one-fourth disc diameter in size ( Figure 3.02 J). The surface of the RPE detachment may be finely mottled ( Figure 3.02 A, D, G, and H).
A small RPE detachment is easiest to detect in retroillumination adjacent to the slit beam of light focused on the RPE. It is usually located beneath the superior half of the area of retinal detachment. It occurs infrequently in the center of the fovea. In some cases the RPE detachment may appear to lie beyond the superior margin of the retinal detachment. Because of gravity the subretinal fluid tends to pool inferior to the area of serous detachment of the RPE. Positioning the patient may be required to demonstrate continuity of the areas of retinal and RPE detachment. Focal detachments of the RPE are difficult to visualize biomicroscopically when they are small in size, shallow in depth, or obscured by turbid subretinal exudate. Fluorescein angiography may be necessary to detect the site of RPE detachment.
Multiple RPE detachments may occur ( Figures 3.02D and H, and 3.05 ). Occasionally one or several detachments of the RPE may lie outside the primary area of retinal detachment ( Figure 3.02 D). In lieu of a discrete RPE detachment there may be an irregular, round, or flask-shaped area of mottled depigmentation of the RPE beneath the retinal detachment ( Figure 3.05H–J, 3.06, and 3.07 ). This occurs often in patients subject to recurrent serous elevation of the RPE and surrounding retina in the paracentral area before they become symptomatic from spread of retinal detachment into the central macular area.

Although RPE detachments are typically small in patients with ICSC, in some patients they may encompass a disc diameter or larger. When larger, the blisterlike RPE detachment may be surrounded by a reddish or salmon-pink halo caused by a marginal serous separation of the retina ( Figures 3.02A, G, and H, and 3.04A ). Large RPE detachments are typically circumscribed, oval or round, dome-shaped, and orange or yellow-gray; they present a solid rather than a translucent appearance. It is these features that occasionally cause a misdiagnosis of a choroidal hemangioma, hypopigmented melanoma, or metastatic carcinoma of the choroid ( Figure 3.04 A). The junction of the detached and attached RPE typically produces a discrete and circumscribed halo surrounding the base of the lesion, in contrast to the less discrete light reflex halo surrounding an area of serous detachment of the retina. The choroidal pattern that is often visible posterior to the serous detachment of the retina is usually not visible behind the serous detachment of the RPE, except in the rare case in which there is extensive thinning and depigmentation of the detached RPE. Fine mottling of the pigment and clumping of pigment on the surface of the detached RPE are common ( Figures 3.02 and 3.04 ). This pigment clumping may produce a cruciate (hot cross bun) or triradiate pigment figure ( Figure 3.04 A and B). The vitreous in patients with ICSC contains no inflammatory cells.
Fluorescein Angiography
Angiography in patients with ICSC shows a variety of patterns. In the presence of serous detachment of the retina, fluorescein angiography identifies the area where the RPE is detached and where serous exudate derived from the choriocapillaris is gaining entrance into the subretinal space (see Chapter 2). In those cases with a discrete blisterlike detachment of the RPE, fluorescein rapidly diffuses out of the choriocapillaris across Bruch’s membrane and stains the exudate beneath the RPE, creating a discrete, often round spot of hyperfluorescence, corresponding to the size of the RPE detachment ( Figures 3.02 – 3.04 ). In cases of a shallow detachment of the RPE, the spot of hyperfluorescence enlarges concentrically during the course of angiography. In some patients the dye is confined to the sub-RPE space ( Figure 3.02 B, E, F, I, and J). In others the dye may diffuse slowly through the detached RPE to produce a faint fluorescent haze in the subretinal exudate surrounding the RPE detachment. In less than 10% of cases the dye passes through a small hole in the RPE, often at the margin of, and occasionally within, the dome of the detached RPE, and streams upward in a smokestack configuration into the subretinal exudate to form an umbrella pattern of fluorescein staining ( Figure 3.03 A–I). This upward movement of the dye is probably caused both by convection currents and by the relatively higher specific gravity of the dependent subretinal exudate. Eventually the entire subretinal exudate may stain and appear hyperfluorescent, except in the foveal area, where the luteal retinal pigment obstructs the pathway of the exciting blue as well as the emitted fluorescent light. Retinal detachments associated with “smokestack” leaks are generally larger in area than those with focal leaks.
In patients with irregular RPE detachments and atrophy, the pattern of hyperfluorescence is correspondingly irregular, particularly during the early phases of angiography ( Figure 3.05 B and C). Patients with gray-white subretinal serofibrinous exudate usually show streaming of dye into the subretinal space near the exudate ( Figures 3.03J–L, 3.06A–C, and 3.08A–D ). After resolution of the macular detachment, the angiographic findings may return to normal. However, angiographic evidence of the small RPE detachment may persist in some patients. Irregular loss of pigment from the RPE after prolonged retinal detachment will be evident angiographically as mottled areas of hyperfluorescence that tend to fade during the course of angiography. Angiography is helpful in detecting the large zones of extramacular depigmentation of the RPE caused by chronic retinal detachment in patients with a more severe chronic form of this disease ( Figures 3.05 and 3.06 ). In the majority of cases the leaking site is found within one disc diameter of the center of the fovea. The foveolar area, however, is infrequently affected.

Approximately 30% occur in the superior nasal quadrant and 25% in the papillomacular bundle area. Angiography, however, should always include photographs of the paramacular areas as well as the macular regions of both eyes. It is particularly important to photograph those areas superior to the macula and optic disc on the side of the macular detachment to detect eccentric areas of leakage, which, because of gravity, may lie superior to the area of detachment. Scanning the fundus during the later phases of angiography may be necessary to detect extramacular areas of fluorescein leakage. Failure to find evidence of a leak angiographically in a patient with a serous detachment of the macula should suggest the following possibilities: (1) a leak has occurred outside the macular area, usually superiorly; (2) the leaking area has healed and the detachment will disappear within the next few days or weeks; (3) presence of a peripheral retinal hole or choroidal tumor (usually superiorly located); (4) a congenital pit of the optic nerve head is present; and (5) idiopathic uveal effusion syndrome (IUES) is present.
Studies of patients with ICSC with indocyanine green have shown congested and dilated choroidal vein and capillaries, choroidal staining, and leakage into the extracellular space that appears as areas of hyperfluorescence in the middle and late phases. This renders evidence of a broader area of choroidal involvement than that demonstrated by fluorescein angiography, hence the better name, ICSC.
Autofluorescence imaging depicts a variety of findings in ICSC. The orange spots seen in acute ICSC that may be sites of fibrin; the subretinal orange deposits within an area of serous detachment which could be fibrin alone or mixed with photoreceptor elements; and serofibrinous plaques that resemble retinitis all show increased autofluorescence ( Figure 3.09 D (arrow) and I). In eyes with chronic and recurrent ICSC/steroid-related/organ transplant retinopathy, areas of RPE atrophy are seen as wide gutters of hypoautofluorescence, the edges of which show increased autofluorescence ( Figures 3.06E and H, and 3.07C and D ). Autofluorescence imaging with its mixed areas of increased and decreased autofluorescence is extremely typical and is a useful noninvasive technique in eyes suspected of chronic recurrent ICSC.

Choroidal congestion and thickening can be confirmed by ultrasound B scan, and more recently with enhanced depth imaging on optical coherence tomography (OCT) using Spectralis. The patient’s eye is brought closer to the OCT machine than during conventional retinal scanning, and this enables the choroid to be visualized. Eyes with ICSC have been found to have a thicker choroid as compared to normal eyes. High-resolution imaging of the cones in the posterior pole with adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscope may prove to be useful in monitoring progression in eyes with chronic/steroid-associated ICSC. The technology is still evolving and the instrument cost precludes its use routinely.
Atypical Presentations
Chronic ICSC
Some patients, particularly Latins and Orientals, develop multiple sites of prolonged and recurrent serous retinal detachment in one or both eyes ( Figures 3.06 and 3.07 ). These initially may be confined to the juxtapapillary, peripheral macular, or extramacular areas, and these patients may be asymptomatic for many years before they develop a localized detachment of the macula. By this time there may be multiple, often teardrop or long-necked, flask-shaped areas of atrophy of the RPE extending inferiorly from the paracentral and particularly the peripapillary areas to the equator, or ora serrata ( Figures 3.06 and 3.07 ). Occasionally, large dependent areas of highly elevated chronic serous detachment may be mistaken for retinoschisis ( Figure 3.08 D–L). Recurrent detachment in these areas causes atrophy of both the RPE and retinal receptor elements. A bone corpuscular pattern of migration of pigment into the atrophic retina may occur in these zones and may be misinterpreted as evidence of retinitis pigmentosa ( Figure 3.06 G and 3.07 A and B ). These patients may have extensive loss of the superior visual fields, and some may complain of difficulty driving at night. Angiography often reveals multiple focal areas of staining that usually are most prominent near the superior aspect of the multiple zones of hyperfluorescence that correspond to the areas of RPE atrophy. This atrophy and staining are frequently prominent in the juxtapapillary region of both eyes ( Figure 3.06 C). Autofluorescence imaging is particularly useful in detecting the complete extent of the RPE involvement and is a useful noninvasive method to monitor the progression in patients ( Figures 3.06E and H and 3.07C and D ). The involved RPE is hypoautofluorescent with the area just outside it being hyperautofluorescent, suggesting increased metabolic activity in the adjacent intact RPE ( Figure 3.06 E and F). These patients are particularly prone to recurrent macular detachment and may permanently lose significant visual acuity and paracentral field. With chronic detachment lipid exudates and cystoid macular edema may occur in the absence of angiographic evidence of subretinal neovascularization. Chronic serous detachment of the inferior retina may cause, in addition to large areas of retinal and RPE atrophy, loss of the retinal capillaries, retinal neovascularization, vitreous hemorrhage, and electroretinographic changes ( Figure 3.08 ). Long-term follow-up studies of patients with typical ICSC have demonstrated that these patients with chronic recurrent detachment and severe visual loss are part of the spectrum of ICSC.
Acute Bullous Retinal Detachment
Multiple areas of serous detachment of the retina may occasionally develop rapidly in the same or both eyes of patients with ICSC. These may occur in the midperiphery of the fundus as well as in the posterior pole. In a few patients these detachments may become confluent and result in a large bullous retinal detachment involving the lower half or more of the fundus ( Figures 3.08A–C, and 3.10 ). This acute severe form of ICSC is particularly likely to occur in otherwise healthy patients who, as the result of a misdiagnosis, receive systemic corticosteroids. Multiple serous detachments of the RPE, often ½–1 disc diameter or larger in size, are typically present. They are frequently partly obscured by cloudy and at times gray-white fibrinous subretinal exudate. A similar picture often develops in the second eye within several days or weeks. These patients may be misdiagnosed as having a rhegmatogenous detachment, multifocal chorioretinitis, metastatic carcinoma, Harada’s disease, or uveal effusion. The angiographic demonstration of multiple serous detachments of the RPE ( Figures 3.08 B and C) underlying shifting subretinal fluid permits an accurate diagnosis. Fluorescein characteristically streams through a hole in the pigment epithelium at the edge of the large RPE detachments into the subretinal exudate ( Figures 3.08B and C, and 3.10C and D ). Occasionally, large RPE rips may occur at the edge of large RPE detachments ( Figure 3.10 H, J, and K).

All of the otherwise healthy patients with bullous retinal detachment complicating ICSC seen by Gass have been middle-aged men. By the time he examined them many of them had diagnoses other than ICSC and were receiving oral corticosteroids. This same clinical and angiographic picture may, however, occur occasionally in women, particularly those receiving corticosteroids for systemic disease, e.g., disseminated lupus erythematosus, Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, hemodialysis, and renal transplantation ( Figures 3.11 and 3.12 ). In addition to these disorders Gass has seen this severe form of ICSC in women with hemolytic anemia, cryoglobulinemia, eosinophilic fasciitis, severe allergic bronchitis after commencement of systemic corticosteroid therapy, and in one woman with multiple peculiar cutaneous and mucous membrane vascular malformations infiltrated with mast cells ( Figure 3.11 A–F).

At the 1982 Eastern Ophthalmic Pathology Society meeting Dr. Gilbert de Venecia reported the histopathologic findings in one eye of a 40-year-old Native American man who soon presented after a kidney transplant with bilateral bullous retinal detachment and multiple serous RPE detachments surrounded by white subretinal exudate ( Figure 3.12 E and F). He found histopathologic evidence that the whitish exudate beneath and surrounding the RPE detachment was fibrinous in type ( Figure 3.12 G and H).
ICSC Associated with Chorioretinal Folds
ICSC may occasionally occur in eyes with chorioretinal folds in the macular area secondary to choroidal congestion ( Figure 3.09 L and M).
ICSC in Women
ICSC in otherwise normal women is similar to that in males except that onset tends to be at an older age in women. ICSC in women receiving exogenous corticosteroids is more likely to be associated with bilateral involvement and subretinal fibrin.
ICSC may occur in healthy women during the latter half of otherwise uncomplicated pregnancy. For unknown reasons it is associated with white subretinal exudation surrounding the RPE detachment in over 90% of affected pregnant women. It is important not to mistake this serofibrinous exudation for evidence of subretinal neovascularization, focal retinitis, or focal retinal infarction, all of which may suggest investigations including fluorescein angiography, which are usually unnecessary in the differential diagnosis. The detachment resolves spontaneously soon after delivery and the visual prognosis is excellent. ICSC may or may not recur during subsequent pregnancies.
ICSC in the Elderly
Although most patients with ICSC are young and middle-aged males, some first develop symptoms in the later decades of life ( Figure 3.11 C–H). The clinical picture may be identical to that occurring in younger patients, although a larger percentage of the older patients will manifest fundoscopic evidence of previous episodes of subclinical eccentric retinal detachment, as described previously. In older patients there is more concern that the focal leak demonstrated angiographically may represent a focus of occult choroidal neovascularization. Although an occasional patient with ICSC will eventually develop evidence of AMD, there is no evidence that the two diseases are more than casually related.
ICSC associated with sildenafil
More older males are presenting with ICSC associated with use of agents for erectile dysfunction such as sildenafil ( Figure 3.09 A–F). Unlike older patients with drusen and age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the smooth elevation of the photoreceptors and no areas of RPE bumps caused by drusen ( Figure 3.09 E) on OCT should prompt the diagnosis of ICSC. Cessation of sildenafil use caused resolution in most patients and some showed recurrence on resuming the medication.
ICSC with leopard-spot retinopathy in elderly patients on systemic steroids
This fundus appearance of yellow deposits in a “reticulated leopard-spot fashion” was brought to attention by Iida et al. in 2002 as a newly recognized finding in 5 older men between 68 and 81 years of age receiving systemic corticosteroids. However this same pattern was previously described by Gass et al. in 1992 in patients following renal, heart, and heart–lung transplant who were receiving systemic steroids (see Figure 3.60 A–L). Corticosteroids seem to be the common factor linking these two groups of patients ( Figure 3.09L and M ).
ICSC Simulating Pattern Dystrophy
Patients presenting with the typical findings of ICSC may over a period of years develop multiple focal yellow lesions with pigmented centers in one or both eyes, simulating that seen in patients with pattern dystrophy. These lesions may also simulate Elschnig spots caused by fibrinoid necrosis associated with severe hypertension, collagen vascular disease, and disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC).
Other Associations with ICSC
The author has seen ICSC occurring in 2 women in association with retinitis pigmentosa (see Figure 5.41A–C) and with episcleritis.
The prognosis for the majority of patients with ICSC for spontaneous resolution of macular detachment and return of visual acuity is excellent. Improvement can continue for up to 6 months after reattachment of the retina. However, when tested carefully, many patients recovering 20/20 acuity will still have a mild permanent defect, such as a decrease in color sensitivity, loss of contrast sensitivity, relative scotoma, micropsia, metamorphopsia, or nyctalopia. Approximately 5% will fail to recover 20/30 or better acuity. With prolonged and recurrent episodes of detachment the patient may develop permanent visual loss to levels of 20/200 or less. This is more likely to occur in patients with the multicentric chronic form of the disease.
The prognosis for reattachment of large serous detachments of the RPE is not as good as that for small detachments. Patients with large serous detachments of the RPE, however, usually maintain relatively good vision for months or years ( Figure 3.04 A–C). There is great variability in the biomicroscopic appearance of the macula after resolution of retinal detachment. In some patients the fundus may regain a normal appearance. Most, however, will demonstrate some evidence of irregular depigmentation of the RPE, usually most noticeable in the area of the RPE detachment. Those with recurrent detachment may show extensive atrophy of the RPE throughout the central macular area.
The long-term visual prognosis for most patients with ICSC is good. Approximately 20–30% of patients will have one or more recurrences. Although approximately one-third of patients will have biomicroscopic and angiographic evidence of one or more focal changes in the RPE in the opposite eye; fewer than 20% are destined to develop serous detachment of the macula in the opposite eye. Evidence to date suggests that only a small percentage, probably less than 5%, of these patients will ever develop choroidal neovascularization or chronic detachment with cystoid macular edema.
Pathology and Pathogenesis
There is limited information concerning the pathology of ICSC ( Figures 3.12 and 3.13 ). Histopathologic examination of one eye obtained from a patient who died of a myocardial infarction showed no abnormality in the choriocapillaris underlying the RPE detachment ( Figure 3.13 ). Dr. de Venecia found no definite abnormality in the choriocapillaris in the case occurring in the patient with chronic renal failure previously cited ( Figure 3.12 ). His finding, however, that the gray-white exudate noted clinically contained fibrin provides evidence that a marked alteration occurring in the permeability of the choriocapillaris had permitted escape of serum proteins as large as fibrinogen. This white serofibrinous subretinal exudation occurs in the area of RPE detachment in 10–15% of all patients with ICSC. This observation, together with other features of ICSC, including the frequent blisterlike detachment of the RPE underlying the serous retinal detachment and the frequent presence of large amounts of subretinal fluid, is further evidence that increase in the permeability of the choriocapillaris is the primary cause of damage to the overlying RPE, focal loss of the RPE attachment to Bruch’s membrane, and movement of plasma proteins and water into the subretinal space in patients with ICSC. Indocyanine green videoangiography has provided additional evidence of abnormal choriocapillary permeability that may be more extensive than that indicated by fluorescein angiography. Spitznas has suggested that a reversal of direction of ion secretion by the focally damaged RPE allows water to move toward the retina rather than the choroid. Marmor postulates that patients with ICSC must have a more diffuse area of metabolic impairment of the RPE to explain the detachment that may persist for weeks or months. There is experimental evidence that a focal injury to the choriocapillary wall as well as the RPE may be important in the pathogenesis of ICSC. The pathogenesis of ICSC and the mechanisms explaining how photocoagulation accelerates resolution of retinal detachment are unclear.

Although patients with ICSC typically have no systemic disease, they often are highly competitive and compulsive workaholics who relate the onset of their symptoms to unusual stress, such as a change in job, demanding deadlines, marital problems, family death or sickness, or accidental injury. Yannuzzi has demonstrated a high association of type A behavior pattern in patients with ICSC compared to control groups of patients. There is no convincing evidence that ICSC is either infectious or inflammatory in nature or that it represents a diffuse RPE dystrophy.
A picture similar to ICSC has been produced experimentally by intrascleral injection of indomethacin in rabbits, and by repeated intravenous administration of epinephrine in monkeys and rabbits. This work lends credence to the theory that stress may play an important role in causing focal permeability changes in the choriocapillaris and loss of adherence of the RPE to Bruch’s membrane in patients who are predisposed to macular detachment. The observations that: (1) systemic corticosteroid administration may precipitate and aggravate ICSC; (2) patients with Cushing’s disease may develop ICSC; and (3) pregnant women show a predilection for developing ICSC suggest that elevated serum cortisol levels may be of importance in the pathogenesis of ICSC.
There is some evidence to suggest that the prevalence and severity of ICSC are related to race. ICSC, along with most other disorders associated with exudative detachment of the macula, occurs infrequently in black persons. ICSC occurs commonly in Latins, Orientals, Asian Indians and Caucasians. The severe recurrent form of the disease may be more common in the Latin population, Asian Indians, and in Orientals.
Differential Diagnosis
Other diseases that may cause localized serous detachment of the macula include: (1) congenital pit of the optic nerve; (2) choroidal tumors, located in either the macula or peripheral areas, particularly superiorly, for example, hemangiomas, metastatic carcinoma, leukemia, melanoma, and osteoma; (3) retinal hole in either the macula or paramacular area of patients with high myopia with posterior staphylomata or in the peripheral fundus superiorly; (4) malignant hypertension, toxemia of pregnancy, collagen vascular diseases, or other diseases associated with DIC; (5) choroidal inflammatory diseases, either focal, for example, presumed ocular histoplasmosis or sarcoidosis, or diffuse, for example, Harada’s disease, sympathetic ophthalmia, benign reactive lymphoid hyperplasia of the uveal tract, and posterior scleritis; (6) idiopathic uveal effusion; (7) ocular contusion; (8) traction maculopathy caused by incomplete posterior vitreous separation; and (9) senile macular degeneration and idiopathic polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (IPCV). Long-standing inferior peripheral exudative retinal detachment in patients with chronic ICSC may be mistaken for retinoschisis, uveal effusion, rhegmatogenous detachment, or Eales’ disease if the patients develop retinitis proliferans and retinal capillary closure in the area of chronic retinal detachment. (See discussion of atypical presentations of ICSC.) In patients older than 50 years of age and with a few small drusen in the macula, or in patients with one or two small chorioretinal scars, it may be impossible to exclude senile macular degeneration in the former and the presumed ocular histoplasmosis syndrome (POHS) in the latter as the cause of the serous macular detachment. In such cases there is a greater risk that the focal leak may represent a small neovascular complex rather than a serous detachment of the RPE. In some cases the association of a systemic disease with serous macular detachment may be coincidental.
Patients following scleral buckling procedures in the early postoperative course may have one or more round or oval areas of exudative retinal detachment that simulate serous detachments of the RPE in the macula (see Figure 7.29G–I).
There is no evidence that medical treatment, abstinence from smoking, or the administration of beta-blockers has proved useful in the treatment of ICSC. There is good evidence that photocoagulation of the site of RPE detachment or the RPE leak produces resolution of the retinal detachment usually within 3–4 weeks in most of these patients ( Figure 3.04 D–I). There is no evidence, however, that prompt photocoagulation reduces the chances of permanent loss of visual function. There is no value of placement of photocoagulation into areas other than those showing evidence of leakage angiographically.
Although the complications of photocoagulation, such as accidental coagulation of the foveola, retinal distortion, and choroidal neovascularization, are few, it is probably not advisable to recommend immediate photocoagulation treatment in all of these patients. The following criteria for photocoagulation are utilized by Gass:
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Allow 4 months for spontaneous resolution if the patient has had no previous history or ophthalmoscopic evidence of previous detachment.
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Wait 6 months or longer before photocoagulation if the RPE leak is less than one-fourth disc diameter from the fovea.
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Allow 1 month for spontaneous resolution in patients with a history of several episodes of detachment in the same eye, if after each episode the patient has regained normal macular function.
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When the leak is at least one-fourth disc diameter from the center of the fovea, prompt photocoagulation is justified: (1) if detachment has been present for 4 months or longer; (2) if the patient has evidence of permanent loss of acuity or paracentral visual field in either eye secondary to previous episodes of detachment; or (3) if for occupational reasons the patient cannot work because of the visual dysfunction caused by the detachment.
Light- to moderate-intensity applications of all modalities of photocoagulation including argon, krypton, and dye laser photocoagulation to the area of RPE detachment or RPE leakage are effective in treating ICSC. Laser debridement of the RPE in the area of the leakage, permitting ingrowth of surrounding RPE, is probably all that is required to cause resolution of the detachment ( Figures 3.05 and 3.09 A–F). It is important to look for any of the biomicroscopic or angiographic signs of choroidal neovascularization when evaluating the leaking area in these patients. Minimal-intensity photocoagulation applications of a size tailored to the area of RPE detachment should be used. If there is any evidence to suggest the leak may be caused by choroidal neovascularization, then more intense treatment is indicated. Even in cases where no evidence of neovascularization is evident, probably 2–5% of these patients will develop evidence of choroidal neovascularization within several weeks or months of treatment. This is one of the most important complications occurring after photocoagulation in these patients. In some, it is probably caused by the treatment, and in others, it may exist before treatment. Careful monitoring of the size of the treatment scotoma on the Amsler grid by the patient after treatment is important in the early detection and treatment of this complication.
Chronic and Recurrent ICSC
Lowering or discontinuing systemic steroids in those receiving steroids should be tried as the first step. Failure of resolution of fluid should prompt light focal laser to the leaks ( Figure 3.05 ) if demonstrated on an angiogram. In those eyes with widespread chorioretinal involvement as seen on fluorescein or indocyanine green angiography, photodynamic therapy is beneficial in most cases. Both full- and reduced-fluence treatments and full- and half-dose have been used; more recently reduced fluence has been advocated to reduce toxic effects of the therapy. The spot size is determined by the area of staining on the angiograms. An extra 500-μm zone is not necessary, as in treating choroidal neovascularization. Care must be taken to avoid including the foveal center if no significant subfoveal fluid is present.
Jampol et al. have shown resolution of subretinal fluid by the use of mifepristone, an antiglucocorticoid and antiprogesterone medication used as an abortifacient. A daily dose of 200 mg caused dramatic resolution of subretinal fluid, but it recurred once the drug was discontinued. The drug works by blocking the glucocorticoid receptors via negative-feedback control of adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol, causing an increase of both in the serum.
Age-Related Macular Degeneration †
† Also known as senile macular degeneration, senile macular choroidal degeneration, senile disciform macular degeneration, Kuhnt-Junius disciform detachment, familial drusen, dominantly inherited drusen, Hutchinson-Tays central guttate choroiditis, Doyne’s honeycombed choroiditis, and Holthouse-Batten superficial choroiditis.
AMD is a chronic degenerative or dystrophic disease affecting primarily the choriocapillaris, Bruch’s membrane, and the RPE. It is the commonest cause of legal blindness in the USA and UK. The large number of names used in the old literature to describe the various stages of the disorder have served to obscure the fact that it is probably a single disease that in many cases is familial and inherited as an autosomal-dominant trait. The presently most widely accepted name, age-related macular degeneration, is unfortunate in some respects because it suggests that all affected patients are elderly and that its root cause is aging. Although the average age of patients when they lose central vision in the first eye is 65 years of age, some patients develop evidence of the disease in the fourth and fifth decades of life. As of 2004, it was estimated that about 8 million individuals are affected by AMD in the USA and 1.75 million of them have advanced disease. It mostly affects white blue-eyed individuals and is rarely responsible for visual loss in black persons. AMD should be distinguished from the following diseases: (1) dominantly inherited progressive juvenile foveal dystrophy associated with drusenlike changes and macular staphyloma, a disease that is endemic in western North Carolina (see p. 292); (2) basal laminar drusen and macular degeneration (see p. 132); and (3) pattern dystrophy (see Chapter 5).
Predisciform Stage
Typical or Exudative Drusen
The earliest sign of AMD is the development of multiple, usually discrete, round, slightly elevated, variably sized, sub-RPE deposits in the macula and elsewhere in the fundus of both eyes ( Figures 3.14 – 3.16 ). These deposits are called drusen. The German word “druse” (plural “drusen”) means nodule, referring in particular to areas of clear crystallization within stones. The term “typical” or “exudative” drusen is used here to differentiate these variably sized deposits of extracellular material lying between the basement membrane of the RPE and the inner collagenous zone of Bruch’s membrane from uniformly small, round, nodular thickenings of the RPE basement membrane (basal laminar drusen, cuticular drusen) that probably have a different pathogenesis (see p. 132). Typical or exudative drusen may develop in early adulthood but infrequently are visible biomicroscopically until middle life or later. Early in their development drusen may be inapparent ophthalmoscopically because of their small size and relatively normal overlying RPE. Usually, however, they can be detected in retroillumination with the slit lamp as semitranslucent bodies.

As the deposit enlarges and the overlying RPE thins, drusen assume a yellow or gray color and are more easily detected. They vary widely in size from yellow punctate nodules (“hard” drusen; Figure 3.14 A) to large, pale yellow or gray-white, placoid or dome-shaped structures indistinguishable from localized serous detachments of the RPE (“soft” drusen; Figures 3.14D and G and 3.15A ). Drusen are often clustered in the macular or paramacular area. Whether centrally or eccentrically located, their distribution is usually symmetric in both eyes. Drusen change in size, shape, distribution, color, and consistency with the passing years ( Figure 3.15 ). Although they tend to increase in number and size ( Figure 3.15 C and D), drusen may also fade from view and decrease in number ( Figure 3.15 A and B). In some cases, areas of geographic atrophy of the pigment epithelium may remain following disappearance of drusen ( Figure 3.15 E and F). Drusen may become calcified and crystalline in appearance ( Figure 3.15 A, and see Figure 3.29 ). This change suggests dehydration of the drusen and often precedes the development of geographic atrophy of the RPE. Occasionally drusen develop a polychromatic or golden sparkling appearance indicative of cholesterol deposits. Some drusen may become ossified and assume a white appearance. A few may appear pink secondary to choroidal neovascular tufts growing through Bruch’s membrane into the drusen. In some patients the sub-RPE deposits are distributed diffusely rather than focally and are evident ophthalmoscopically only as an ill-defined area of slightly mottled yellow color of the RPE in the macula.
Most patients with the predisciform stage of the disease have excellent visual acuity and are asymptomatic. Some with many drusen centrally complain of decreased ability to read, particularly in dimmed illumination, and mild metamorphopsia. Loss of contrast sensitivity is common and may be out of proportion to loss of Snellen acuity. This loss may involve the entire macula and is not confined to the areas with drusen. Early loss of sensitivity may be a predictor of severe visual loss. Patients frequently experience difficulty with driving an automobile at night. Electrophysiologic tests in most patients are normal. Some may have mild to moderate reduction in electro-oculographic responses.
Drusen are not always confined to the macular area. In some patients they may be present nasal to the optic disc. In others they may be largely confined to the peripheral macular area, particularly in the areas of the major vascular arcades. Drusen in this latter distribution may have a somewhat granular, less discrete appearance and may be seen in black patients, who infrequently develop drusen in the macular area. Many widely scattered drusen are usually visible with a three-mirror gonioprism in the peripheral fundus. In contrast to drusen in the posterior pole, these drusen often have a halo of pigment at their base. In some patients these drusen are arranged in a confluent, linear, and triradiate pattern to produce a prominent pigmented network visible ophthalmoscopically in the midperiphery of the fundus ( Figure 3.17 ). This is usually most evident nasally and is referred to as senile reticular pigmentary degeneration. A narrow, indistinct, yellow or gray zone caused by the deposition of sub-RPE drusen material often surrounds the temporal half or more of the optic disc.

Patients with multiple large drusen and with focal areas of hyperpigmentation in the macular area are at greater risk of developing subretinal neovascularization. Fluorescein angiographic findings in drusen are variable and depend upon their size, height, degree of pigmentation of the RPE on their surface, and the contents and consistency of the material lying between the RPE and Bruch’s membrane. Most drusen cause focal well-defined hyperfluorescence. The time of appearance of their early fluorescence depends upon the rate of staining of Bruch’s membrane and the sub-RPE material, and their translucency. The intensity of their later staining with fluorescein depends primarily on their consistency ( Figure 3.14 ). Although a delay in the appearance of the background choroidal fluorescence occurs in some patients with drusen, it is probable that this is caused by a delay in staining of Bruch’s membrane and the sub-RPE material, both of which in some patients may have a higher lipid content, rather than a delay in perfusion of the choroidal blood vessels. Smaller nodular (“hard”) drusen typically show a peak fluorescence within several minutes of injection, and fading paralleling that of the background choroidal fluorescence. Fluorescence of medium and large drusen may be delayed until the later stages of angiography ( Figure 3.14 G–J). This may be caused by the thickness of the drusen as well as the lipid content of the drusen and the underlying Bruch’s membrane ( Figure 3.14 G–J). Angiography may reveal the presence of more drusen than are apparent ophthalmoscopically.
Histopathologically, most drusen consist of focal collections of eosinophilic material lying between the basement membrane of the RPE and Bruch’s membrane ( Figure 3.16 ). They therefore represent focal detachments of the RPE. The detached RPE cells may be thinned and hypopigmented. The sub-RPE material may appear homogeneous and hyalinized ( Figure 3.16 A), finely granular ( Figure 3.16 B), or a combination of both ( Figure 3.16 C). In some cases it may contain calcium, cholesterol clefts, and bone ( Figure 3.16 D). The variable histopathologic appearance and composition of drusen suggest that their consistency probably varies from watery or mushy in the case of the large placoid drusen ( Figure 3.16 B), to firm in the case of the nodular hyalinized periodic acid–Schiff (PAS)-positive drusen ( Figure 3.16 A), to hard in the case of calcified or ossified white drusen ( Figure 3.16 D). It is these histopathologic variations that have given rise to physicians’ use of the terms “hard” and “soft” to describe the clinical appearance of small, discrete and larger, often placoid drusen, respectively.
As might be expected from the variability of the clinical and histopathologic appearance of drusen, there is heterogeneity in regard to their ultrastructural and histochemical makeup. There is evidence in monkeys and humans that the earliest development of some drusen involves the outward evagination of portions of the basal cell wall and cytoplasm of the RPE cell into the sub-RPE space between the inner collagenous portion of Bruch’s membrane and the RPE cell. These vesicles of cytoplasm become pinched off, degenerate, and form a nidus for the accumulation of an admixture of metabolic products and substances derived from the surrounding RPE, retina, and choriocapillaris. Histochemical and electron microscopic studies of typical or exudative drusen reveal a variety of substances and materials accumulating between the relatively normal basement membrane of the detached RPE and the inner collagenous zone of Bruch’s membrane. These include sulfated and nonsulfated glycoconjugates; lipid material; plasma membranelike material; vesicles; amorphous material; types I, III, IV, and V collagen; fibronectin; immunoglobulins; degenerated RPE organelles; and viable cell processes. Some investigators have attributed these viable cell processes surrounded by basement membrane to macrophages, or pericytes, rather than RPE cells.
Histopathologically there may be minimal degeneration of the retinal receptor elements overlying drusen. Many eyes with focal drusen show, in addition, a thin layer of fine granular eosinophilic material separating the RPE from Bruch’s membrane throughout most of the macular region ( Figure 3.16 E). Ultrastructurally this sub-RPE deposit may lie between the RPE plasma membrane and its basement membrane (basal laminar deposit) or between the inner collagenous zone of Bruch’s membrane and the basement membrane of the RPE (basal linear deposit). The basal laminar deposit is composed primarily of wide-spaced collagen; the basal linear deposit is composed of vesicular and granular electron-dense, lipid-rich material. Some authors believe that basal laminar deposit, which is primarily type IV collagen, is a unique feature found in eyes predisposed to the development of AMD, whereas others have presented evidence that it, along with the thickening of Bruch’s membrane and drusen, is an aging change and is not unique for AMD. Both types of deposit are particularly noticeable in eyes with multiple large so-called “soft” drusen and disciform detachments.
Other important histopathologic changes in the macula accompany drusen. There is irregular thickening and thinning of Bruch’s membrane associated with calcific degeneration of the elastic and collagen tissue comprising this structure. In the underlying choriocapillaris there is thickening and hyalinization of the intercapillary stromal pillars secondary to the deposition of a PAS-positive material that effectively reduces the surface area of the capillary bed ( Figure 3.16 E). The large choroidal vessels are unaffected. There is no indocyanine green angiographic or rheologic evidence of impaired choroidal perfusion in patients with drusen. The changes in Bruch’s membrane and the choriocapillaris that accompany macular drusen have been referred to previously as senile macular choroidal degeneration. It is uncertain, however, whether these changes are manifestations of a dominantly inherited dystrophy or are merely degenerative changes secondary to aging.
Histopathologically, a few scattered drusen are found frequently in the peripheral fundus, particularly in the aging eye of white patients. When numerous they are arranged in a reticular pattern and are associated with hyperplasia of the RPE between drusen that produces a reticular pattern of pigmentation ophthalmoscopically that may be mistaken clinically for that in retinitis pigmentosa ( Figure 3.17 ). In all, 80–90% of patients with many peripheral drusen show evidence of age-related macular changes.
The pathogenesis of typical or exudative drusen is unknown. Although most recent authors have favored the view that aging or dystrophic changes in the RPE are primarily responsible for the accumulation of abnormal material beneath its basement membrane, it is uncertain whether the primary locus of the disease resides in one or a combination of the retina and RPE, Bruch’s membrane, or choriocapillaris. The demonstration of viable cell processes within drusen in their early development and the later finding of incompletely digested RPE and retinal cell organelles within the sub-RPE material suggest that the posterior evagination of buds of RPE cell basal cytoplasm and basement membrane is an important stage in the development of drusen. Accumulation of lipids in Bruch’s membrane is part of the aging process of Bruch’s membrane and makes it to some degree a hydrophobic barrier to the movement of water and ions toward the choroid. This may be an important factor in fostering enlargement of drusen (conversion from hard to soft drusen), and confluence of drusen to form serous detachments of the pigment epithelium. Although there is much evidence to suggest that typical or exudative drusen may be inherited as an autosomal-dominant characteristic, the role of heredity in the causation of drusen in most patients is uncertain. Drusen have been produced experimentally in animals with intravitreal injection of aminoglycosides.
Other retinal flecks that may clinically simulate drusen include those occurring in patients with cuticular or basal laminar drusen (see p. 132), Stargardt’s disease (see p. 275), North Carolina fundus dystrophy (see p. 292), fundus albi punctate dystrophy (see p. 322), Alport’s disease (see p. 312), and ring-17 chromosome retinopathy (see p. 316). In monkeys and humans focal lipidization of RPE cells may cause fundus lesions that resemble small drusen. These punctate, yellow lesions usually are not evident angiographically. A few of them are often found in the central macular area of otherwise normal fundi in adults of all ages. Their pathogenesis and their relationship to drusen formation are unknown.
The primary cause of significant loss of central vision in patients with AMD is serous and hemorrhagic detachment of the RPE and retina caused by choroidal neovascularization.
Occult Choroidal Neovascularization
The ingrowth of new vessels extending from the choroid into the sub-RPE space in one or more areas occurs frequently and is the most important histopathologic change that predisposes patients with drusen to macular detachment and loss of central vision (see discussion of type I choroidal neovascularization in Chapter 2). Neovascular buds invade and penetrate the degenerated Bruch’s membrane and proliferate beneath the RPE ( Figures 2.05–2.07 and 3.18 ). In addition, capillaries may invade the sub-RPE drusenlike deposits adjacent to the optic disc by extension through or around the edge of Bruch’s membrane ( Figure 3.18 D). It is not known whether the granulomatous inflammatory response to degenerated Bruch’s membrane found in some cases is an important factor in the process of subretinal neovascularization. The accumulation of phospholipid-containing membranes in the outer collagenous zone of Bruch’s membrane and of lipid within drusen may be responsible for attracting these macrophages.

The new capillaries that penetrate Bruch’s membrane grow in a flat cartwheel or seafan configuration away from their site of entry into the sub-RPE space (see Figure 2.07). The retinal blood flow in these vessels initially is slow, and the integrity of the capillary endothelium is adequate to prevent exudation ( Figure 3.18 E). In some cases the slow proliferation of new vessels and fibroblastic proliferation may produce a solid elevation of the RPE (see Figure 2.06). These organized RPE detachments or mounds may vary in size and shape and are often irregular in elevation (see Figure 3.22 A and D). Because the fine biomicroscopic details of the elevated RPE and drusen look much the same as the surrounding RPE, and because of the minimal angiographic changes in the area of these organized RPE mounds, they may be easily overlooked without careful contact lens examination and good-quality stereoscopic fluorescein angiograms. Occasionally these organized RPE detachments may assume tumorlike proportions and simulate choroidal hemangiomas clinically (see Figure 3.28 E). Failure to recognize areas of organized RPE detachment adjacent to areas of high-flow choroidal neovascular membranes (CNVMs) or adjacent to large serous detachments of the RPE is responsible for many of the poor results of photocoagulation. The structure and function of the RPE and retina overlying these occult CNVMs or mounds may be minimally affected ( Figure 3.18 ). During this occult stage of choroidal neovascularization the patient is usually asymptomatic and the new vessels may not be apparent either ophthalmoscopically or angiographically. The stimulus causing neovascular invasion of the sub-RPE space and the explanation for its more frequent occurrence near the center of the macula and the peripapillary region is unknown. The histopathologic observation of choriocapillary atrophy in the vicinity of neovascular ingrowth suggests that ischemia may be an important factor. Experimentally, type II subretinal choroidal neovascularization can be produced by photocoagulation damage to the choriocapillaris–Bruch’s membrane–RPE complex. There is no experimental model for type I sub-RPE choroidal neovascularization that occurs in AMD.
Disciform Detachment Stages
Although most patients with AMD are in their seventh decade at the time of onset of symptoms, loss of acuity in some patients may occur in the fifth decade or earlier. Significant loss of central vision in these patients occurs primarily by three mechanisms: (1) confluence of drusen to form multilobulated exudative RPE detachments (5% or fewer of cases); (2) geographic atrophy of the RPE and retina (5–10%); and (3) subretinal neovascularization with serous and hemorrhagic detachment of the RPE and retina (80–90%).
Exudative Detachment of the Retinal Pigment Epithelium Unassociated with Choroidal Neovascularization (Avascular Serous RPE Detachment)
Unlike patients with ICSC, patients with drusen infrequently develop large areas of serous retinal detachment overlying small serous RPE detachments, but they frequently present with large serous RPE detachments and minimal serous retinal detachment ( Figures 2.04, 2.09, and 3.19 ). The normal aging changes in the inner zones of Bruch’s membrane as well as those that may be peculiar to AMD cause loosening of the adherence of the RPE basement membrane to Bruch’s membrane. Increased lipidization of Bruch’s membrane renders it hydrophobic and a barrier to normal movement of fluid by the RPE into the choroid. This predisposes patients with AMD to the formation of soft drusen and to progressive enlargement and confluence of drusen to form a focal area of RPE detachment, often with scalloped borders, a slightly irregular surface, and a triradiate pattern of orange or gray pigmentation on its surface. These avascular RPE detachments, referred to by some as drusenoid RPE detachments, typically develop slowly and initially may cause minimal complaints of blurring and metamorphopsia ( Figures 3.14G–I and 3.15G–L) . Angiography in these slowly developing avascular serous RPE detachments shows a gradual staining of the sub-RPE exudate and outlines the nonfluorescent pigment figure on its surface ( Figures 3.14H and I and 3.15J ). There may be some irregularity of the late staining pattern caused by irregular density of the sub-RPE material. A few patients may experience abrupt visual loss and distortion caused by a more rapidly developing, round or oval, smooth-surfaced, dome-shaped area of serous detachment of the RPE in the absence of any evidence of occult neovascularization ( Figure 3.19 A–D). These rapidly developing avascular RPE detachments show a pattern of rapid even fluorescein staining ( Figure 3.19 B) that is unlike that seen with most serous RPE detachments caused by choroidal neovascularization (see discussion of vascularized RPE detachments, p. 106) as well as those lesions that may simulate serous RPE detachment, such as metastatic carcinoma, amelanotic melanomas, or other solid tumors.

Because of prognostic and therapeutic implications, it is important to look for signs of choroidal neovascularization, which usually is the cause of these rapidly developing detachments of the RPE. The vision of patients with subfoveal serous RPE detachments can usually be corrected to 20/25–20/40 with the addition of plus lenses. When there is no choroidal neovascularization there may be only minimal progression of visual loss over many months or years. The detachment may enlarge slowly and occasionally may spontaneously flatten. The value of photocoagulation ( Figure 3.19 ) is uncertain.
Serous and Hemorrhagic Detachment of the Retina Caused by Choroidal Neovascularization
At any stage in the development of an occult CNVM beneath the RPE, blood flow may become sufficient to cause leakage of serous exudate and diapedesis of red cells into the subpigment space around the CNVM. This may progress to produce a variety of ophthalmoscopic pictures of exudative and hemorrhagic detachment of the macula. The most frequent sequence of events giving rise to symptoms is the decompensation of the RPE overlying the CNVM and serous detachment of the overlying and surrounding retina ( Figure 3.20 ). A light-grayish discoloration usually occurs in the area of the CNVM. The blood vessels comprising the CNVM may or may not be visible biomicroscopically ( Figure 3.20 ). Small foci of subretinal blood or yellow, lipid-rich exudate may occur near the margins of the CNVM. In cases where the neovascular membrane extends beneath the retinal capillary-free zone, cystoid macular edema may occur. The reasons for the accumulation of intraretinal exudate in this instance are uncertain, but it may be caused in part by disruption of the retinal outer limiting membrane–receptor cell barrier to the intraretinal migration of subretinal exudate and the paucity of the retinal capillaries in this area to remove it (see Figure 2.15 and discussion in Chapter 2). The ability of stereoscopic fluorescein angiography to localize a CNVM accurately depends primarily on the rate of blood flow through the membrane and the presence or absence of material anterior to the membrane that may obstruct the view of the fluorescence within the capillary network.

The typical cartwheel or seafan pattern of the new vessels is visible in high-flow membranes with minimal extravasated blood, cloudy exudate, or fibrous tissue anterior to it ( Figure 3.20 ). In some membranes with only a moderate blood flow rate, an ill-defined ooze of fluorescein appears late in the area of the membrane ( Figure 3.21 ). When the serous retinal detachment is caused by leakage of exudate from the surface of an occult sub-RPE neovascular complex, angiography may show only a multifocal pinpoint or irregular pattern of staining at the surface of the organized RPE detachment ( Figure 3.22 B and C). The accurate localization of choroidal neovascularization in such cases is difficult. It is also difficult or impossible if part of the CNVM is obscured by blood located beneath either the RPE or the retina. Stereoscopic angiograms are essential to the detection and localization of most CNVMs, particularly that part of the CNVM complex that is occult. Areas of irregular elevation of the RPE that do not stain probably harbor occult new vessels. Once exudation begins, most CNVMs progressively enlarge to 1–2 disc diameters in size or larger and cause progressive loss of visual function.

Serous Detachment of the Retinal Pigment Epithelium Caused by Choroidal Neovascularization (Vascularized RPE Detachment)
In patients with AMD, acute visual loss is caused by a large, sharply circumscribed, smooth-surfaced, serous detachment of the RPE in approximately 10% of cases. In the majority of cases, this detachment is caused by choroidal neovascularization. Because of the cartwheel or seafan pattern of sub-RPE CNVM and because of the relatively firm connection established between the new capillaries and the base of the overlying RPE, there is a predilection for serous exudation and/or hemorrhage to occur near the margin of the CNVM. This results in detachment of the adjacent RPE around the margin of the CNVM, and production of a variety of shapes of large RPE detachments (see Figures 2.09, 2.10, 3.21, and 3.22 ). If the detachment occurs at one segment of the edge of the CNVM, a flat-sided, reniform, or notched RPE detachment is the result ( Figures 3.21 and 3.22 ). If the detachment extends away from the entire margin of the CNVM, a doughnut-shaped RPE detachment may occur. Any of these irregularly shaped RPE detachments should suggest the probable presence of a CNVM that for the most part lies outside the area of RPE detachment, within either the notch or the central depressed area of the RPE detachment ( Figures 3.21 and 3.22 ). Biomicroscopically there may or may not be any other evidence of the presence of the CNVM in these areas. If serous detachment of the RPE overlying the CNVM occurs, a round or oval, dome-shaped detachment identical to an avascular RPE detachment may result. If serous detachment of the RPE develops adjacent to an organized sub-RPE detachment, an irregularly elevated, oval or dumbbell-shaped RPE detachment develops ( Figures 3.22A–C and 3.23A ). The details of the RPE and drusen are better preserved in the less-elevated, organized part of the detachment ( Figure 3.22 D). The presence of a dark meniscus (blood or blood pigment) at the dependent part of the serous RPE detachment ( Figure 3.21 G) or of subretinal blood or yellow exudate near its margin is evidence of the presence of a CNVM located either just outside of the edge of, or beneath, the RPE detachment.

The fluorescein angiographic findings are important in differentiating vascularized from nonvascularized serous RPE detachments. In vascularized serous RPE detachments, the sub-RPE exudate usually stains more slowly, presumably because of the presence of a large amount of protein and blood pigment within the exudate, and incompletely because of an uneven distribution of blood or a mound of fibrovascular tissue present beneath the RPE detachment ( Figures 3.21 and 3.22 ). When a serous RPE detachment arises at one edge of either a flat or elevated organized CNVM, angiography often shows early fluorescein staining of the sub-RPE serous exudate in the area of serous detachment but delayed and uneven or, occasionally, no staining in the area of the CNVM. In some cases, however, there may be an intensification of the staining of the sub-RPE exudate adjacent to the CNVM ( Figure 3.21 I). When exudate from the CNVM detaches the overlying as well as adjacent RPE to produce a round or oval detachment, slow or uneven staining of the sub-RPE exudate in the area of the neovascular complex may be the only clue to the presence of the underlying CNVM.
Serous RPE detachments caused by choroidal neovascularization are likely to be large, to develop evidence of hemorrhage and organization (sub-RPE fibrovascular proliferation), and to cause significant loss of central vision soon after onset of symptoms. Because portions of the CNVM are nearly always hidden from view beneath the RPE detachment, treatment with photocoagulation is difficult and of uncertain value.
Retinal Pigment Epithelial Tear
Patients who develop a serous RPE detachment extending away from one part of an organized RPE detachment are at some risk of developing an RPE tear spontaneously, during or following photocoagulation, and even following anti-VEGF therapy ( Figures 3.19 G, 3.22 , and 3.23 ). Typical pretear findings are: (1) a large, round, oval, or slightly dumbbell-shaped elevation of the RPE with one area less elevated than the other; (2) preservation of the RPE details, including drusen in the smaller, less elevated, organized portion of the RPE elevation; and (3) irregular and incomplete fluorescein staining in the area of less elevation, and delayed but even more intense staining of the sub-RPE exudate in the more elevated serous portion of the RPE detachment ( Figures 3.22 and 3.23 ). There may be no other biomicroscopic signs of underlying choroidal neovascularization. Either spontaneously or following treatment, an acute RPE tear may occur at or along the border of the serous RPE detachment on the side opposite the location of the new vessels. These patients usually notice an abrupt increase in visual loss caused by the passage of serous exudation from beneath the RPE into the subretinal space. Occasionally, however, patients may retain excellent visual acuity in spite of extension of the rip beneath the foveal center ( Figure 3.23 A–F, I, and J). Only if seen within 24 hours after the tear will the free edge of the RPE be seen before it rolls under and retracts toward the area of subretinal neovascular tissue.
By the time most patients present there is a crescent-shaped geographic zone of absent RPE adjacent to an elevated hyperpigmented mound composed of the retracted and rolled-under RPE collapsed against the surface of the fibrovascular tissue ( Figures 3.22 G and K). The retinal detachment resolves soon after development of the tear, presumably because of regrowth of hypopigmented RPE cells across the defect and perhaps also because of partial closure of the choriocapillaris ( Figures 3.22 and 3.23 ). In some patients this new growth of RPE is visible biomicroscopically as a blunting of the edges of the tear by ingrowth of a faintly opaque layer of tissue into the area of the tear. In some cases a prominent layer of fibrous metaplastic RPE grows into and obliterates evidence of the tear. Subretinal blood and lipid exudate frequently appear soon after development of the tear. Angiography done after the tear usually shows evidence of early nonfluorescence and mottled late staining in the area of the retracted and organized RPE mound, as well as marked diffuse early and late hyperfluorescence in the area of absent or hypopigmented RPE and staining of any subretinal fluid that is present ( Figure 3.22 ).
Hoskin and associates suggested that the pretear picture was best explained by separation of the RPE from its basement membrane in the area of maximum elevation, predisposing it to tear. This explanation, however, is unlikely because of the tight adhesion of the RPE to its basement membrane in normal as well as pathologic conditions, and because it does not explain the clinical and angiographic findings that suggest that underlying choroidal neovascularization is the primary cause of both the pretear and posttear appearance. Chuang and Bird and Bird and Marshall have stressed the importance of the hydrophobic nature of the lipidized Bruch’s membrane acting as a barrier to passage to fluid into the choroid in the pathogenesis of RPE tears in patients with AMD. The biomicroscopic and angiographic findings, however, strongly suggest that hydrostatic pressure generated by leakage of exudate from the margin of occult sub-RPE new vessels is the primary precipitating cause of most of the large, smooth-surfaced, blisterlike serous RPE detachments as well as the acute RPE tears that occur in patients with AMD ( Figure 3.20 G). Occasionally, however, rents developing in the thinned RPE at the edge of long-standing avascular serous RPE detachments are responsible for their spontaneous collapse. Patients with large RPE tears associated with AMD are at high risk of developing RPE tears in the fellow eye.
Angiographic evidence of microrips at the edge of smaller RPE detachments, with streaming of fluorescein dye into the subretinal space similar to that seen in patients with ICSC, occasionally occurs in patients with AMD. Likewise, large RPE tears similar to those associated with AMD occasionally occur in otherwise healthy patients with ICSC with large, often multifocal serofibrinous RPE detachments, and in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and the same findings ( Figure 3.10 ). The RPE tears in these patients are presumably caused by hydrostatic pressure generated by severe focal damage to the permeability of the choriocapillaris (see discussion in earlier section on ICSC).
Tears in the RPE may occur along the juncture of fibrovascular elevation of the RPE and serous RPE detachment during applications of photocoagulation to the neovascularization. These tears occur most frequently during treatment of hypopigmented, thick subretinal neovascular membranes with krypton red laser and are caused by contraction of the fibrovascular tissue comprising the membrane.
Radiating Chorioretinal Folds Surrounding Partly Organized RPE Detachments
Spontaneous contraction of the fibrovascular tissue often hidden beneath serous RPE detachments may pucker Bruch’s membrane and cause a series of radiating chorioretinal folds around the base of the RPE detachment (see Figure 4.04). The radial pattern of yellow rays seen ophthalmoscopically and the hyperfluorescent rays seen angiographically are produced by the linear ridges of infolding of the RPE and choroid. This pattern of folds may be the only ophthalmoscopic sign of occult choroidal neovascularization detectable in some patients with large serous detachments of the RPE. It is curious that this radiating pattern of folds does not occur more often in response to photocoagulation of CNVM. The forces producing this radiating pattern of chorioretinal folds are similar to those responsible for a finer pattern of superficial inner retinal folds radiating outward from a contracted epiretinal fibrocellular membrane.
Linear Chorioretinal Folds Associated with Organized RPE Detachments
A series of slightly irregular chorioretinal folds may develop on the surface of organized RPE detachments if the superficial portion of the sub-RPE fibrovascular tissue undergoes shrinkage.
Hemorrhagic Detachment of the RPE and Retina
Bleeding from the margin of a CNVM may be mild and cause only mild blurring of vision. Spontaneous rupture of a blood vessel usually near one margin of a CNVM, however, may cause sudden loss of central vision secondary to a large hemorrhagic detachment of the RPE and retina ( Figures 3.24 and 3.25 ). Initially the blood may be confined to the sub-RPE space and ophthalmoscopically may cause a dark, almost black, discretely elevated mound beneath the retina. Drusen are often evident on the surface of this mound. At the time of the hemorrhage or within a few days or weeks the blood dissects through the edge of the RPE detachment and spreads in a shallow layer into the subretinal space, where it often appears as a reddish halo at the margin of the RPE detachment ( Figure 3.24 ). The dark appearance of blood beneath the RPE is caused by the moundlike collection of blood and not by its mere presence beneath the RPE. The reddish appearance of the surrounding subretinal blood is caused by the absence of the filtering effect of the RPE but also by the thinness of the layer of blood. Large mounds of blood, whether beneath the RPE or the retina or within the vitreous cavity, often have a black appearance. In a few patients during the early weeks after the bleeding episode there may be remarkable retention of visual function in spite of a large subfoveal hematoma.

Blood in the subretinal and sub-RPE space typically obscures completely the underlying choroidal fluorescence and most or all of the fluorescein leaking from the neovascular complex ( Figure 3.24 ). The absence of subretinal fluorescence serves to differentiate a dark mound of blood from a choroidal melanoma, which always shows evidence of late staining because of blood vessels near its surface ( Figure 3.24 E and F). Once bleeding occurs in the sub-RPE space, varying degrees of organization of the blood occur and there is usually extensive degeneration of both the overlying pigment epithelium and retina. Conversely, blood present in the subretinal space may reabsorb completely with variable and often minimal permanent damage to the structure and function of the overlying retina ( Figure 3.24 A and B).
Many patients who develop large hemorrhagic macular detachments will experience transient loss of peripheral vision that in most cases is caused by diffusion of hemoglobin, rather than whole blood, into the vitreous several weeks or months after the hemorrhagic detachment occurs. The fundus may be completely obscured from view for many months ( Figure 3.26 A–E). This process of anterior diffusion of hemoglobin across the relatively intact retina after damage to the outer barrier structures of the retina by the subretinal blood is similar to that which occurs in some patients after a massive hyphema with hemoglobin diffusing across damaged corneal endothelium and Descemet’s membrane to cause blood staining of the cornea. The breakdown products of blood may stain not only the vitreous but also the iris stroma. This causes a yellow-brown discoloration of the vitreous and a noticeable heterochromia in lightly pigmented individuals ( Figure 3.26 B and C). Usually after 3–6 months or longer, as the blood pigment is phagocytosed, the iris regains its normal color, the vitreous clears, and the peripheral vision returns. Poor central vision and a large disciform scar are usually the end result ( Figure 3.26 E). In elderly patients presenting with intravitreal blood, AMD should always be considered as a possible cause. Evidence of AMD in the opposite eye is an important clue to the correct diagnosis. Ultrasonographic demonstration of a mass of variable reflectivity in the macular area of these patients is helpful in excluding some of the other causes of vitreous hemorrhage.

In patients with moderate to large areas of hemorrhagic detachment of the RPE and retina, photocoagulation is often not effective because the blood obscures at least part of the CNVM from view. In cases where the bleeding appears to have occurred from one edge of the CNVM and where the configuration of the CNVM suggests that it does not extend far beneath the blood, photocoagulation of the CNVM with a long-wavelength laser may be of some value.
Chronic Exudative and Hemorrhagic Stages
Once the process of exudation and hemorrhage begins, the CNVM usually continues to enlarge, often in a concentric manner. Oozing of blood cells from the outer dilated margin of the CNVM occurs frequently and is responsible for the flecks of subretinal blood that may intermittently appear at its margins ( Figure 3.27 A). The dark irregular areas often seen angiographically at the edge of these sub-RPE membranes, even in the absence of biomicroscopic evidence of blood, are probably caused by breakdown products of blood accumulating there. The yellow exudate that occurs in the outer retinal layers and subretinal space peripheral to the area of choroidal neovascularization is caused by precipitation of the lipid component of the exudate as water is drawn into the normal blood vessels of the retina and choroid (see pp. 46–47). The expanding neovascular complex causes nutritional damage to the outer layers of the overlying retina, and once the membrane has grown beneath the center of the fovea, loss of useful central vision is usual, but not always a certainty. Involution of this neovascular process may occur at any stage of its development and typically occurs within several years. Approximately 70% of eyes that develop detachment caused by a CNVM extending into the capillary-free zone of the retina will have a visual acuity of 20/200 or less within 1 year.

Cicatricial Stage
Involution of the neovascular complex eventually occurs and is associated with varying degrees of subretinal scar tissue, depending primarily on the duration and extent of hemorrhage and exudation ( Figure 3.27 ). In some cases, neovascularization extending throughout the macula may be associated with minimal reactive hyperplasia and fibrous metaplasia of the RPE, and the large neovascular membrane after involution may be difficult or impossible to demonstrate biomicroscopically or angiographically. In some cases the larger radial vascular trunks of the involuted membranes may be visible as red vessels superimposed over the usually partly yellow-colored larger choroidal vessels ( Figure 3.27 D–F). The slow rate of blood flow in these involuted neovascular membranes may prevent their demonstration angiographically. Angiography may demonstrate nothing more than a circular area of mottled or early hyperfluorescence and minimal or no staining. In some cases, cystoid macular edema and degeneration may be present overlying flat, difficult-to-detect, involuted neovascular membranes that extend into the center of the fovea (see pp. 42 and 43).
Following development of a large hemorrhagic detachment of the RPE and retina, degradation of the blood beneath the RPE usually causes a brown or yellowish sub-RPE mass to form ( Figure 3.24 E). The blood in the subretinal space surrounding the RPE detachment often requires a longer period of time before a color change is noted and before the blood is degraded ( Figure 3.27 A). There is a gradual organization of the sub-RPE blood and exudate by further ingrowth of new vessels and fibroblasts from the choroid ( Figure 3.27 G). Eventually the exudative mass may be replaced by fibrous tissue containing varying degrees of hyperplastic RPE ( Figure 3.27 B, C, and H). The cicatricial lesions vary in color from white to brown or even to black and may be mistaken for choroidal melanomas ( Figure 3.27 B). Often anastomosis between the retinal circulation and underlying choroidal circulation develops within these old disciform scars ( Figure 3.27 C). There is a general tendency for the development of a similar pattern and size of disciform detachment in the fellow eye. Fluorescein angiography in the cicatricial stages of disciform detachment demonstrates a wide variety of pictures, some of which may be similar to that produced by choroidal neoplasms.
Massive Exudative Detachment of the Retina (Senile Coats’ Syndrome)
In most patients with drusen, the area of disciform detachment is confined to the macular area and peripheral vision is maintained. A few patients, however, show progressive exudative detachment of the retina that spreads far beyond the macular region and may cause severe loss of peripheral as well as central vision ( Figure 3.28 D–J). Multifocal areas of eccentric choroidal neovascularization and serous detachment of the RPE and retina may occur. Extensive deposition of yellowish exudate occurs in the subretinal space and in the outer layers of the retina. It typically spreads initially in an inferior direction. The fundus may resemble that usually seen in younger patients with massive yellowish exudative detachment of the retina secondary to congenital telangiectasis of the retinal vessels (the most common cause of Coats’ syndrome in young patients). The cause of this unusual degree of exudation from the choroid in these elderly patients is unknown. The exudate may eventually resolve spontaneously, but it leaves in its wake marked widespread degenerative changes in the RPE and retina. Retinal neovascularization and vitreous hemorrhage may arise as complications of the chronic exudative detachment.
Bullous Serous Retinal Detachment
Rarely these patients will develop massive bullous serous detachment of the retina caused by chronic leakage of serous exudate from large, highly vascularized RPE detachments or disciform mounds that are usually located in or near the macular area ( Figure 3.28 D–J). Long-duration, moderately intense, large-size applications of laser photocoagulation to these fibrovascular RPE detachments, occasionally photodynamic therapy and anti-VEGF therapy may cause reattachment of the retina and return of ambulatory vision ( Figure 3.28 ).

Secondary Hemorrhage from a Disciform Scar
A secondary exudative or hemorrhagic detachment of the RPE can develop around the edge of an old disciform scar and produce a lesion adjacent to the scar that on occasion may cause the physician to remove the eye because of a suspected melanoma ( Figure 3.25 F and J).
Other Complications of Choroidal Neovascularization
Vitreous Hemorrhage
The initial hemorrhage from CNVMs may dissect its way into the retina where it is visible biomicroscopically as a focal intraretinal hemorrhage. The bleeding may be sufficiently intense that blood may break through the retina into the vitreous and cause a massive vitreous hemorrhage ( Figure 3.01 ). This process of dissection of blood through a defect in the retina is different from that of blood staining of the vitreous, which occurs more frequently in these patients as a delayed phenomenon following large hemorrhagic detachments of the RPE and retina (see previous discussion).
Massive Hemorrhagic Detachment of the RPE and Retina
Rarely hemorrhage from a CNVM in the macular region may produce a massive detachment of the RPE, retina, and choroid, as well as vitreous hemorrhage, closed-angle glaucoma, and loss of the eye. This is more likely to occur in patients receiving anticoagulant therapy or with a systemic disease affecting the clotting mechanism ( Figure 3.25 G–I).
Peripheral Exudative and Hemorrhagic Disciform Detachment
Elderly patients with macular drusen or without evidence of AMD may develop serous and hemorrhagic detachment of the retina secondary to one or more sites of sub-RPE neovascularization in the equatorial or pre-equatorial area, usually in the temporal half of the eye ( Figure 3.26 ). Large areas of serous or dark-colored hemorrhagic detachment of the RPE in the periphery may be mistaken for a choroidal melanoma because of the detachment’s unusual peripheral location. Many of these patients will show some evidence of peripheral sub-RPE neovascularization in the temporal portion of the opposite eye. These detachments will usually resolve spontaneously without treatment. In those cases complicated either by bullous exudative retinal detachment or by extension of yellowish exudate derived from the neovascular network into the macula, photocoagulation or cryotherapy may be beneficial ( Figure 3.26 A–C). Peripheral sub-RPE neovascularization frequently develops as part of the normal aging process in the peripheral fundus and is derived primarily from the ciliary body rather than the choroid ( Figure 3.26 ). (See discussion of peripheral idiopathic choroidal neovascularization, p. 140.)
Geographic or Central Areolar RPE Atrophy
Although most patients with drusen lose useful central vision because of complications of choroidal neovascularization, approximately 5–10% lose central vision as a result of the development of one or occasionally more sharply circumscribed geographic areas of atrophy of the RPE and retina in the posterior pole ( Figure 3.29 ). Dehydration and calcific crystallization of drusen are often the forerunners of geographic atrophy that may begin either centrally or paracentrally. Loss of central vision occurs slowly and progressively as the area of atrophy concentrically enlarges. A similar pattern of atrophy is often seen in the second eye. Approximately 20% of these patients, however, who develop geographic atrophy in one eye will develop choroidal neovascularization and its complications in the second eye. Fluorescein angiography shows varying degrees of loss of the choriocapillaris within the area of geographic atrophy ( Figure 3.29 G and H). Histologically the area of geographic atrophy is associated with focal loss of the retinal receptor cells and RPE and varying degrees of atrophy of the choriocapillaris ( Figure 3.29K and L ).

The pathogenesis of these sharply circumscribed areas of atrophy is not understood. It is not known whether the partial obstruction and atrophy of the choriocapillaris are the primary cause of, or the result of, the overlying RPE and retinal atrophy. Geographic atrophy of the RPE, retina, and choriocapillaris is an ophthalmoscopic finding that occurs in association with many other diseases, including Sorsby’s central areolar choroidal sclerosis, basal laminar drusen, Stargardt’s disease, Best’s vitelliform macular dystrophy, cone dystrophies, rod–cone dystrophies, chloroquine retinopathy, ICSC, and traumatic maculopathy. In patients with AMD, geographic atrophy may develop in at least the following three ways: (1) with no precursor lesion other than macular drusen; (2) following an acute tear in the RPE (see pp. 108 and 111); and (3) following collapse of a long-standing serous RPE detachment.
Most patients with macular drusen never experience significant loss of central vision. The average age when they develop loss of central vision in the first eye is approximately 65 years. These patients will lose central vision in the second eye at a rate of approximately 5–10% each year thereafter. Thus many patients who have visual loss in one eye will never experience visual loss in the second eye. Nevertheless, AMD is the leading cause of legal blindness not amenable to surgery in the USA and the UK.
Etiology and Pathogenesis
Our lack of knowledge concerning the cause of AMD and macular degeneration parallels our inability to alter its natural course. The only established factors of importance regarding causation of this disease relate to age, race, and heredity. The breakthrough in relating genetics to AMD occurred in 2005 with the discovery of complement factor H ( CFH ) variant in 43–50% of patients with AMD by three groups. Since then, other genetic risk factors, including ARMS 2 ( HTRA1 ), complement factor B (C2), and C3 have been found to be variously associated with the risk of AMD. Fibulin 5 and ABCA4 render a risk in less than 5% of AMD patients. The CFH variant has been studied extensively in various population groups and seems to be most commonly associated with AMD. However, preliminary data suggest that ARMS2 may be more specific in rendering severity to the condition. Complement activation occurs as a result of inflammation and healing, which may be the underlying mechanism contributing to the constituents of drusen.
Other environmental and health factors and biochemical alterations of possible importance as either causative or aggravating factors include: exposure to sunlight, cigarette smoking, female hormone replacement therapy, systemic hypertension, anticoagulation, dermal elastosis of exposed skin surfaces, low levels of serum carotenoids, elevated serum cholesterol and serum zinc and copper, low levels of serum selenium and serum ceruloplasm, high hematocrit, high white cell blood count, hyperopia, increased scleral rigidity, autoantibodies to retina and retinal astrocytes, decreased levels of catalase activity in the RPE, decreased levels of hyaluronic acid in the chorioretinal complex, and use of anticoagulants. Much is being discovered and a lot remains to be understood regarding the pathogenesis of AMD in relation to genetic and environment risk factors, and is outside the scope of this clinical text.

Reticular Pseudodrusen
Reticular pseudodrusen (RPD) ( Figure 3.31 ) is a yellowish interlacing pattern seen best in red-free or blue light, most often seen straddling the superotemporal arcades, but can be present through out the macula, across the infero-temporal arcade and nasal to the optic disc. Early on, it is made up of several punctate yellow dots, that evolve into an interlacing pattern. It is not usually visible on fluorescein angiography, and correlation with autofluorescence and spectral domain OCT shows the deposits to lie between the retinal pigment epithelium and the photoreceptors ( Figure 3.31 L). Even though pseudodrusen is seen most often in patients with ARMD, it can sometimes be seen in eyes with no other abnormality. Though several papers describe it to be a feature of advanced AMD, mostly neovascular, this author has seen pseudodrusen to be distributed over all grades of ARMD ( Figure 3.31 H to K), and even in eyes without ARMD. The incidence of RPD is underestimated as it can often be overlooked especially in eyes with some degree of cataract or subretinal fluid, and also early in its evolution before it has developed the interlacing pattern. At the present time, the complete significance of RPD in relation to severity of, and association with genetic markers of ARMD is not fully understood.

Occult Chorioretinal Anastamosis
The presence of small intraretinal hemorrhages in eyes with drusen and other features of agerelated macular degeneration as a sign of occult chorioretinal anastamosis was brought to attention by work of Soubrane and Coscas. Debate has ensued about the site of origin and evolution of the chorioretinal anastamosis since Yannuzzi coined the term retinal angiomatous proliferation (RAP). He describes the vascular malformation to arise in the inner retina and grow vertically downwards towards the RPE and eventually reach the space between the RPE and Bruch’s membrane where it spreads horizontally. At this stage, pigment epithelial detachment may be seen. Others believe that a loss in the photoreceptors from AMD brings the inner retinal vessels in closer proximity to diseased RPE/choriocapillaris complex that induces growth of bridging vessels to communicate with occult choroidal neovascular vessels possibly already present in that location. At our present understanding, it is likely both mechanisms play a role in different eyes, suffice to say that management of these eyes is difficult; laser photocoagulation, PDT and anti VEGF agents have all been used. It is likely that the best results are obtained if we recognize its presence early in the course and use anti VEGF agents (see case illustrated in Figure 3.32 ). Often the occult anastamosis is bilateral and looking for the small focal retinal hemorrhages in the fellow eye is vital.

Many authors have reported the possible benefit of photocoagulation in treating the neovascular complications of AMD. Randomized controlled clinical trials have convincingly demonstrated that argon blue-green laser and krypton red laser treatment is of value in the treatment of well-defined CNVMs in the parafoveal (outside the capillary-free zone), juxtafoveal (inside but not beneath the center of the capillary-free zone), and subfoveal membranes in patients with AMD. These studies have also demonstrated the value of laser photocoagulation in the treatment of persistent and recurrent CNVM. Unfortunately the great majority of patients with AMD present because of loss of vision caused by ill-defined or extensive subretinal neovascular lesions where there are no guidelines for treatment. In 2000, photodynamic therapy was introduced to treat classic subfoveal CNVM. Approximately 54% showed stabilization and less than 15 letters of visual loss (severe visual loss); however this treatment did not restore or improve vision in more than 7–9% of patients.
Since the introduction of intravitreal ranibizumab, a Fc component of anti-VEGF antibody, visual recovery and stabilization have been seen in up to 38% of patients with neovascular AMD at the end of 2 years. MARINA and ANCHOR trials established the success of this treatment in both classic and occult CNVM. Since then bevacizumab, which is the complete antibody to VEGF, has shown equal success in improving and maintaining vision in neovascular AMD patients. Use of ranbizumab and bevacizumab has become the standard of care for neovascular AMD at the present time. Some people use a combination of anti-VEGF injections with photodynamic therapy to reduce the frequency of intravitreal injections. The injections are being done at various intervals based on the experience and results of several studies. Generally at least four monthly injections are given initially, and further injection intervals are based on individual physician preferences.
There is little evidence to support laser treatment to reduce or eradicate drusen, and there are no clinical trials regarding the effectiveness of such treatment.
Surgical Treatment for Complications of AMD
Pars plana vitrectomy has proved useful in removal of vitreous blood that fails to reabsorb spontaneously ( Figure 3.30 H–L). It also appears to have some usefulness in the evacuation of large subretinal hematomas in the macular area, particularly when used in association with tissue plasminogen activator. Surgical excision of CNVMs, which lie in the sub-RPE space in patients with AMD, appears to offer no advantages over laser photocoagulation in regard to restoration or preservation of visual function. Both result in permanent loss of retinal function in the area of the neovascular membrane. (See discussion of surgical excision of types I and II choroidal neovascularization in Chapter 2.) There is hope that transplantation of RPE after surgical excision of subfoveal membranes, or other modifications of the surgical technique, will improve the visual results. Surgical relocation of the macular retina has been suggested as another possible method of restoring central vision in patients with AMD.
The high susceptibility of the retina to oxidative stress because of the close proximity of high concentrations of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the photoreceptor outer-segment membrane, where exposure to short-wavelength light may generate free radicals, has suggested the possible value of antioxidants in retarding the development of AMD. There is evidence that increased serum levels of alpha-tocopherol, and an antioxidant index, including ascorbic acid, alpha-tocopherol, and beta-carotene, are protective for AMD. There is, however, no evidence to show that daily supplementation of vitamins or minerals is of any value in preventing or ameliorating AMD. The Age-Related Eye Disease Study found retardation of progression of nonexudative AMD in approximately 29% of patients treated with antioxidant viatamins, zinc, and copper. Several pilot studies have suggested that low-dose external-beam irradiation treatment may be of value in the treatment of subfoveal neovascularization. Recognition of the earliest symptoms of macular detachment by the patient and prompt examination (within several days after onset) by the ophthalmologist are the best means of preventing loss of vision in this disease. Patients should be instructed in regard to the use of the Amsler grid and near-vision chart and the importance of prompt examination. The role of trauma, intraocular surgery, and anticoagulants in precipitating exudation and hemorrhage in these patients is uncertain.
Most patients who have lost central vision in both eyes will benefit from the use of any one or several of the wide variety of low visual aids available.
Basal Laminar Drusen and Macular Degeneration
There is accumulating evidence to support the concept of nodular thickening of the basement membrane of the RPE as the cause for a distinctly different pattern of uniformly small round drusen that may appear in early adulthood and that occur with equal frequency in blacks, Latins, and whites ( Figures 3.33, 3.34A–E, and 3.35A–J ). These peculiar basal laminar or cuticular drusen predispose patients, particularly white persons, to the development in the sixth decade and beyond of typical or exudative, larger, and variably sized drusen and occasional loss of central vision that is often caused by an unusual vitelliform exudative macular detachment ( Figures 3.33 , 3.34 A, and 3.35 F). Basal laminar drusen are usually 25–75 μm in size and are discretely round, slightly raised, yellow, subretinal nodules that initially may be randomly scattered in the macular area of young adults, but later often become more numerous and in some patients are grouped in clusters of 15–20 drusen. These clusters, in turn, may be closely arranged in a tightly knit pattern giving the entire macular and paramacular area an orange-peel appearance biomicroscopically. This pattern is coarser and is composed of more discrete flecks than that seen in pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE). Basal laminar drusen are more easily seen in young patients with brunette fundi. They are more easily visualized angiographically than biomicroscopically. They fluoresce discretely during the early arteriovenous phase and in many patients give the fundus a “stars-in-the-sky” or “milky-way” picture ( Figure 3.33 B, D, E, and G). The fluorescence in basal laminar drusen fades from view earlier and shows less intense staining than in the case of exudative drusen ( Figure 3.33 D–F). On autofluorescence imaging, these punctate drusen show a hypoautofluorescent center surrounded by a ring of increased autofluorescence ( Figure 3.35 A–J).

Patients, particularly white persons beyond age 50 years, with basal laminar drusen may begin to develop superimposed, variably sized exudative drusen usually in the central macular region. They may experience visual loss usually caused by yellow serous exudative detachment of the retina in one or both eyes ( Figures 3.33C and J, 3.34A, and 3.35F ). When discretely outlined and densely yellow, these detachments may simulate the lesions seen in Best’s vitelliform dystrophy and some patients with adult vitelliform foveomacular or pattern dystrophy ( Figures 3.33 J and 3.34 A). They may be mistaken for serous detachments of the RPE. In the early phases of angiography this yellowish subretinal fluid obstructs the background choroidal fluorescence. Later, multiple progressively enlarging sites of movement of dye through the RPE into the subretinal fluid occur ( Figures 3.33E–H, and 3.34B and C ). This pattern may be mistakenly interpreted as choroidal neovascularization.
The older patients who develop yellowish detachment of the macula often maintain acuity of 20/30–20/50 for many months with no change in the appearance of the subretinal fluid. In some patients, the subretinal fluid disappears spontaneously and good acuity is restored ( Figure 3.33 I). The drusen in the area of the detachment often disappear or become less prominent after reattachment of the retina. In a significant number of patients geographic atrophy of the RPE and poor visual acuity develop after resolution of the detachment ( Figure 3.35 F–H). Choroidal neovascularization and serous and hemorrhagic disciform detachment may develop in some patients. This latter complication may occasionally occur in middle-aged patients who have not developed superimposed exudative drusen. The electro-oculogram and electroretinogram are normal. Most of the patients’ siblings and offspring examined to date have shown no signs of the disease. It has, however, occurred in other family members in a few cases. It probably will prove to be an inherited dystrophy, primarily causing progressive thickening and nodularity of the RPE basement membrane similar to changes occurring in the corneal endothelial basement membrane in Fuchs’ dystrophy ( Figure 3.34 D). These nodules probably begin to develop early in life.
In addition to the frequency of development of yellowish subretinal exudate, other differences between these patients with basal laminar drusen and those with AMD include the following: (1) visual symptoms occur less frequently and they are detected on average 5–10 years earlier; (2) the rate of visual loss after onset of symptoms is slower; (3) spontaneous improvement in acuity is more likely to occur; (4) the incidence of development of geographic atrophy is higher; (5) the incidence of choroidal neovascularization and large exudative detachments of the RPE probably is lower; and (6) the prognosis for retention of useful central vision is better.
Clinicopathologic study of basal laminar drusen by light and electron microscopy has revealed that basal laminar drusen are caused by nodularity of a diffusely thickened RPE basement membrane ( Figure 3.34 E). Though this is distinctly different in appearance on light microscopy from typical or exudative drusen that are focal detachments of the RPE and its relatively normal thickness basement membrane by amorphous and granular material, cytoplasmic processes, and bent fibers, immunohistochemistry by Russell and coworkers has shown that the constituents of cuticular drusen resemble those of exudative drusen. It is of historical interest that as early as 1856 Müller and later Coats and other light microscopists recognized that Bruch’s membrane was composed of an inner cuticular zone and an outer elastic zone. They proposed that all drusen represented focal thickening of the cuticular or inner part of Bruch’s membrane secreted by the RPE rather than the outer elastic zone. It was not until the advent of electron microscopy that it was realized that typical or exudative drusen were deposits of extracellular material lying between the relatively normal basement membrane (basal lamina) of the RPE and the inner collagenous part of Bruch’s membrane. It is likely that some of the uniformly small punctate yellow nodules that are seen in small numbers in the macular area of many patients of all ages are basal laminar drusen and that some of these patients go on to develop exudative drusen and visual loss later in life ( Figure 3.35 K and L). It is not possible biomicroscopically to differentiate one or several basal lamina drusen from small typical hard drusen or from focal lipidization of RPE cells.
Recent genetic studies in patients with basal laminar drusen have found heterozygous Tyr402His AMD risk variant of CFH gene in five families of 30 probands. The association of the same variant in membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis type 2, which also has drusen as a feature (Figure 3.34 F to K), suggests that the CFH variant may confer a common risk for drusen formation, and that other genetic or environmental risk factors determine the occurrence of exudative drusen, versus drusen of membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis type 2 or cuticular drusen.
Dominantly inherited disorders associated with cuticular drusen North Carolina Macular dystrophy and Malattia levantinese and Sorsby’s fundus dystrophy are discussed in chapter 5.
Idiopathic Choroidal Neovascularization
Patients may develop loss of central vision secondary to serous and hemorrhagic detachment of the macula caused by choroidal neovascularization arising in the macula ( Figure 3.36 A–C), at the margins of the optic disc ( Figures 3.36D–F, 3.37, and 3.38 ), and less frequently in the paramacular ( Figure 3.36 G–K) or peripheral fundus ( Figures 3.37 and 3.38 ) without any other evidence of intraocular disease.

Macular Type
When the choroidal neovascularization develops in the macular region of a child or a young or middle-aged adult, it often occurs in association with a pigment ring or gray mound similar to that described in POHS (type II subretinal neovascularization) ( Figure 3.36 A–C). Gass noted no sex predilection for idiopathic membranes in the macular region. Although the cause of these neovascular membranes is unknown, it is probable that many of those located in the macula in younger individuals seen in the eastern half of the USA represent a forme fruste of POHS, whereas those occurring in patients 50 years of age or older are more likely to represent a forme fruste of senile macular degeneration.
Ultrastructural features of three excised submacular idiopathic neovascular membranes were similar to that in patients with POHS. Spitznas and Böker studied 151 eyes with idiopathic choroidal neovascularization, excluding all eyes with greater than 6 D of myopia. They found that the probability of developing neovascularization was proportional to the degree of myopia.
Juxtapapillary Type
Although idiopathic juxtapapillary choroidal neovascularization may occur at all ages, it is seen most frequently in women in the sixth and seventh decades of life ( Figure 3.36 D–F). In Caucasians it usually occurs as a single partly organized juxtapapillary neovascular network extending outward from the optic disc toward the macular area. It is often surrounded on its temporal aspect by serous or yellowish subretinal exudate with or without subretinal blood. In the opposite eye there is frequently biomicroscopic as well as angiographic evidence of small choroidal neovascular tufts at the margin of the optic disc. The visual prognosis for these latter patients is relatively good, since the process often spontaneously subsides. Nevertheless, they should be watched carefully and if they show progression of the neovascular membrane beyond the halfway point to the center of the fovea, they should be considered for laser therapy. Sub-RPE neovascularization in the absence of hemorrhage or exudation is found frequently in the pathology laboratory as an incidental finding in the juxtapapillary and peripheral areas temporarily in the eyes of elderly patients ( Figures 3.18 D and 3.26 ). The new vessels, which might be considered as part of the normal aging process, are probably the source of many symptomatic juxtapapillary and peripheral idiopathic neovascular membranes.
The general guidelines for laser photocoagulation of extrafoveal and juxtafoveal choroidal neovascularization associated with AMD and POHS are used in patients with idiopathic choroidal neovascularization. More recently anti VEGF antibodies are being increasingly used to treat all types of choroidal neovascularization.
Eccentric Type
Solitary subretinal hematomas and disciform masses may develop anywhere in the extramacular region in one eye of patients whose eyes are otherwise normal ( Figure 3.36 G–K). Many of these probably arise in old postinflammatory or traumatic scars that are hidden by the disciform detachment.
Peripheral Idiopathic Sub-RPE Neovascularization
Multifocal areas of bleeding beneath the pigment epithelium and retina may occur anterior to the equator, usually in the temporal half of the fundus in elderly patients. These patients may or may not have evidence of AMD ( Figures 3.28 and 3.37 ). These hemorrhages probably occur secondary to bleeding from neovascularization, which has been demonstrated in the sub-RPE region in the area of the inner collagenous portion of Bruch’s membrane in approximately 43% of eyes at autopsy near the ora serrata, particularly in the temporal sectors. These vessels emanate from the adjacent pars plana region. Subretinal scarring caused by these peripheral hemorrhages is often discovered on routine eye examination. Large sub-RPE hematomas or fibrovascular masses may be mistaken for melanomas ( Figures 3.26 and 3.37 ). Extension of the subretinal blood into the vitreous may cause the patient to seek an eye examination. Occasionally loss of central vision occurs because of gradual migration of subretinal exudation posteriorly into the macular region. Abrupt loss of vision may result from large serosanguineous RPE detachments extending from the posterior edge of the peripheral neovascular complex into the macular area where a rip in the RPE may occur ( Figure 3.37 ). Asymptomatic patients with no visual impairment can be followed with the expectation that most will eventually show resolution of the bleeding spontaneously. Transscleral cryopexy, laser photocoagulation, and anti-VEGF therapy are effective in controlling the hemorrhage and exudation if the condition progresses ( Figure 3.37K and L ).
Angioid Streaks and Associated Diseases
Angioid streaks are irregular, radiating, jagged, tapering lines that extend from the peripapillary area into the peripheral fundus. The term “angioid” was chosen because of the ophthalmoscopic similarity of these streaks to blood vessels. They are caused by linear cracklike dehiscences in the collagenous and elastic portion of Bruch’s membrane ( Figures 3.38 – 3.43 ). Near the optic disc, they are often interconnected by circumferential breaks in Bruch’s membrane. Early in the disease the streaks are sharply outlined in color, varying from reddish orange to dark red or brown, depending on the pigmentary characteristics of the underlying choroid that becomes visible through the thinned RPE overlying the linear defects in Bruch’s membrane. Fibrovascular proliferation from the choroid may grow through the breaks in Bruch’s membrane and elevate the surrounding RPE ( Figure 3.40 G–I). This causes blurring and in some cases totally obscures the streak margins. The proliferative changes are often prominent along streaks extending into the macular region, and they may be associated with slowly progressive macular changes and loss of central vision. Abrupt loss of vision, however, is more frequently caused by serous and hemorrhagic detachment surrounding areas of choroidal neovascularization that have grown through the angioid streaks into the sub-RPE or subretinal space in or near the papillomacular bundle region ( Figures 3.39A and G and 3.41A–C ). Occasionally patients will develop large areas of serous detachment of the RPE adjacent to these neovascular membranes ( Figure 3.42 A). Because of the brittleness of Bruch’s membrane in patients with angioid streaks, they may develop loss of central vision secondary to choroidal rupture and submacular hemorrhage following insignificant trauma ( Figure 3.39 E and F).

Angioid streaks may show irregular hyperfluorescence during the early phases of angiography and varying degrees of staining during the later phases ( Figures 3.38 C, 3.39 F, 3.42 H, and 3.43 D). In some patients with heavily pigmented choroids, however, well-defined angioid streaks may be barely visible angiographically ( Figure 3.39 D). In other patients, angiography may be helpful in detecting RPE alterations along small angioid streaks before they are visible ophthalmoscopically. Angiography is also of value in detecting choroidal neovascularization ( Figures 3.39B, D, and I, and 3.41 ). In some cases of occult choroidal neovascularization, however, angiography may fail to show evidence of new vessels ( Figure 3.42 A–F).
Histopathologically, angioid streaks are discrete linear breaks in Bruch’s membrane, which often shows extensive calcific degeneration ( Figure 3.43 G). This may be associated with changes in the choriocapillaris similar to those seen in patients with macular drusen. Fibrous tissue alone, capillary proliferation, or both may grow from the choroid around the edge of the dehiscence in Bruch’s membrane into the sub-RPE space. It is these capillaries that are the source of serous and hemorrhagic detachment in these patients.
Clarkson and Altman, in a diagnostic workup of 50 patients with angioid streaks, were able to establish a related systemic diagnosis in 25 patients (50%). In 17 of these patients the diagnosis was PXE, 5 had Paget’s disease, and 3 had sickle-cell hemoglobinopathy. There is evidence that angioid streaks may be pathogenetically related to Ehlers–Danlos syndrome. The evidence is less convincing for many other diseases that have occasionally occurred in patients with angioid streaks.
Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum (Gronblad–Strandberg)
PXE is a systemic disease named for its cutaneous counterpart, which is characterized by the development of confluent, yellowish papules that give the skin a “plucked chicken” appearance on the flexural surfaces in the neck, antecubital fossa, and periumbilical area. Histologically, these changes are caused by degeneration and calcification of the elastic tissue of the dermis. These changes may be associated with premature calcification of the large arteries of the extremities and with gastrointestinal bleeding. PXE is a hereditary disease whose causal gene is the adenosine triphosphate-binding cassette, subfamily C (CFTR/MRP), member 6 ( ABCC6 ) gene, which encodes multidrug resistance-associated protein-6 (MRP6). In addition to streaks, other associated fundoscopic findings in these patients include the following:
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Peau d’orange pigmentary change. Widespread areas of mottling of the fundus caused by multiple, indistinct, confluent, yellowish lesions at the level of the RPE that have been likened to that of an orange skin (peau d’orange). These may become prominent in the fundi in childhood before the development of angioid streaks ( Figure 3.38 E and F). They are usually most apparent in the mid peripheral fundus, particularly on the temporal side in older patients with PXE. They are seen less often in patients with angioid streaks associated with Paget’s disease and sickle-cell disease. The histopathologic changes responsible for the peau d’orange appearance are unknown. These lesions cause minimal alterations on fluorescein angiography but may be associated with a diffuse speckled pattern of indocyanine green hyperfluorescence, a finding that suggests that the orange peel appearance may be caused by an alteration at the level of Bruch’s membrane.
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Pattern dystrophy of the macula. Approximately 65% of patients with PXE may develop a pattern dystrophy of macula bilaterally. It is most frequently manifest as a reticular network or a combination of reticular network and multiple punctate pigment spots (fundus pulverul-entus) ( Figures 3.38G, 3.39G and H, and 3.40A–D ). (See pattern dystrophies, Chapter 5.) Other types of pattern dystrophy have also been noted, including vitelliform ( Figure 3.40 E), butterfly ( Figure 3.40 H–K), and fundus flavimaculatus type ( Figure 3.40 C, arrows), though less frequently. Pattern dystrophy may appear during follow-up ( Figure 3.40 A and B) or progress from one type to another over time ( Figure 3.40 D and E). The pigmentary disturbance is often more apparent angiographically than ophthalmoscopically.
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Focal atrophic pigment epithelial lesions. Multiple small, round, yellow or slightly pink, RPE atrophic lesions as well as discretely punched-out white scars with varying amounts of pigment similar to those seen in POHS occur commonly in the peripheral fundus of these patients. These have occasionally been referred to as “salmon spots.”
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Crystalline bodies. Multiple round, small, subretinal, crystalline bodies typically occur in the mid peripheral fundus or juxtapapillary area, particularly inferiorly, in as many as 75% of patients ( Figure 3.38 B, F, and H). These are always associated with some atrophic changes of the RPE. In some cases a “tail” of RPE thinning lying posteriorly to a crystalline body gives it the appearance of a “comet” ( Figure 3.38B and H ).
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Hyaline bodies of the optic disc. Hyaline bodies (drusen) of the optic discs occur in approximately 5% of patients with angioid streaks and PXE ( Figures 3.38 I and 3.40 H, J, and L). It is not as common as believed. Acute visual loss caused by an optic neuropathy may occur in these patients with hyaline bodies.
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Progressive atrophy of the RPE. Spontaneous atrophy of the pigment epithelium occurs in the vicinity of the angioid streaks without evidence of, or contraction of, choroidal neovascularization ( Figure 3.40 A–C, E and F, arrows).
A PXE patient with congenital communication between a cilioretinal artery and retinal artery has been described. The inheritance pattern of PXE may be either autosomal-dominant or -recessive. Gass has seen one patient whose mother and two maternal uncles had Paget’s disease of the bone.
Sickle-Cell Disease and Other Hemoglobinopathies
It has been estimated that 1–2% of patients with the sickle-cell hemoglobinopathies will develop angioid streaks ( Figures 3.40 J–L and 6.59E and F). Streaks in these patients have rarely occurred under the age of 25 years. Serous and hemorrhagic detachment of the macula occurs infrequently in sickle-cell patients with streaks and in black patients in general (see Figure 3.55 ). Streaks have been reported in homozygous sickle-cell disease, sickle-cell hemoglobin C disease, sickle-cell thalassemia, sickle-cell trait, hemoglobin H disease, homozygous beta-thalassemia major, beta-thalassemia intermedia, beta-thalassemia minor, congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type 1, and hereditary spherocytosis. Some patients with sickle thalassemia may have PXE as well as angioid streaks.
Deposition of iron–calcium complexes in Bruch’s membrane caused by excessive blood breakdown was suggested as a possible cause for the brittleness of the membrane and angioid streaks in sickle-cell disease. However, this could not be confirmed histopathologically in the eyes of a 63-year-old man with homozygous sickle-cell disease and angioid streaks. There was extensive calcification of Bruch’s membrane but no iron deposition.
Paget’s Disease
Paget’s disease is a chronic, progressive, and in some cases hereditary disease characterized by thickening, rarefaction, and deformity of the bones. The disease may be confined to a few bones or may be generalized. In the latter case, usually after the age of 40 years, the patient develops enlargement of the skull, deformity of the long bones, kyphoscoliosis, and hearing loss ( Figure 3.43 ). The axial skeleton is most affected. The condition is often asymptomatic but can be associated with bone pain, osteoarthritis, pathological fractures, and nerve compression syndromes. Exophthalmos and normal-pressure hydrocephalus are rare complications secondary to involvement of the skull. These patients, particularly those with skull involvement, may develop extensive calcification of Bruch’s membrane, an irregular pattern of angioid streaks, and severe choroidal neovascularization and disciform scarring ( Figure 3.43 ). Approximately 10% or less of patients with Paget’s disease develop angioid streaks. Those with the earliest onset of disease and severe bone involvement are most likely to develop angioid streaks and choroidal neovascularization. Some of these patients show mottling of the RPE in the midperiphery (peau d’orange) similar to that seen in PXE. Visual loss is caused most frequently by choroidal neovascularization but can also be caused by optic atrophy that cannot be explained solely on the basis of bony compression. The choroidal neovascularization is type 2 that grows in the subretinal space, similar to that seen in PXE, POHS, and other chorioretinal scars, and unlike the neovascularization of AMD which grows under the RPE.
Paget’s disease is more common in Caucasians, particularly in the UK and amongst British migrants to Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa, and in western and southern Europe. Though reported, the disease is rare in Scandinavia, India, China, Japan, and South-east Asia. Mutations have been identified in four genes: the most important is Sequestome 1 ( SQSTM1 ), which is a scaffold protein in the nuclear factor-κB signaling pathway. There is some evidence that a slow virus infection related to either measles (paramyxoma virus) or respiratory syncytial virus may act as a trigger for Paget’s disease. Other potential triggers include dietary deficiency of calcium and repetitive mechanical loading of the skeleton. Bisphosphonates decrease bone turnover and are helpful in alleviating bone pain.
An orbital osteoclastoma which was extraskeletal in origin was removed from the orbit of a 51-year-old with Paget’s disease. Sarcomatous transformation of the orbital bone has also been reported.
Rare Associations
Angioid streaks may occur in patients with abetalipoproteinemia. Isolated case reports of angioid streaks associated with pituitary tumor, familial polyposis of the colon, congenital hypertrophy of the RPE, and Sturge–Weber syndrome with facial angiomatosis have been reported.
Patients with angioid streaks should be warned of the potential risk of choroidal rupture from relatively mild contusion to the eye. As patients with streaks reach the fifth decade, they are at risk of spontaneously developing serous and hemorrhagic detachment of the retina secondary to choroidal neovascularization. Laser treatment may be successful in obliterating the neovascularization if it has not extended inside the capillary-free zone ( Figure 3.39 G–L). Because of the multiple breaks in Bruch’s membrane, other neovascular membranes are likely to occur. More recently, anti-VEGF treatment with intravitreal bevacizumab and ranibizumab has been successful and may be safer by preventing further breaks in the Bruch’s membrane from laser.
Myopic Choroidal Degeneration
Patients with progressive elongation of the eye (pathologic myopia) develop thinning of the choroid and RPE in the macular area. This may be associated with the development of tilting of the optic disc, peripapillary chorioretinal atrophy, posterior staphylomata, gyrate areas of atrophy of the pigment epithelium and choroid, and lacquer cracks ( Figures 3.44 and 3.45 ). Lacquer cracks are caused by spontaneous focal linear breaks in Bruch’s membrane. This rupture may be accompanied by a small subretinal hemorrhage unassociated with evidence of choroidal neovascularization ( Figure 3.44 D). These subretinal hemorrhages are usually noted during routine examination of young patients either at the site of or immediately preceding the development of a lacquer crack. Lacquer cracks often radiate outward in a reticular pattern from one or several areas of choroidal pigment epithelial atrophy ( Figure 3.44 A and B). Visual acuity may be excellent in spite of extensive atrophic changes in the RPE and choroid.