People who receive a unilateral cochlear implant find speech perception in acoustically complex situations very challenging, in part because they do not have access to binaural hearing. For cochlear implant patients with some residual hearing in the nonimplanted ear, bilateral auditory input can be obtained by the use of a cochlear implant and a contralateral conventional hearing aid. This condition is referred to as “bimodal hearing.”
Materials and methods
We evaluated the benefits from bimodal stimulation in a group of 10 prelingually deafened adult cochlear implant users, submitted to unilateral cochlear implantation at the ENT Unit of the University of Pisa.
Of 10 patients, 9 decided to continue using bimodal stimulation and demonstrated improvements in speech perception both in quiet and in noise condition from bimodal hearing, in comparison to the cochlear implant alone condition.
Our results show that bimodal hearing offers some advantages in speech understanding in quiet and noise conditions also in prelingually deafened adults. Moreover, most of our patients reported advantages from bimodal hearing in localizing sound and in perceiving a more natural sound.
Continuing improvement in the outcome of cochlear implantation has led to some extension of the criteria for patient selection. As a consequence, more and more patients undergo monaural cochlear implantation while they still have some useful residual hearing in the nonimplanted ear. Nevertheless, many of these patients do not continue to use a hearing aid (HA) in the nonimplanted ear.
People who receive a unilateral cochlear implant (CI) generally perceive speech well in quiet but find speech perception in acoustically complex situations very challenging. This is in part because they do not have access to binaural hearing.
For bilaterally totally deaf patients, the only possibility of achieving binaural stimulation is through bilateral cochlear implantation. For candidates with some residual hearing in the nonimplanted ear, bilateral auditory input can be obtained by the use of a unilateral CI and a contralateral conventional HA. This condition is referred to as “bimodal hearing.”
The 2 types of different stimulation, acoustic via the HA in one ear and electrical via the CI in the other ear, can be successfully used together with significant benefit , especially in noise condition . Previous studies have demonstrated that the fitting of a contralateral HA can provide benefits in terms of speech perception, speech intelligibility, and localization over the unilateral CI-alone condition in both adult patients and children . In addition to binaural advantages, there is some evidence showing that an HA and a CI provide complementary information. Acoustic amplification, via conventional HA, provides adequate low-frequency information, whereas electrical stimulation by CI does not. This low-frequency information relating to voice pitch has been found to enhance the segregation of competing voices, thereby contributing to speech perception in noise condition . Furthermore, CI recipients have reported that using an HA in the nonimplanted ear contributes to a more natural sound to give the impression that sound is heard on both ears rather than exclusively through the implant; and some even reported that their own voice quality is improved, finally leading to a better communication .
Most of the studies on bimodal hearing results regard postlingually deafened adult patients or children . To our knowledge, results from prelingually deafened adult patients have not been specifically evaluated but only together with those of postlingual patients in heterogeneous samples .
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate benefits from bimodal stimulation in a group of prelingually deafened adult CI users. With this aim, a group of 10 adult experienced prelingually deafened CI users, with detectable residual hearing in the nonimplanted ear, was fitted with the same type of high-powered digital HA contralaterally to the implant side.
Materials and methods
The sample was composed of 10 prelingually deafened adult patients, 4 males and 6 females, with a mean age 28.4 years (range, 18–43 years), from a group of 24 prelingually deafened adult patients consecutively submitted to unilateral cochlear implantation at the ENT Unit of the University of Pisa, during the period July 1999 to July 2006. We selected the patients on the basis of the following parameters: the presence of an aidable residual hearing in the nonimplanted ear, good language development, constant use of HAs bilaterally before implantation, at least 1 year of implant use, stable CI Measurable Audible Percept (MAP) for the past 6 months, and ability to open-set auditory alone speech understanding with CI. All the patients gave their consent to participate to the study.
The characteristics of the patients, regarding the type of implant and speech processor used and the experience with CI and bimodal hearing, are summarized in Table 1 .
Patients | Sex | Age (y) | Etiology | HL diagnosis (y) | Progression of HL | Experienced bimodal hearing user (type of HA) | Ear implanted | Duration of CI use | CI | Speech processor | Strategy |
1 | Female | 20 | Toxoplasma | 5 | Yes | Yes (analogue programmable) | Left | 1 y | Freedom Contour Advance | Freedom BTE | ACE |
2 | Female | 34 | Unknown | 1 1/2 | Yes | Yes (digital) | Left | 2 y | Freedom Contour Advance | Freedom BTE | ACE |
3 | Male | 18 | Connexin 26 | 1 | No | Yes (analogue programmable) | Right | 4 y | Nucleus Contour Advance | ESPRIT 3G | ACE |
4 | Male | 43 | Rubella | 6 | Yes | Yes (analogue) | Right | 4 y | Nucleus Contour Advance | ESPRIT 3G | ACE |
5 | Female | 19 | Unknown | 2 1/2 | Yes | No | Right | 7 y | Nucleus 24 | ESPRIT 3G | ACE |
6 | Female | 32 | Unknown | 1 | Yes | No | Right | 2 y | Freedom Contour Advance | Freedom BTE | ACE |
7 | Male | 33 | Unknown | 5 | No | No | Right | 7 y | Nucleus 24 Contour | SPRINT body worn | ACE |
8 | Female | 30 | Rubella | 4 | Yes | Yes (analogue) | Left | 2 | Freedom Contour Advance | Freedom BTE | ACE |
9 | Male | 25 | Connexin 26 | 2 | No | No | Left | 2 | Freedom Contour Advance | Freedom BTE | ACE |
10 | Female | 31 | Unknown | 2 1/2 | No | No | Right | 2 | Freedom Contour Advance | Freedom BTE | ACE |
All the patients enrolled in the study were oral language users, with good language skills, had some detectable residual hearing useful for amplification in the nonimplanted ear, with a mean hearing threshold (0.25–0.5–1–2–4 KHz) in the nonimplanted ear of 95.2 dB HL (range, 88–106 dB HL) ( Table 2 ), and consistently used an HA in the nonimplanted ear before surgery. We also calculated the mean hearing threshold at the medium-high frequencies between 1 and 4 KHz, which was 103.7 dB HL (range, 86.6–116.6 dB HL). When measuring the hearing threshold both without HA and with HA in the nonimplanted ear, we assigned a value of 125 dB to any frequency threshold over the maximum output limit of the audiometer (105 dB for 0.25 KHz and 125 dB for 0.5 and 1 KHz). Any vibrotactile sensation was also excluded.
Patients | Nonimplanted ear | Unaided thresholds (nonimplanted ear) | ||||
T 0.25 KHz (dB HL) | T 0.5 KHz (dB HL) | T 1 KHz (dB HL) | T 2 KHz (dB HL) | T 4 KHz (dB HL) | ||
1. | Right | 60 | 85 | 100 | 110 | 110 |
2. | Right | 85 | 95 | 100 | 85 | 75 |
3. | Left | 85 | 100 | 110 | 120 | 115 |
4. | Left | 75 | 85 | 95 | 105 | 95 |
5. | Left | 75 | 85 | 90 | 100 | 90 |
6. | Left | 75 | 90 | 105 | 120 | Not found |
7. | Left | 75 | 85 | 95 | 110 | Not found |
8. | Right | 75 | 85 | 95 | 95 | 90 |
9. | Right | 75 | 90 | 100 | 105 | 95 |
10. | Left | 75 | 100 | 105 | 120 | Not found |
All the patients enrolled in the study were fitted with the Starkey PXP 675 (Minneapolis, Saint Paul, MN, USA) HA (digital) in the nonimplanted ear. The HAs were fitted according to individualized digital prescription algorithms. The Berger formula was used in 2 patients: one of them used a digital high-powered HA and the other an analogue programmable HA contralaterally to the implant before the study setting. The NAL-R formula was used in the remaining patients. The choice of the fitting algorithm was based on the hearing threshold level in the nonimplanted ear, on the type of amplification used before surgery, and the study setting (in the case of experienced contralateral HA users) and on patients’ preferences. The loudness was balanced between ears.
After the contralateral HA fitting, a pure tone audiometry in free field with the HA alone was executed. The mean pure tone threshold (0.25–0.5–1–2–4 KHz) in free field with the HA was 47.5 dB HL (range, 41–58 dB HL) ( Table 3 ).
Patients | Ear HA | Fitting methods | Aided thresholds | ||||
T 0.25 KHz (dB HL) | T 0.5 KHz (dB HL) | T 1 KHz (dB HL) | T 2 KHz (dB HL) | T 4 KHz (dB HL) | |||
1. | Right | NAL-R (PXP Da Vinci Starkey) | 20 | 35 | 30 | 55 | 75 |
2. | Right | Berger (PXP Da Vinci Starkey) | 25 | 25 | 20 | 55 | 80 |
3. | Left | Berger (PXP Da Vinci Starkey) | 25 | 30 | 30 | 55 | 80 |
4. | Left | NAL-R (PXP Da Vinci Starkey) | 50 | 40 | 35 | 65 | 70 |
5. | Left | NAL-R (PXP Da Vinci Starkey) | 30 | 25 | 45 | 55 | 65 |
6. | Left | NAL-R (PXP Da Vinci Starkey) | 35 | 30 | 35 | 65 | Not found |
7. | Left | NAL-R (PXP Da Vinci Starkey) | 55 | 45 | 45 | 40 | 70 |
8. | Right | NAL-R (PXP Da Vinci Starkey) | 25 | 25 | 30 | 45 | 70 |
9. | Right | NAL-R (PXP Da Vinci Starkey) | 30 | 30 | 30 | 50 | 75 |
10. | Left | NAL-R (PXP Da Vinci Starkey) | 50 | 40 | 45 | 70 | 95 |
Speech perception was assessed using a speech perception test in Italian language. The test was administered by the same speech therapist to all the patients to avoid bias. We evaluated the disyllabic words recognition score using lists of 20 disyllabic Italian words at a level of 65 dB . A babble noise was used as the masking noise at a signal-to-noise ratio of +10 dB.
The speech perception tests were performed in 5 conditions:
a. Quiet
b. Speech front and noise front
c. Speech front and noise back
d. Speech front and noise CI side
e. Speech front and noise HA side
For the first 3 conditions, the results between 3 different stimulation types were compared: CI alone, HA alone, and CI + HA (bimodal stimulation).
For the last 2 conditions, the CI-alone results were compared to the CI + HA (bimodal) results.
The speech perception tests were performed at the moment of the first bimodal fitting and again after 6 months of bimodal hearing.
To obtain information about the subjective benefits from bimodal stimulation in comparison to CI-alone condition, we administered a questionnaire at the time of the first bimodal hearing fitting and again after 6 months of bimodal experience. The questionnaire is modified from that recently proposed by Flynn and Schmidtke . The aspects investigated by the questionnaires are reported in Table 4 . A score was obtained by assigning to each response a 5-point scale score (from 0 to 4) so that the total score could range from 0 to 16, as reported in Table 4 .
Questions | I totally disagree | I disagree | I might agree | I agree | I totally agree |
With bimodal hearing, I better understand communication in a noisy environment, in comparison to CI-alone condition | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
With bimodal hearing, I better succeed in localize the sound source, in comparison to CI-alone condition | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
With bimodal hearing, the quality of the sound as well as the listening of the words has improved, in comparison to CI-alone condition | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
With bimodal hearing, the quality of the sound while listening to music has improved, in comparison to CI-alone condition | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Statistical analysis
Data were analyzed using Student t test, by the computer-compact software of SPSS (version 10.0, Chicago, IL). P values less than .05 were considered statistically significant. We analyzed speech perception scores in the 5 different conditions with CI alone and bimodal hearing to demonstrate if the improvement from bimodal hearing had a statistical significance.
We also attempted to correlate the results in terms of disyllabic words recognition score with the subjectively perceived benefits with bimodal hearing, recorded by means of the questionnaire.
Moreover, we compared the patients’ thresholds (unaided 0.25–4 KHz; unaided 1–4 KHz and aided 0.25–4 KHz) in the nonimplanted ear and the disyllabic words recognition scores with bimodal hearing in the 5 different hearing conditions to demonstrate a statistically significant correlation.
Finally, we performed the Student t test to evaluate the improvement of the disyllabic words recognition score with bimodal hearing after 6 months of experience in comparison to the score at the first bimodal fitting.
Materials and methods
The sample was composed of 10 prelingually deafened adult patients, 4 males and 6 females, with a mean age 28.4 years (range, 18–43 years), from a group of 24 prelingually deafened adult patients consecutively submitted to unilateral cochlear implantation at the ENT Unit of the University of Pisa, during the period July 1999 to July 2006. We selected the patients on the basis of the following parameters: the presence of an aidable residual hearing in the nonimplanted ear, good language development, constant use of HAs bilaterally before implantation, at least 1 year of implant use, stable CI Measurable Audible Percept (MAP) for the past 6 months, and ability to open-set auditory alone speech understanding with CI. All the patients gave their consent to participate to the study.
The characteristics of the patients, regarding the type of implant and speech processor used and the experience with CI and bimodal hearing, are summarized in Table 1 .
Patients | Sex | Age (y) | Etiology | HL diagnosis (y) | Progression of HL | Experienced bimodal hearing user (type of HA) | Ear implanted | Duration of CI use | CI | Speech processor | Strategy |
1 | Female | 20 | Toxoplasma | 5 | Yes | Yes (analogue programmable) | Left | 1 y | Freedom Contour Advance | Freedom BTE | ACE |
2 | Female | 34 | Unknown | 1 1/2 | Yes | Yes (digital) | Left | 2 y | Freedom Contour Advance | Freedom BTE | ACE |
3 | Male | 18 | Connexin 26 | 1 | No | Yes (analogue programmable) | Right | 4 y | Nucleus Contour Advance | ESPRIT 3G | ACE |
4 | Male | 43 | Rubella | 6 | Yes | Yes (analogue) | Right | 4 y | Nucleus Contour Advance | ESPRIT 3G | ACE |
5 | Female | 19 | Unknown | 2 1/2 | Yes | No | Right | 7 y | Nucleus 24 | ESPRIT 3G | ACE |
6 | Female | 32 | Unknown | 1 | Yes | No | Right | 2 y | Freedom Contour Advance | Freedom BTE | ACE |
7 | Male | 33 | Unknown | 5 | No | No | Right | 7 y | Nucleus 24 Contour | SPRINT body worn | ACE |
8 | Female | 30 | Rubella | 4 | Yes | Yes (analogue) | Left | 2 | Freedom Contour Advance | Freedom BTE | ACE |
9 | Male | 25 | Connexin 26 | 2 | No | No | Left | 2 | Freedom Contour Advance | Freedom BTE | ACE |
10 | Female | 31 | Unknown | 2 1/2 | No | No | Right | 2 | Freedom Contour Advance | Freedom BTE | ACE |

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