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cHAPTER 9 Complications
CHAPTER 9 Complications
“Neither myself nor anyone else has anything to learn from success, but only from failures and complications… Success always leads to self-satisfaction and thus no further improvement… Failures push us to analyze, though not necessarily leading us to the correct conclusion. We should live in a world of complications, provided we know, observe, and have the courage to investigate the causes that are not always flattering: incorrectly applied indications, disorganization, ignorance and haste.”
–Paul Tessier
Many different complications can occur after ear reconstruction. Managing them, analyzing why they occurred, and preventing them in the future are essential (see video 9-1).
Management of particular complications is the same regardless of the circumstances, microtia or trauma. They occur more often after the first stage, because placement of a rigid, three-dimensional framework under the thin auricular skin can lead to problems with vascularity of the skin. The most frequent complication is skin necrosis, and the most severe is infection.
We define small complications as ones for which no additional surgery is indicated, but for which a particular follow-up protocol is required. These are most often seen after the first stage.
After the First Stage
Skin Necrosis
Auricular skin is well vascularized. However, skin pocket dissection in the auricular region must be performed with great care to preserve the subdermal plexus. Any injury to the vascular supply or excessive tension on the very thin auricular skin can lead to skin necrosis and exposure of the underlying framework. When the area of necrosis is small and occurs in a favorable area, it can be managed by spontaneous healing.
The favorable area is mostly the area not covering cartilage, as in the depth of the concha.
Incisural Inflammation
The incisura is the curved notch between the tragus and antitragus. We have observed a particular small complication that can occur after a type 2 skin approach in which a deep retroauricular sulcus is created that may be difficult for the patient to clean (see Chapter 4, type 2 skin approach). Over time, the skin in this sulcus macerates and can develop an inflammatory process. When the adhesion is tight, the inflammation of the sulcus may come into contact with the skin, and cartilage of the intertragal notch and a small fistula can develop.
After the Second Stage
Failure of the Skin Graft
Very occasionally, the skin graft used to create the posterior surface of the auricle and the retroauricular sulcus takes poorly. This usually occurs only at the tip of a temporofascial flap or if a mastoid fascial flap was raised to cover a cartilage block. It can usually be managed with dressings, although this may lead to reduced depth of the sulcus because of contraction of the area healed by secondary intention.
Long-Term Problems
Temporal Scarring
Harvesting of a fascial flap from the temporal region may occasionally leave widened scars that can be noticeable. The patient may be able to hide this scar easily if the hair is long. However, in patients with thin or short hair, particularly males, the scar can be more visible than the reconstructed ear. Scar revision is possible, but the scar may still be visible in the long term.
Extrusion of Wire Sutures
Nagata was first to advocate using double-ended stainless steel wire sutures. They are the basis of our practice for stabilizing the many pieces of cartilage framework. We find the sutures to be convenient and very well tolerated by patients. Occasionally, a wire extrudes, which is not a problem if correctly managed. The solution is to remove the wire straightaway to prevent inflammation and cartilage resorption.
The technique to remove the wire is exceedingly simple. We suggest grasping the wire with a fine clamp or artery forceps. With the other hand securing the ear, we give a swift tug on the extruded wire, freeing it without damaging the framework. We give these instructions to patients to show to their local doctor in case they are unable to return to us for follow-up. If the wire is removed in a timely manner, no consequence occurs.
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