Acute Retinal Necrosis (ARN)

History of Present Illness

A 38-year-old black Haitian male presented with worsening vision and floaters in his right eye (OD) for the past 2 weeks. The day before symptoms started, the patient felt a foreign body sensation while cutting lumber. He was evaluated by an outside physician, who started the patient on difluprednate drops without improvement.


Visual acuity 20/200+1 sc PH no improvement 20/20 sc
Intraocular pressure 17 13
Pupils 7 mm → 5 mm, +afferent pupillary defect (APD) 7 mm → 4 mm
External Normal Normal
Lids/lashes Normal
Conjunctiva/sclera White and quiet, lids everted, and no foreign bodies White and quiet
Cornea Granulomatous keratic precipitates (KP) Clear
Anterior chamber 3+ cell with fibrin Deep and quiet
Iris Posterior synechiae, no atrophy, no lesions Round, reactive, no atrophy, no lesions
Lens Pigment on anterior lens surface Clear
Vitreous 2+ vitreous haze No vitreous cell or haze
Dilated fundus examination (DFE) Figs. 47.1A and B Fig. 47.2

Questions to Ask

  • Any prior episodes of eye redness, floaters, or loss of vision?

  • Any history of oral or genital ulcerations, joint pain, rashes, gastrointestinal distress, or sexually transmitted disease?

  • Any history of illicit drug use, including intravenous drug use?

  • Have there been any exposures to tuberculosis or at-risk individuals for tuberculosis?

The patient answers no to all of these questions.


  • Panuveitis with peripheral retinitis OD

Apr 3, 2021 | Posted by in OPHTHALMOLOGY | Comments Off on Acute Retinal Necrosis (ARN)

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