The developmental glaucomas are a group of disorders characterized by improper development of the eye’s aqueous outflow system, usually manifesting in infancy and childhood. Glaucoma in the infant is an uncommon disease, but the impact on visual development can be significant. Early recognition of and appropriate therapy for the glaucoma can significantly improve a child’s visual future. Preservation of any vision during a child’s formative years is important, even if, in severe cases, the vision is ultimately lost.
The childhood glaucomas are divided into three major categories: (1) primary congenital glaucoma, in which the developmental anomaly is restricted to a maldevelopment of the trabecular meshwork; (2) glaucoma associated with specific ocular or systemic congenital anomalies, and (3) glaucoma secondary to miscellaneous pediatric conditions involving the eye, such as inflammation, trauma, or tumors.
Previously, the terminology of the glaucomas affecting infants was inconsistent and, at times, confusing. More precise terminology has arisen with developments in the field and should be used whenever possible.
The term developmental glaucoma refers to those glaucomas associated with developmental anomalies that are present at birth, including primary congenital glaucoma and secondary glaucomas associated with other developmental anomalies, either ocular or systemic.
- •
Congenital glaucoma is a term synonymous with developmental glaucoma. Secondary glaucoma in infants refers to glaucoma resulting from acquired ocular diseases.
- •
Primary congenital glaucoma is a specific term referring to eyes that have an isolated maldevelopment of the trabecular meshwork without other developmental ocular anomalies or diseases that can raise intraocular pressure (IOP).
- •
Infantile glaucoma is a term that has been used in a variety of contexts. Some use this term as a synonym for primary congenital glaucoma, whereas others apply it to any glaucoma occurring during the first several years of life. Its meaning, therefore, should be specified or its use avoided. Primary infantile glaucoma is synonymous with primary congenital glaucoma.
- •
Juvenile glaucoma is a non-specific term referring to any type of glaucoma occurring later in childhood (after 5 years of age) and through the third to fourth decades. Sometimes a syndrome is implied and is associated with myopia, autosomal dominance with penetrance as high as 80%, and characteristic clinical course; this condition has been linked to the short arm of the first (1q) human chromosome, coding for the myocilin gene.
- •
Buphthalmos and hydrophthalmia are archaic descriptive terms. Buphthalmos literally means ‘ox eye’ and refers to the marked enlargement that can result from any type of uncontrolled glaucoma presenting in early childhood. Hydrophthalmia refers to the high fluid content of buphthalmic eyes ( Fig. 19-1 ).
Fig. 19-1
Advanced developmental glaucoma with extensive enlargement and scarring of the cornea. The anterior segment structures are not visible. This is classic buphthalmos.
The developmental glaucomas have been classified in various ways ( Box 19-1 ). The Shaffer-Weiss classification is based on syndromes that divide patients into those with primary congenital glaucoma, glaucoma associated with other congenital ocular or systemic anomalies, and secondary glaucomas in infants.
- I.
Primary glaucoma
- A.
Congenital open-angle glaucoma
- 1.
Presenting age: 0–5 years
- 2.
Later recognized
- 1.
- B.
Autosomal dominant juvenile glaucoma
- C.
Glaucoma associated with systemic abnormalities
- 1.
Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome
- 2.
Chromosomal disorders
- 3.
Congenital rubella
- 4.
Fetal alcohol syndrome
- 5.
- 6.
- 7.
Oculocerebrorenal (Lowe) syndrome
- 8.
Hepatocerebrorenal (Zellweger) syndrome
- 9.
Oculodermal vascular malformations
- a.
Sturge-Weber syndrome
- b.
Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome
- c.
Oculodermal melanocytosis
- d.
Phakomatosis pigmentovascularis
- e.
Cutis marmorata telangiectasia congenita
- a.
- 10.
Prader-Willi syndrome
- 11.
Rubenstein-Taybi (broad-thumb) syndrome
- 12.
Pierre Robin and Stickler syndromes
- 13.
Skeletal dysplastic syndromes
- a.
Kniest syndrome
- b.
Michel syndrome
- c.
Oculodentodigital syndrome
- a.
- 1.
- D.
Glaucoma associated with ocular abnormalities
- 1.
- 2.
Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome
- 3.
Congenital ectropion uveae
- 4.
Congenital hereditary endothelial dystrophy
- 5.
Microcornea syndromes
- 6.
Familial iris hypoplasia
- 7.
Peters syndrome
- 8.
Posterior polymorphous dystrophy
- 9.
- 1.
- A.
- II.
Secondary glaucoma
- A.
Traumatic glaucoma
- 1.
Acute onset
- a.
Hyphema and angle recession
- b.
Lens debris or vitreal blockade of trabeculum
- a.
- 1.
- B.
Glaucoma secondary to intraocular neoplasm
- 1.
- 2.
Juvenile xanthogranuloma
- 3.
- 4.
Iris rhabdomyosarcoma
- 1.
- C.
Uveitic glaucoma
- 1.
Open angle
- 2.
Angle closure
- a.
Synechial closure
- b.
Iris bombé with pupillary block
- a.
- 1.
- D.
Lens-induced glaucoma
- 1.
Subluxation – dislocation with pupillary block
- a.
Marfan syndrome
- b.
- a.
- 2.
Spherophakia with pupillary block
- a.
Weill-Marchesani syndrome (autosomal recessive)
- b.
GEMSS syndrome (autosomal dominant)
- a.
- 1.
- E.
Glaucoma after congenital cataract surgery
- 1.
Chronic open-angle (aphakic or pseudophakic)
- 2.
Lens debris or uveitic blockade of trabeculum
- 3.
Pupillary blockade
- 1.
- F.
Steroid-induced glaucoma
- G.
Neovascular glaucoma
- 1.
- 2.
Coats’ disease
- 3.
- 4.
Familial exudative vitreoretinopathy
- 1.
- H.
Secondary angle-closure glaucoma
- 1.
Retinopathy of prematurity
- 2.
- 3.
- 4.
- 5.
Persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous
- 6.
Congenital papillary–iris lens membrane
- 7.
- 8.
- 9.
Cornea plana
- 1.
- I.
Glaucoma with increased episcleral venous pressure
- 1.
Sturge-Weber syndrome
- 2.
Idiopathic or familial elevated episcleral venous pressure
- 3.
Orbital vascular malformations
- 1.
- J.
Glaucoma secondary to intraocular infections
- 1.
Acute recurrent toxoplasmosis
- 2.
Acute herpetic iritis
- 3.
Opportunistic infections seen with AIDS
- 4.
Congenital rubella
- 1.
- A.
Data from Shaffer RN, Weiss DI: Congenital and pediatric glaucomas, St Louis, Mosby, 1970 and Walton DS: Childhood glaucoma. In: Roy FH, editor: Master techniques in ophthalmic surgery, Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1995.
Because not all cases fit precisely into a specific syndrome, an anatomic classification of these glaucomas has been developed. These findings have been grouped according to their clinical manifestations rather than to categories based on pathogenetic mechanisms or genetic linkage.
Maldevelopment of the anterior segment is present in all forms of congenital glaucoma. Clinically, gonioscopy and biomicroscopy of the anterior segment provide the crucial information to determine the therapy and prognosis for the infant. Maldevelopment of the anterior segment may involve the trabecular meshwork alone or the trabecular meshwork in combination with the iris, cornea, or both. The following classification is based solely on empirical clinical observations and does not imply pathogenetic mechanisms ( Box 19-2 ).
- I.
Isolated trabeculodysgenesis (malformation of trabecular meshwork in the absence of iris or corneal anomalies)
- A.
Flat iris insertion
- 1.
Anterior insertion
- 2.
Posterior insertion
- 3.
Mixed insertion
- 1.
- B.
Concave (wrap-around) iris insertion
- C.
- A.
- II.
Iridodysgenesis (iris anomalies are usually seen with trabeculodysgenesis)
- A.
Anterior stromal defects
- 1.
- 2.
- 1.
- B.
Anomalous iris vessels
- 1.
Persistence of tunica vasculosa lentis
- 2.
Anomalous superficial vessels
- 1.
- C.
Structural anomalies
- 1.
- 2.
- 3.
- 1.
- A.
- III.
Corneodysgenesis (corneal anomalies are usually seen with iridodysgenesis)
- A.
- B.
- C.
- D.
Corneal size
- 1.
- 2.
- 1.
- A.
Isolated trabeculodysgenesis
In approximately 50% of infants and juvenile patients with glaucoma, isolated trabeculodysgenesis is the only developmental ocular anomaly found. This is the classic defect found in primary congenital glaucoma ( Fig. 19-2 ). These eyes have no developmental anomalies of the iris or cornea, except for an abnormal insertion of the iris into the angle wall. The iris and cornea may demonstrate secondary changes as a result of elevated IOP.

This maldevelopment of the trabecular meshwork is present in one of two forms. In the most common form, the iris inserts flatly into the trabecular meshwork either at or anterior to the scleral spur ( Fig. 19-3 ). The ciliary body is usually obscured by this insertion, although the anterior ciliary body may be seen through thick trabecular meshwork if the angle is viewed obliquely from above. The invisibility of the angle recess and ciliary body in the eye with glaucomatous trabeculodysgenesis is a key distinction from the normal infant angle. The iris insertion level may vary along the chamber angle, with some portions of the iris inserting anterior to the scleral spur and other areas inserting at the spur or even posterior to the spur ( Fig. 19-4 ). The surface of the trabecular meshwork may have a stippled, orange peel appearance. The peripheral iris stroma may appear thinned and expose radial blood vessels, as are seen in the immature iris of normal infants. More pronounced iris thinning can occur if the eye enlarges.

In the second form of isolated trabeculodysgenesis, the iris inserts concavely into the chamber angle wall. The plane of the iris is posterior to the scleral spur, but the anterior stroma sweeps upward over the trabecular meshwork obscuring the scleral spur and inserting into the upper portion of the trabecular meshwork just posterior to Schwalbe’s line. Thus the iris sweeps around the angle, forming a concave or ‘wrap-around’ insertion. This conformation is recognized most easily in brown irides and is less commonly seen in children than the flat iris insertion ( Fig. 19-5 ). Both the anterior flat iris insertion and the ‘wrap-around’ configuration may appear in later ‘juvenile’ forms of open-angle glaucoma through the third or fourth decade of life.

Isolated trabeculodysgenesis must be differentiated from the gonioscopic appearance of the anterior chamber angle in a normal newborn eye. In a normal newborn, a flat insertion of the iris into the angle wall just posterior to the scleral spur is present. The normal angle recess forms during the first 6–12 months of life. The ciliary body is seen as a distinct band anterior to this iris insertion. The more narrow the ciliary body band, the more developmentally immature is the angle.
Isolated trabeculodysgenesis usually presents with symptoms of elevated IOP after the first month of life. A key point in the surgical management of glaucoma infants: if examination reveals isolated trabeculodysgenesis, a prompt goniotomy is highly successful.
Congenital anomalies of the iris are associated with maldevelopment of the trabecular meshwork, the anterior stroma, the full thickness of the iris, the iris vessels, or any combination of these structures. In these disorders, the appearance of the trabecularmeshwork may be similar to that found in isolated trabeculodysgenesis. In some cases, additional changes may be seen in the angle, such as irregular clumping of tissue, abnormal vessels, or iridocorneal adhesions.
Anterior stromal defects
Hypoplasia of the anterior iris stroma is the most common iris defect associated with developmental glaucoma. True hypoplasia of the anterior stroma, as opposed to atrophy or thinning, is diagnosed only when there is clear malformation of the collarette with absence or marked reduction of the crypts. This condition is to be distinguished from the stretching of the iris from elevated IOP, which can thin the anterior stroma. The pupillary sphincter may be quite prominent and can have a distinct ring appearance or a ‘feathered’ outer border ( Fig. 19-6 ; also see Fig. 19-32 ).

Iris hyperplasia causes a thickened, velvety, pebbled appearance of the anterior iris stroma. Hyperplasia is uncommon and is sometimes seen in association with Sturge-Weber syndrome.
Developmental anomalies of the iris vasculature can occur as a persistent tunica vasculosa lentis or as irregularly wandering superficial iris vessels. In persistence of the tunica vasculosa lentis ( Fig. 19-7 ), a regular arrangement of vessels is seen looping into the pupillary axis either in front of or behind the lens. Over time, attenuation and involution of the vascular veil occur, and continued clinical surveillance is usually sufficient.

Superficial anomalous iris vessels wander irregularly over the iris surface ( Fig. 19-8 ) and do not conform to the normal radial configuration of the iris vasculature. The pupil is usually distorted, and the iris surface has a whorled appearance, often with areas of hypoplastic anterior iris stroma. Present at birth, it is unclear whether these vessels represent an earlier onset of primary congenital glaucoma or an entirely different syndrome. Eyes with this condition have a grave prognosis and usually require multiple surgeries.

Structural iris defects
A structural iris defect ( Fig. 19-9 ) may be seen as a small hole through the iris with no involvement of the sphincter muscle or as a full-thickness coloboma involving the sphincter. The most severe structural iris defect is aniridia, in which only a peripheral stump of iris remains.

The corneal stretching and clouding that occur as a result of elevated IOP are acquired, not congenital, defects. Congenital corneal defects may involve the peripheral, midperipheral, or central cornea, or they may appear as abnormalities of corneal size that exist regardless of whether the IOP is elevated. In most cases, associated congenital iris abnormalities exist.
In peripheral corneodysgenesis, a condition exists in which bridging iris filaments or bands attach to a prominent cord-like Schwalbe’s line (posterior embryotoxin) (see Figs 19-31 and 19-32 ). These peripheral abnormalities extend no more than 2 mm into the clear cornea and usually involve the entire corneal circumference. Axenfeld’s anomaly is the classic disorder demonstrating these abnormalities; however, in the absence of other associated anomalous defects of the angle, posterior embryotoxin alone is not associated with glaucoma and can be seen in as many as 8% of normal eyes.
Midperipheral lesions are found in addition to the peripheral abnormalities in patients with Rieger’s anomaly. The iris is attached to the cornea in broad areas of apposition that extend out toward the center of the cornea, and pupillary anomalies and holes of the iris are common. The cornea is usually opacified in the areas of the iris adhesions (see Fig. 19-35 ).
Central corneal anomalies may show evidence of adhesions between the collarette of the iris and the posterior aspect of the central cornea. The cornea usually is opacified centrally and may be thinned. Occasionally a corneal fistula forms. An area of clear cornea between the central defect and the corneal scleral limbus is common. These corneal defects have been called a variety of names, including Peter’s anomaly, posterior ulcer of von Hippel, and posterior keratoconus (see Fig. 19-36 ). Often distinctions among corneal opacifications can be made clinically with high-resolution ultrasound biomicroscopy.
Abnormalities of corneal size may occur as microcornea or macrocornea. Microcornea may be seen in a variety of congenital anomalies, including microphthalmos, nanophthalmos, Rieger’s anomaly, persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous, and congenital rubella syndrome. Macrocornea is seen in patients with Axenfeld’s syndrome or in X-linked recessive megalocornea. It is distinguished from the corneal stretching resulting from increased IOP by the absence of tears in Descemet’s membrane. The prognosis for control of glaucoma in eyes with corneodysgenesis is considerably worse than in eyes with isolated trabeculodysgenesis.
As compared with older children and adults, the infant with glaucoma has unique signs and symptoms, including epiphora, photophobia, and blepharospasm, which are present regardless of the cause of the glaucoma and are due to irritation that accompanies corneal epithelial edema caused by elevated IOP. A hazy appearance of the cornea can be intermittent in the early stages and can precede breaks in Descemet’s membrane ( Fig. 19-10 ).

Enlargement of these eyes occurs under the influence of elevated IOP, with enlargement mainly at the corneoscleral junction. As the cornea stretches, ruptures of Descemet’s membrane allow influx of aqueous into the corneal stroma and epithelium, causing a sudden increase in edema and haze and an increase of tearing and photophobia. The child may become irritable. Large eyes often are not a concern to parents because they are believed to enhance the beauty of the child. But to the ophthalmologist, large eyes are a warning sign.
The breaks in Descemet’s membrane (Haab’s striae) are single or multiple and appear as glassy parallel ridges (‘railroad tracks’) on the posterior cornea. The breaks may present in the peripheral cornea concentric with the limbus or in various orientations near or across the central visual axis ( Fig. 19-11 ). The corneal endothelium will migrate over the defect, allowing the edema to clear; however, irregular astigmatism may persist and interfere with vision.

If IOP is uncontrolled, tearing, photophobia, and blepharospasm worsen. Continued enlargement of the cornea from tears of Descemet’s membrane may lead to corneal scarring, erosions, and ulcerations. Stretching and ruptures of the zonules can cause lens subluxation. Blunt trauma in these enlarged eyes may result in hyphema and rupture of the globe. Phthisis bulbi may be the final outcome.
After the child is approximately 3–4 years of age, continued enlargement of the globe is less common. The posterior sclera, however, still may be elastic enough to cause a progressive myopia as a result of elevated IOP. Increasing myopia is common in children, but in conjunction with large corneas, suspicious pressures, or discs, it should prompt consideration of glaucoma.
Occasionally, the older child will experience pain with glaucoma, but this is unusual. Most commonly, there are no symptoms until visual field defects become symptomatic. Because diagnosis before symptoms appear is desirable, routine examination of the optic nerve should be performed in all children during preschool examination.
Tonometry should be performed in children who can cooperate ( Fig. 19-12 ). When pacified, nursing infants can often be topically anesthetized and undergo non-contact (e.g., Keeler Pulsair) or contact (e.g., TonoPen, pneumotonometer) tonometry; the non-contact tonometer can be used as a ‘game’ in children under 6 years of age. In children who cannot cooperate for tonometry, further evaluation with the aid of sedation or general anesthesia is warranted. With or without sedation, examination of the optic nerve is needed to reveal suspected or significant damage from elevated IOP.

Office examination
Depending on the age and level of cooperation of the patient, general anesthesia may be required to evaluate the child with glaucoma. A complete ocular examination, including slit-lamp examination, applanation tonometry, pachymetry, gonioscopy, optic nerve evaluation, and retinoscopy, can be performed in the office in children older than 5 years of age and, with some training, in children as young as 3. If necessary, the child can be given a mild sedative, such as chloral hydrate syrup (100 mg/kg of body weight to a maximum dose of 3 g in normal, healthy, full-term infants 1 month of age or older). Chloral hydrate does not affect IOP readings.
Many children after age 5 years can undergo kinetic Goldmann visual field testing with the assistance of a patient and encouraging perimetrist. Pediatric glaucomatous visual field defects duplicate the spectrum of field defects seen in adult primary open-angle glaucoma. A gross confrontation visual field examination can be performed on children by holding a toy in the peripheral fields and either moving the toy or shining a light within the toy. Older and more cooperative children will provide a more detailed examination. By the age of 8–10 years, some children can cooperate for a full quantitative visual field examination.
Sometimes a reasonably good office examination can be performed on infants younger than 3 months using the infant diagnostic lens of Richardson and Shaffer ( Fig. 19-13 ). The lens allows examination of the anterior segment, the angle, and the optic nerve head and is well tolerated when placed in the eye with topical anesthesia. Using a direct ophthalmoscope, the examiner can obtain a good view of the posterior pole even if the child has small pupils and mild corneal haze.

Examination under anesthesia
General anesthesia usually is required for a thorough examination of children under the age of 5. With a healthy child and an anesthesiologist experienced in dealing with infants, there is little risk. Surgery has been performed on numerous children under 7 days of age.
A standardized routine for evaluations under anesthesia (EUA) is important, with an assistant simultaneously noting clinical findings determined by the examining physician. All of the essential information regarding the presence and type of glaucoma, the extent of damage, associated findings, and the appropriate surgical options should be established in a prompt, methodical fashion. The sequential components of the EUA consist of measuring the IOP, assessing the corneal thickness and diameters, gonioscopy, and ophthalmoscopy; additionally, axial length measurements, ultrasonic biomicroscopy, or cycloplegic retinoscopy may also be performed.
Intraocular pressure measurement
There are many variables to consider when assessing a child’s IOP: the child’s age; the patient’s level of activity or sedation; effects of anesthetics; corneal thickness and health; diurnal variations, and, perhaps most importantly, the choice of measuring instrument. The clinician can choose among a variety of tonometers based on various measuring principles: applanation (Goldmann or hand-held Perkins); indentation (Schiøtz); indentation-applanation hybrid (pneumotonometer); non-contact air-puff (Keeler Pulsair), or electronic (TonoPen or Mackay-Marg). Results among instruments vary.
In a large series of unanesthetized healthy children from birth through age 16 measured with the Pulsair device, three different phases of the IOP were identified:
- 1.
Neonatal phase . Up to age 1, the average IOP was 10 mmHg, without gender differences, and unrelated to gestational age or birth weight.
- 2.
Phase of increased IOP values . An exponential curve of rising IOPs up to age 7–8, rising faster in boys until age 4 and continuing more slowly in girls to age 9 was seen.
- 3.
Phase of steady IOPs . From age 8 onward, females had higher IOPs than males, with ‘adult’ values obtained by mid adolescence. Different instrumentation yielded similar trends but with wide variability ( Table 19-1 ).
Table 19-1
Intraocular pressures (mmHg) among normal awake children using different tonometers
Pulsair (SD) *
Perkins (SD) †
Pneumotonometer (SD) †
Premature (26–37 weeks)
10.2 ‡
18.3 §
0–1 year
10.6 (3.1)
4.6 (0.5)
14.5 (0.5)
1–2 years
12.0 (3.2)
4.9 (0.5)
14.6 (0.6)
2–3 years
12.6 (1.5)
5.8 (1.0)
15.3 (1.4)
3–4 years
13.7 (2.1)
6.4 (1.8)
14.5 (0.9)
4–5 years
13.6 (2.0)
7.9 (1.3)
14.8 (2.0)
5–6 years
14.4 (2.0)
6–7 years
14.2 (2.3)
7–8 years
14.0 (2.5)
8–9 years
14.3 (1.7)
9–10 years
14.0 (2.7)
15–16 years
15.2 (2.4)
16.42 (2.2)
When validated by intraoperative manometry under anesthesia, the Perkins applanation device tended to underestimate IOP (especially in the supine position), the TonoPen slightly overestimated IOP, and the pneumotonometer was most accurate. In another study of children under anesthesia, the Schiøtz tonometer gave the highest readings; moreover, it is also subject to many artifacts affecting its reliability, such as altered scleral rigidity, small corneal size, or surface abnormalities. Although only one tonometer is indispensable for examinations under anesthesia, another device or two is advisable to double check the measurement and confirm a tendency toward elevation or asymmetry with respect to the fellow eye.
General anesthetics lower IOP to variable amounts and at variable times after administration ( Table 19-2 ). Intraocular pressure measurements should be taken as soon as the child is quiet, and the precise interval in minutes between onset of anesthesia and the pressure measurements should be noted. Laryngeal mask anesthesia is a valuable alternative to tracheal intubation, with the added feature of causing significantly less IOP elevation at the time of extubation in both normal and glaucomatous eyes. The laryngeal mask is particularly useful in EUAs with children because it simultaneously protects the patient’s airway and allows the examiner unhindered access to both eyes for complete evaluation, such as Koeppe gonioscopy. A mask with an oral airway is also adequate and safe for short examinations. Intramuscular ketamine can be administered in younger children when examination is for diagnosis only; intravenous administration may raise the IOP slightly.
Anesthetic agent | Route of administration | Usual effect on IOP |
Chloral hydrate | Oral or rectal | Nil |
Midazolam | Rectal, intramuscular (IM), intravenous (IV) | ± Decrease |
Methohexital (Brevital) | Rectal, IM, IV | ± Decrease |
Nitrous oxide | Inhalation | Mild decrease |
Oxygen | Inhalation | Mild decrease |
Inhaled fluorocarbons (e.g., halothane, enflurane) | Inhalation | Mild–significant decrease |
Ketamine | IM | Modest elevation |
Succinylcholine | IV | Significant elevation |
Compared to endotracheal intubation | – | Significant elevation |
As in the management of adult primary open-angle glaucoma, it is best to place the measured IOP into a clinical context, giving special weight to trends or to asymmetric measurements between two eyes. The diagnosis of glaucoma depends on several factors, only one of which is the pressure level. Elevated IOP by itself, unless extreme, is insufficient to confirm the diagnosis of glaucoma.
To confirm a diagnosis of glaucoma and justify surgery, it is necessary to verify other signs, such as increased corneal diameter, corneal haze, increased cup-to-disc ratio, evidence of anterior segment dysgenesis, or glaucoma in the fellow eye. Otherwise, it is better to re-examine the child in 4–6 weeks to confirm the diagnosis before performing surgery.
Corneal measurements: diameter and central thickness
As with IOP, there is no absolute normal limit for the corneal diameter among children, although growth trends are evident ( Table 19-3 ). Measuring the corneal diameters, both horizontally and vertically, is a fundamental part of childhood glaucoma assessment ( Fig. 19-14 ). A good baseline measurement is required both for initial diagnosis and for detection of subsequent corneal enlargement. An effective measurement of the corneal diameter can be obtained using calipers to measure the horizontal diameter from the first appearance of the white scleral fibers at the limbus on one side to the same point on the other side, from the 9 o’clock to 3 o’clock positions. This is then repeated vertically from 6 o’clock to 12 o’clock. The measurement is accurate to approximately 0.5 mm; therefore with this technique, changes of less than 0.5 mm should not be considered significant. Some authors prefer customized templates in increments of 0.25 mm for greater precision.
Age | Corneal diameters (mm) | Axial length (mm) | ||
Normal | Possible glaucoma | Normal | Possible glaucoma | |
Newborns | 9.5–10.5 | 11.5–12.0 | 16–17 | >20 |
1 year | 10–11.5 | 12.0–12.5 | 20.1 | >22.5 |
2 years | 11.5–12 | 12.5–13.0 | 21.3 | >23 |
3 years | – | – | 22.1 | >24 |
>3 years | 12 | 13.0–14.0 | 23 | >25 |

The measurement of the central corneal thickness (CCT) of adult eyes with primary open-angle glaucoma has a major impact on the clinician’s assessment for two reasons: (1) applanation IOP readings are profoundly affected by the CCT ( viz ., thicker CCTs ‘overestimate’ and thinner CCTs ‘underestimate’ true IOPs), and (2) there is a significant risk factor for developing glaucoma damage, independent of IOP corrections, with thinner CCTs. One confounding factor in applying CCT findings in children with glaucoma is the apparent slight thickening of the infant cornea until adult values are reached between age 5–9 years old.
Nevertheless, the clinical effect of CCT measures on the IOP in children is similar to that seen in adults, with thicker corneas seen with ocular hypertension and thinner CCTs on average among black children than in whites. One large study comparing children under 3 years old – those status-post-congenital glaucoma surgery versus age-related normals undergoing nasolacrimal dilation – demonstrated thinner CCT measurements in glaucomatous eyes, which positively correlated with their larger corneal diameters and longer axial lengths. On the other hand, thick CCTs are expected in eyes with significant corneal edema from elevated IOP, and have been reported in eyes with glaucoma with aniridia and in eyes status-post-congenital cataract surgery. Although examinations under anesthesia often require specula to pry the lids for several minutes, with some possible corneal drying, the clinical impact on CCT measures is negligible. The value of pachymetric measures of CCT in infantile glaucoma, though not completely clarified, is nevertheless useful.
When examining the cornea, the ophthalmologist must look for corneal haziness and tears of Descemet’s membrane. Tears involving the visual axis, as evident during retinoscopy, must be noted because they can adversely affect a child’s visual acuity and contribute to developing amblyopia.
Axial length measurement
The measurement of axial length by A-scan ultrasonography has been recommended by some investigators for routine use in the diagnosis and follow-up of congenital glaucoma, contending that it is a sensitive and reversible measure of disease. Others assert that the corneal diameter measurement, besides being easier to measure using simpler equipment, is the most significant clinical feature in detecting congenital glaucoma. One retrospective study suggests that the major contribution of both axial measures and corneal diameters is in the initial diagnostic stages of glaucoma management, but neither parameter distinguished which patients would require re-operation, especially after the age of 2 years.
In the operating room, Koeppe equipment can be used under clean but non-sterile conditions, such as during EUA ( Fig. 19-15 ). Gonioscopy has classically been performed with a smooth-domed Koeppe 14- to 16-mm lens, with a Barkan light and hand-held binocular microscope. If marked corneal clouding exists, the view may be improved by applying topical anhydrous glycerin, or, if necessary, removing the epithelium with a blade or with a solution of 70% alcohol or 10% cocaine on a cotton-tipped applicator. The Koeppe lens also can aid in the visualization of the iris, the crystalline lens, vitreous, and fundus. The lens neutralizes irregular corneal reflexes and improves the view through a small pupil, even allowing disc photography through a relatively small pupil. Thus the examiner sees the entire optic nerve head (albeit minified) in one field. Contemporary four-mirror lenses, whose corneal surface is less than 12 mm, can alternatively be used in conjunction with an operating microscope.

During surgery under the operating microscope, the surgeon can use either a sterile Barkan operating lens (a truncated Koeppe lens) for tangential viewing during insertion of a gonio-knife, or a gas-sterilized four-mirror Sussman or Zeiss lens viewed perpendicularly through the microscope.
Cupping of the optic nerve is an early sign of increased pressure and occurs much more quickly and at lower pressures in infants than in older children and adults ( Fig. 19-16 ). This characteristic of dramatically enlarging – and after surgery, reversible – cup size in children reflects the greater amount of elastin amidst the connective tissue of the infantile optic nerve head, allowing an elastic response to fluctuation in IOP ( Fig. 19-17 ; see Fig. 13-6 ). Decreased cupping can occur rapidly after IOP reduction and is the single most confirmatory sign that the glaucoma has been surgically stabilized or reversed.

Cup-to-disc ratios greater than 0.3 mm are rare in healthy infants and should cause suspicion of glaucoma ( Table 19-4 ). Inequality of optic nerve cupping greater than 0.2 cup-to-disc ratio is also suggestive of glaucoma.
Glaucomatous eyes | Normal eyes | ||
Cup-to-disc ratio | Seen ( n = 95) (%) | Cup-to-disc ratio | Seen ( n = 46) (%) |
0.1–0.3 | 5 | 0.1–0.3 | 87 |
0.4–0.5 | 25 | 0.4–0.5 | 13 |
0.6–0.7 | 32 | – | – |
0.8–0.9 | 38 | – | – |
In infancy, the glaucomatous cup can be oval but is more often round, steep-walled, and central, with notable circumferential enlargement. With successful control of the IOP, the cup will either remain stable or its size will decrease. An increased cup size is indicative of uncontrolled glaucoma, and the ophthalmologist must make careful drawings or take photographs with a hand-held camera for future comparison. With normalization of IOP, a reduction in cup size is especially evident in infants less than 1 year of age ( Table 19-5 ).
Result | Age at surgery | |
<1 year | >1 year | |
No improvement in cup-to-disc ratio | 28 | 12 |
Reduction in cup-to-disc ratio of 0.1 | 15 | 3 |
Reduction in cup-to-disc ratio of 0.2 | 15 | 0 |
Reduction in cup-to-disc ratio > 0.2 | 28 | 0 |
Total eyes | 86 | 15 |
Other than the reversibility of cupping, the alterations of the optic nerve in infantile glaucoma are comparable to the disc changes seen in adults. For example, vertical notching at the inferior and superior poles of the disc appears less often than concentric cupping, as do nerve fiber slit defects. These findings suggest that other than the elastic properties of the infant’s disc, the child’s optic nerve is subject to similar effects that cause disc cupping in adult glaucoma.
Cycloplegic refraction
After therapeutic normalization of IOP, cycloplegic refraction should be performed to correct significant differences in refractive errors between the two eyes. The importance of refractive surveillance of these eyes cannot be over stressed. Anisometropic and strabismic amblyopia, as well as myopic astigmatism, are prominent causes of visual loss among these children, especially in unilateral cases. Vigorous amblyopia management is as important as adequate glaucoma control by surgery or medication.
Systemic evaluation
A thorough systemic evaluation is also warranted in these children, both to check for any signs of syndromes that may be associated with glaucoma and to ensure the safety of general anesthesia. The coordination of the child’s assessment with a pediatrician or specialist in genetics is invaluable.
Although primary congenital glaucoma is the most common glaucoma seen in infancy, it is still an uncommon disease. A general ophthalmologist is unlikely to see more than one new case in several years. Its incidence is approximately 1 in 10000 live births, though there is tremendous geographic variability, with some reports of 1 case in 1250 Slovakian Gypsy offspring and 1 in 2500 Saudi children. The disease is bilateral in approximately 75% of cases. Males have a higher incidence of the disease, comprising approximately 65% of all cases. More than 80% of primary congenital glaucoma is evident before the first year of life; after age 3 years, classic signs, such as corneal or ocular enlargement, do not occur.
Most cases of primary congenital glaucoma occur sporadically. In approximately 10% of cases, an autosomal recessive hereditary pattern is evident. In this situation, both parents usually are heterozygous carriers but do not have the disease. By simple Mendelian genetics, if these parents have four children, one child would be homozygous for primary congenital glaucoma and would manifest the disease, two children would be heterozygous carriers, and one child would be homozygous normal. The actual situation, however, is more complex. Most researchers find a variable penetrance of 40–80%, although penetrance in certain families has been as high as 90–100%. In families with low penetrance, the number of affected children will be less than the expected 25%.
Other researchers believe that primary congenital glaucoma can be inherited through a polygenetic pattern. This is based on the high percentage of males affected and a rate of involvement of siblings of 3–11% (i.e., the chance of a second child showing the disease) versus the expected 25% if the inheritance were purely recessive. In practical terms, if a second child in a family does manifest infantile glaucoma, the chance for a subsequent sibling with the disease approaches one of four. It is likely that more than one mode of inheritance exists.
The presence of an affected child should alert the clinician to examine other children in the family. Parents of affected children naturally are concerned about the possibility of other siblings being affected. Some have reported that there is a 4–5% likelihood of occurrence in siblings or offspring of a single affected child. Others have identified the significance of gender on the phenotype’s expression. Approximately 3% of siblings may be affected if the affected child is male, and close to 0% if the child is female.
There are, however, families in whom glaucoma appears frequently, and with the advent of molecular genetics, the at-risk members may one day routinely be identified. This area is among the fastest growing in modern medicine. The Human Genome Organization/Genome Database has allocated the following nomenclature for glaucoma genes: GLC is the general symbol for glaucoma; 1 , 2 , and 3 , respectively, stand for open-angle, angle-closure, and congenital glaucoma; and A , B , C , and so forth refer to the sequential mapping of the first, second, and third genes in that subgroup. By longstanding convention, chromosomes are identified by Arabic numbers (e.g., 1, 2, 3); the long arm and short arm of the chromosome are designated by q and p , respectively; and further localization by Arabic number appears thereafter. By 2008, scores of loci have been linked to glaucoma and genes identified.
Elucidating the causal chain of events is an ongoing research endeavor. Once 1 of the 26 human chromosomes has been identified as the locus of the genetic defect, the human genome has some 100000 human genes comprised of 3 billion base pairs. One solitary defective base pair can manifest as a disease; moreover, there is remarkable phenotypic heterogeneity and expression of genetic alterations, as well as clinical overlap of different genetic mutations. For example, it has been estimated that 3% of adult primary open-angle glaucoma patients in the United States manifest a mutation in the trabecular induction glucocorticoid regulator ( TIGR ), or myocilin, gene. But there are at least three known kinds of mutation in this GLC1A gene, with variable expressions of glaucoma. The precise manner in which a defectively coded protein participates in the cascade of events that manifest as clinical glaucoma also remains to be elucidated.
Clinical implementation of such technical information is a complex task, embracing a wide range of ethical, legal, and social issues. A particularly helpful compilation, underwritten by the Human Genome Project, addresses such dilemmas as predictive testing for adult-onset disease and alternative models for genetic counseling; non-directiveness in genetic counseling; morally relevant features of defining genetic maladies and genetic testing; abortion and the new genetics, and ethics of gene therapy. An example of but one ethical issue in genetic screening for familial glaucoma (and, in fact, all medical diseases) is the uncertainty that a positive screening result will actually clinically manifest, combined with the unknown risk of clinical disease manifesting despite a negative gene screen battery. Clinical wisdom simply dictates that patients and their families at risk continue to undergo regular clinical surveillance until the predictive reliability of human genetic screening is more established.
Anderson described the normal development of the infant angle using scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron miscroscopy, and phase contrast light microscopy. The anterior surface of the iris meets the corneal endothelium at 5 months of gestation to form the peripheral aspect of the anterior chamber. Slightly posterior to this junction are cells forming the developing trabecular meshwork. Ciliary muscle and ciliary processes overlap the trabecular meshwork, being separated by loose connective tissue. The trabecular meshwork later becomes exposed to the anterior chamber as the angle recess deepens and moves posteriorly ( Fig. 19-18 ).

Various explanations have been proposed to explain how this deepening process occurs. One such mechanism suggests that atrophy and absorption of tissue are responsible. Another theory proposes that the angle is formed by a process of cleavage between two separate cell types, one of which forms a trabecular meshwork and the second of which forms the root of the iris and ciliary body. Anderson believes the trabecular meshwork becomes exposed to the anterior chamber by means of posterior sliding of the iris, ciliary muscle, and ciliary processes.
Embryologically the source of cells for the angle structures are mesenchymal, migrating, and differentiating from the neural crest. Although the major developments that lead to the iridocorneal angle unfold in the third trimester, embryonic insults in the first 3–5 weeks following fertilization can also manifest as anterior segment dysgenesis.
In the normal newborn eye, the iris and ciliary body have usually recessed to at least the level of, and usually posterior to, the scleral spur. Thus during gonioscopy of a normal newborn eye, the insertion of the iris into the angle wall will be seen posterior to the scleral spur, in most cases with the anterior extension of the ciliary body seen as a distinct band anterior to the iris insertion. The iris insertion into the angle wall is rather flat because the angle recess has not yet formed. Continued posterior sliding of uveal tissue occurs during the first 6–12 months of life and appears gonioscopically as formation of the angle recess and the apparent posterior insertion of the iris root into the ciliary body. The visibility of the angle recess and ciliary body in fact is a distinguishing feature of the normal infant eye and is conspicuously absent in eyes with trabeculodysgenesis.
Anderson’s studies have shown that the iris and ciliary body in primary congenital glaucoma appear like an eye that is in the seventh or eighth month of gestation rather than one at full-term development. The iris and ciliary body have failed to recede posteriorly, and thus the iris insertion and anterior ciliary body overlap the posterior portion of the trabecular meshwork.
Furthermore, histologic studies by Maumenee found an anterior insertion of the ciliary body muscle. He noted that the longitudinal and circular fibers of the ciliary muscle insert into the trabecular meshwork rather than the scleral spur. He also noted that the root of the iris can insert directly into the trabecular meshwork.
Histologic abnormalities found in the trabecular meshwork itself include a thickening of the trabecular beams, thickened cords of the uveal meshwork, and compression of the meshwork with a resultant decrease of trabecular spaces ( Fig. 19-19 ).

Barkan and Worst proposed that the surface of the trabecular meshwork is covered by a thin membrane (Barkan’s membrane). Despite extensive histologic examination by Anderson, Maumenee, and others, however, this membrane has not been found.
Anderson suggests that the apparent membrane was made up of thickened, compact trabecular beams in the area of the meshwork adjacent to the anterior chamber. This formation gives the appearance of a membrane at the relatively low magnification of gonioscopy and the operating microscope.
Schlemm’s canal is open in early cases of primary congenital glaucoma. It may be obliterated in advanced cases, but this is believed to be a secondary alteration caused by the effect of pressure elevation on the ocular tissues. A thickening of the juxtacanalicular connective tissue has been noted, as has an amorphous material in the subendothelial area of the internal wall of Schlemm’s canal. It may be that thickened cords of uveal meshwork hold the iris anteriorly, possibly preventing the scleral spur from rotating posteriorly and preventing the trabecular sheets from separating normally.
Clinical evidence supports the theory that the obstruction to aqueous flow is located at the trabecular sheets. Incision into the trabecular sheets by goniotomy relieves the obstruction and normalizes the IOP in most cases. The goniotomy incision may work by allowing the iris to fall posteriorly, which relieves compaction of the trabecular sheets and allows the intertrabecular spaces to open. Surgical success is achieved by making a superficial incision into the trabecular meshwork; incisions at various heights along the meshwork seem to be equally effective.
There are a variety of conditions that should be considered in differentiating primary congenital glaucoma from other similar clinical presentations ( Box 19-3 ).
- I.
Other glaucomas
- A.
Glaucoma associated with congenital anomalies
- B.
Secondary glaucoma
- A.
- II.
Other causes of corneal enlargement or clouding
- A.
- B.
- C.
High myopia
- D.
Metabolic diseases
- 1.
- 2.
- a.
MPS I H = Hurler’s syndrome
- b.
MPS I S = Scheie’s syndrome
- c.
MPS II = Hunter’s syndrome
- d.
MPS IV = Morquio’s syndrome
- e.
MPS VI = Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome
- f.
MPS VII = β-Glucoronidase deficiency
- a.
- 3.
Hand-Schüller-Christian disease (histiocytosis)
- 4.
Acrodermatitis enteropathica
- 5.
Peroxismal disorders
- 6.
Zellweger syndrome
- 1.
- E.
Posterior polymorphous dystrophy
- F.
Congenital hereditary endothelial dystrophy
- G.
Obstetric trauma
- H.
Inflammation (keratitis, iridocyclitis)
- A.
- III.
Other causes of epiphora or photophobia
- A.
Nasolacrimal duct obstruction
- B.
- C.
Corneal abrasion
- D.
Meesman’s corneal dystrophy
- E.
Reis-Buckler’s dystrophy
- A.
- IV.
Other causes of optic nerve abnormalities
- A.
- B.
- C.
- D.
Tilted disc
- E.
Large physiologic cup
- A.
Other glaucomas
Primary congenital glaucoma is diagnosed when glaucoma is found in a child with isolated trabeculodysgenesis but with no other ocular or systemic anomalies of development and no other ocular diseases that could result in an increase in IOP. Complete general physical and ocular examinations must be performed. Isolated trabeculodysgenesis may also be the ocular anomaly producing glaucoma in Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome, Sturge-Weber syndrome in infancy, trisomies 13–15, Lowe syndrome, and rubella.
Other causes of corneal enlargement or clouding
Megalocornea is a condition of marked corneal enlargement, often to diameters of 14–16 mm. Other signs of congenital glaucoma are absent. These eyes have deep anterior chambers and may have iridodenesis secondary to stretched zonules and a loose lens. On gonioscopic examination, the examiner may find a normal angle, prominent iris processes, or a broad, densely pigmented trabeculum. A high degree of axial myopia is part of the differential diagnosis of megalocornea, as determined by retinoscopy and axial measurements.
Ninety per cent of megalocornea cases occur in males with sex-linked inheritance ( Fig. 19-20 ). Families can have some members with megalocornea and others with primary congenital glaucoma; autosomal dominant congenital miosis can also be seen with megalocornea. This variety of anterior segment disorders is felt to be a manifestation of germ-line mosaicism, with similar embryogenic neural crest cells expressing phenotypic diversity. Some clinical observers relate that megalocornea may be a spontaneously arrested form of congenital glaucoma. Individuals with megalocornea and their families must therefore be periodically checked for the development of glaucoma as well as for cataracts, which can form in this condition.

Sclerocornea is a condition in which extensions of opaque scleral tissue course into the cornea, usually bilaterally, in both autosomal dominant and recessive pedigrees. Vessels usually penetrate deeply and superficially into the cornea. It is sometimes seen in conjunction with cornea plana, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type VI, and microcornea.
Numerous metabolic diseases can cause corneal haze, including the infantile form of cystinosis, six mucopolysaccharidoses, and the mucolipidoses.
Posterior polymorphous dystrophy occasionally can be present in infancy with corneal edema and without corneal enlargement. It is a dominantly inherited, bilateral disease characterized by peripheral anterior synechiae and polymorphous opacities, typically vesicular, at the level of Descemet’s membrane. The associated glaucoma can be either an open-angle or synechial-closure type and usually appears later in life. By corneal specular microscopy, it can be distinguished from the iridocorneal endothelial syndrome.
Congenital hereditary endothelial dystrophy can be present at birth or in the first 1–2 years of life and is seen as a diffuse, bilateral, symmetric corneal edema with photophobia. Stromal thickness can be three times the normal level, and clouding can vary from a mild haze to a milky, ground glass opacification ( Fig. 19-21 ). Although usually distinct from congenital glaucoma, cases have been reported that histologically demonstrated congenital hereditary endothelial dystrophy at the time of penetrating keratoplasty, following prior glaucoma surgery.

Obstetric trauma, such as forceps injury that ruptures Descemet’s membrane, can result in corneal edema and corneal clouding. These ruptures often are vertical but may run in any direction. There is no corneal enlargement, and the optic nerve is normal. Intraocular pressure typically is normal but may be elevated, usually transiently. The condition is usually unilateral and affects the left eye because of the higher incidence of left anterior occiput presentation at birth. Frequently, periorbital tissues exhibit signs of trauma as well, at least in the perinatal period.
A host of inflammatory diseases – such as viral keratitis (e.g., adenovirus serotype 10) or viral iridocyclitis (e.g., Herpes family) – can cause corneal edema and clouding. Rubella keratitis is particularly suspect in the newborn. Syphilitic keratitis is often seen with secondary iridoschisis and angle closure. Other conditions to be considered include human immunodeficiency virus and phlyctenular disease.
Other causes of epiphora or photophobia
Diseases presented in the section on corneal clouding, such as inflammation and congenital hereditary endothelial dystrophy, can cause epiphora and photophobia. Some of the disorders discussed in this section, particularly the corneal dystrophies, can result in opacification of the cornea.
The most common cause of epiphora is obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct. Photophobia is not associated with this problem. A chronic mucopurulent discharge may be evident.
Any of several causes of conjunctivitis in the infant can present with redness and tearing. Chemical conjunctivitis caused by silver nitrate prophylaxis is a common cause in the newborn. Bacterial and chlamydial infections are usually associated with a mucoid or mucopurulent discharge and must be ruled out. Viral conjunctivitis must also be suspected. Corneal abrasions are also frequent causes of acute ocular irritation in children and are diagnosed from history and fluorescein examination.
Meesman’s corneal dystrophy usually is present in the first several months of life. Patients exhibit ocular irritation, and examination reveals multiple clear to gray-white punctate opacities of the corneal epithelium that are intraepithelial cysts. The condition is bilateral, dominantly inherited, and is the probable equivalent of Stocker-Holt dystrophy.
Reis-Buckler dystrophy can be present in the first few years of life, with ocular pain resulting from recurrent epithelial erosions. Examination reveals irregular patches of opacity in the region of Bowman’s layers that progress to a diffuse reticular pattern associated with an anterior stromal haze.
Other optic nerve abnormalities
Congenital malformations of the disc must be distinguished from disc changes caused by glaucoma. Congenital malformations include congenital pits, colobomata, and optic nerve hypoplasia.
Axial myopia can be associated with a tilted disc and accompanying scleral crescent, which is usually located inferiorly or temporally. This condition can give the optic nerve a ‘chopped-off’ appearance.
Large physiologic cups also must be distinguished from pathologic cupping caused by glaucoma. Making the distinction is not a common problem in an infant who has accompanying signs and symptoms. Problems can arise in older children in whom changes resulting from globe elasticity are not as evident and yet who are too young for precise visual field testing. Careful examination of all ocular parameters is essential, and follow-up examinations may be required before a definitive diagnosis can be made. Examination of family members can be helpful because several members may reveal a pattern of large discs with prominent cupping. Photographic documentation of the child’s optic discs, if available, is invaluable for subsequent comparison, and should be performed at the EUA or in the office if the child can cooperate.
Primary congenital glaucoma is essentially treated with surgery (see Ch. 38 – Childhood glaucoma procedures). Goniotomy is recommended once or twice in children younger than 2–3 years of age if the cornea is clear. Trabeculotomy is recommended in children older than 2–3 years of age and in those of all ages in whom corneal clouding prevents adequate visualization of the angle. If either of these procedures fails, combined trabeculotomy with trabeculectomy and antimetabolites, or a glaucoma valve-shunt, can be attempted. In the event of repeated surgical failure, cyclodestructive procedures with laser can be used. In the current clinical climate where evidence-based interventions are highly valued, it should be noted that these recommendations are entirely derived from observational data, often from retrospective studies, with virtually no well-controlled randomized comparisons in the literature among alternative procedures.
Surgery is preferred because of problems with medication compliance, a lack of knowledge concerning the cumulative and systemic effects of medications in the infant, and the generally poor response of infants to medications. Surgery has a high success rate and a low incidence of complications.
Early surgery is essential. Damage is increasingly likely the longer the elevated IOP is maintained. Further, it appears that prompt surgery may improve the chances of success by lowering IOP before high pressures can cause permanent compression and adhesion of the trabecular sheets. Surgery is advisable as soon as possible after making the diagnosis and is often performed on the second or third day of life in patients with glaucoma present at birth.
In an infant in whom glaucoma is the presumptive diagnosis, it is best to have the initial EUA performed by the operating ophthalmologist to minimize the pretreatment period and avoid unnecessary anesthesia. Goniotomy and trabeculotomy should be performed by experienced surgeons only. Both require exacting technique to be successful and to minimize complications. The first operation has the greatest chance of success. If complications such as hemorrhage or flat chamber occur, an opportunity to cure this child may be lost.
Preoperative management
Parents of these patients are usually anxious and may have significant feelings of guilt. They should be advised that the disease has occurred because of factors that are beyond their control. The future of long-term surveillance and collaboration between physician and family should be emphasized, as well as the need for frequent follow-up examinations (often with general anesthesia), possible repeat surgeries, chronic medication use, and amblyopia management for visual rehabilitation. With bilateral glaucoma, early referral to rehabilitation specialists may maximize a child’s adjustment to limited vision in the early preschool and school years. Families will need a good deal of support, and facilitating contact with support groups of families similarly affected is particularly helpful.
Surgery should not be delayed. Medications are used briefly in the preoperative period only to permit clearing of the corneal edema and improve visualization at the time of diagnostic examination and surgery.
Although there is a wide variety of medications that reduce IOP, studies and dosage profiles for optimal administration in infants and children are usually lacking. β-Blockers, such as timolol 0.25% or betaxolol suspension 0.25%, may be administered (1 drop every 12 hours); other commercially available drugs of the same class, such as levobunolol, metipranolol and carteolol, may be equally efficacious. Prostaglandin anaologs are usually well tolerated, without demonstrable toxicity in pregnant mothers or children. Although these drugs have not yet been approved for use in children by the Food and Drug Administration, studies have shown that a minimum of side effects developed from short-term use of timolol. Parents should be cautioned to discontinue the medications if any side effects, such as asthmatic symptoms, develop. Apneic spells have been reported in a neonate receiving timolol, and caution is advised in infants of low gestational age. The anesthesiologist should be told that the patient is taking a β-adrenergic blocking agent.
Other topical agents approved for adult glaucoma can also be cautiously used in combination with a β-blocker, with special attention to side effects. Eyedrop preparations of adrenergic agonists (e.g., dipivefrin, apraclonidine), prostaglandins (e.g., latanaprost), or topical carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (dorzolamide) can be used 1 drop every 12 hours. Brimonidine should be avoided , as it may produce bradycardia, hypotension, hypothermia, and apnea in infants (manufacturer’s package insert, 1998). For short-term use, acetazolamide (5–10 mg/kg body weight every 6–8 hours) orally in suspension form may be considered. Because of the local congestive effects on the conjunctiva and the availability of other drugs, miotics (e.g., pilocarpine 1–2% every 6 hours) are less useful than in the past.
Initial surgery
In a series of 287 eyes, Shaffer reported that one to two goniotomies cured 94% of cases diagnosed between the ages of 1 and 24 months. Because this is the age of occurrence of most primary congenital glaucomas, this statistic is encouraging.
In patients in whom the onset of glaucoma occurred before 1 month of age, the success rate of 26% was poorer. Some of these patients had significant hypoplasia and increased vascularity of the iris and thus are classified now as cases of iridodysgenesis with anomalous iris vessels rather than cases of isolated trabeculodysgenesis. It is unclear whether these cases of early onset are truly primary congenital glaucoma or a more severe syndrome.
Patients with the onset of the disease after 2 years of age show poorer control with goniotomy; Shaffer reported a 38% control rate with one or two goniotomies.
A large retrospective study of a dozen reports in the world literature showed equally good results: goniotomies were most successful in children under 1 year of age, achieving successful results more than 75% of the time. Recent studies continue to confirm this, although relapses have been reported as late as 15 years following surgery. Life-long glaucoma surveillance is mandatory for these children.
Goniotomy is a safe procedure when performed skillfully. Analysis of 695 goniotomies performed without the use of intracameral viscoelastic revealed only one complication of severe visual loss, an eight-ball hemorrhage with blood staining of the cornea. There were no infections and no lens injuries. There were a few small iridodialyses (4 cases), small cyclodialyses (2 cases), and shallow anterior chambers lasting 1–2 days (5 cases) that had no sequelae. The most common complication was a cardiopulmonary event of concern to the anesthesiologist during anesthesia (6 cases). Although all patients recovered, we perform bilateral goniotomies when indicated to avoid the risks involved with an additional anesthesia and to avoid any delay in required surgery.
In patients diagnosed between 1 and 3 years of age, our approach to management is to perform two goniotomies before proceeding to trabeculotomy or trabeculectomy ( Fig. 19-22 ). Many prefer goniotomy rather than a primary trabeculotomy for several reasons: it does not disturb the conjunctiva, which may be needed for later filtering surgery; it is performed with direct visualization of the trabecular meshwork, often engaging quadrants of the angle untouched by trabeculectomy or trabeculotomy, and it incises only those tissues, the superficial trabecular tissues, that are necessary to cure this disease.