9 Malignant Disease of the Thyroid Gland
9.1 Introduction
Thyroid malignancies are generally classified as differentiated thyroid cancer (including papillary and follicular histology), medullary thyroid cancer, or anaplastic thyroid cancer. Each category varies drastically in overall prognosis as well as in therapeutic options. Although localized differentiated thyroid cancer has a 10-year disease-specific survival that exceeds 90%, anaplastic thyroid cancer has a life expectancy on the order of months. 1 , 2 Thyroid cancer is becoming increasingly common. Over the past 3 decades, the incidence of thyroid cancer in the United States has nearly tripled. 3 This chapter reviews the evaluation of thyroid nodules, clinical characteristics of thyroid malignancies, the initial evaluation of patients with thyroid cancer, clinical staging, and postoperative management.
9.2 Thyroid Nodules
A thyroid nodule is a distinct area on radiological imaging that is different from the surrounding thyroid parenchyma. Most cases of differentiated thyroid cancer present as a thyroid nodule that may have been discovered by the patient, during a physical exam, or incidentally on imaging. All patients with thyroid nodules should be assessed for risk factors for thyroid cancer, such as prior radiation exposure or a family history of thyroid cancer or thyroid cancer syndrome in a first-degree relative. 4
The evaluation of a thyroid nodule begins with measurement of the thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). If the TSH level is normal or elevated, additional evaluation should be undertaken. A diagnostic ultrasound should be performed on all patients suspected of having a thyroid nodule. As shown in Table 9.1 , sonographic characteristics concerning for malignancy include increasing size of the nodule, solid nodules, hypoechoic echogenicity, increased internal vascularity, irregular borders, presence of microcalcifications, and presence of abnormal lymph nodes. 5 , 6
Pathological evaluation for malignancy begins with fine-needle aspiration (FNA) of the nodule. Indications for FNA are largely based on the size of the nodule. In patients with a high-risk history (radiation exposure, previous thyroid cancer, family history of thyroid cancer), nodules as small as 5 mm can be considered for biopsy. In patients with general risk, nodules ≥ 1 cm should be biopsied if there are any concerning ultrasound features, and benign-appearing nodules > 1.5 to 2 cm should undergo biopsy. 7 Studies have found lower rates of nondiagnostic and false-negative biopsies when FNA is performed under ultrasound guidance. 8 , 9 The cytopathology results from the FNA should be classified under the Bethesda system into one of the following pathological categories: benign, follicular lesion of undetermined significance/atypia of undetermined significance (FLUS/AUS), follicular neoplasm, suspicious for malignancy, or malignant with corresponding reported risks of malignancy of < 1%, 5 to 10%, 20 to 30%, 50 to 75%, and 100%, respectively. 10 Inadequate specimens are categorized as nondiagnostic; the rate of malignancy in these nodules is more varied, but one series found a 5% malignancy rate. 11
FNA samples with benign cytology do not require any further immediate action. Follow-up ultrasound can be obtained 6 to 18 months after the biopsy to ensure stability of the nodule. 12 FNA samples that are nondiagnostic should be repeated because up to 76% of solid nodules will yield a diagnostic cytology specimen on ultrasound-guided FNA. 11 Lesions with cytology suspicious for malignancy or malignant should generally undergo surgical excision with hemithyroidectomy or thyroidectomy. Lesions with cytology positive for follicular neoplasm or Hürthle cell neoplasm generally undergo surgical resection. 13 Nodules with FLUS/AUS present a clinical challenge. The reported rate of malignancy in this group is low at 5 to 10%, but some studies have suggested that it varies from center to center, with malignancy rates as high as 25% at comprehensive cancer centers. 14 Repeat FNA should be considered because benign or higher-acuity cytology will be obtained about 50% of the time on second biopsy. 15 A large portion of patients with indeterminate lesions (FLUS/AUS and follicular neoplasm) will have benign pathology, so universal excision results in a large number of unnecessary surgeries. Determining which patients are most likely to have malignancy is a growing area of research. The presence of genetic mutations commonly associated with thyroid cancer, such as RET/PTC and BRAF, is indicative of malignancy. 16 , 17 , 18 Additionally, a gene expression classifier was recently introduced to identify benign thyroid nodules, but its use in clinic practice is not yet routine. 19
9.3 Differentiated Thyroid Cancer
Differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) originates from follicular epithelial cells within the thyroid. It is, by far, the most prevalent form of thyroid cancer and carries the best prognosis. 20 Cancers are typically classified by their histological appearance into papillary, follicular, or Hürthle cell carcinomas. Papillary thyroid carcinomas (PTCs) account for approximately 85% of this group, follicular cancers make up 12%, and about 3% have Hürthle cell histology. 21
Prognostic indicators in DTC are summarized in Table 9.2. Thyroid cancer is unique in that patient age is a highly important prognostic indicator for risk of death. 22 , 23 Tumor characteristics with poor prognostic features include increasing size of the tumor, capsular invasion, extrathyroidal extension into surrounding tissues, and the presence of lymph node or distant metastasis. 24 , 25 PTC has a tendency to spread by lymph node metastasis; in fact, more than 50% of patients with PTC and clinically uninvolved lymph nodes will have micrometastases at the time of initial surgery. 26 In addition, specific histological findings, such as lymphovascular invasion, abundant mitosis, and extensive tumor necrosis have been associated with an increased risk of recurrent and metastatic disease and poor clinical outcomes. 27 , 28
Prognostic factor | |
Increasing patient age | |
Distant metastasis | |
Extrathyroidal extension (macroscopic > microscopic) | |
Cervical lymph node metastasis (lateral > central) | |
Capsular invasion | |
Lymphovascular invasion | |
Increasing tumor size | |
Aggressive histologic subtype (i.e., tall cell, diffuse sclerosing) | |
Sources: Lundgren et al, 25 Banerjee et al, 22 Kim et al. 69 |
PTC is categorized into several histologic subtypes; some commonly encountered subtypes include follicular variant, tall cell variant, and diffuse sclerosing. 29 The follicular variant of PTC carries a similar prognosis to conventional PTC. However, it can be difficult to differentiate from follicular adenomas and follicular carcinomas, so it can present a diagnostic challenge. 29 The tall cell and diffuse sclerosing variants are associated with a worse prognosis. 30 Patients with tall cell variant have been described to experience higher rates of recurrence and metastatic disease, especially in those over the age of 50 years. 31 , 32 The diffuse sclerosing variant of PTC is often encountered in pediatric patients (41.2% of PTC in one series), and is associated with a lower recurrence-free survival. 33 The previously discussed high-risk histopathologic findings are often present in these aggressive subtypes.
Although it appears patients with follicular cancer are more likely to present with metastatic disease, the prognosis for follicular thyroid cancer is similar to that for PTC when controlling for stage at diagnosis. 23 , 34 In contrast to PTC, which tends to metastasize to cervical lymph nodes, follicular cancers are more likely to spread hematogenously. 35 Histological specimens are often classified by the degree of invasion: minimally invasive invades only into the capsule, and widely invasive invades through the capsule. Patients with minimally invasive follicular cancers have an excellent prognosis. 36 Some authors have suggested adding a moderately invasive category that includes tumors with angioinvasion, because these patients have a slightly worse prognosis compared to those with minimally invasive disease. 37 Outcomes for patients with follicular carcinoma are dependent on the degree of invasion seen on histology, as well as age and initial tumor stage. Patients with highly invasive tumors tend to have other poor prognostic factors, such as older age, distant metastasis, and incomplete resection, so the degree of invasiveness has not been shown to be an independent risk factor. 38
Hürthle cell carcinoma is a rare tumor that is classified as a variant of follicular cancer. Classically thought to be a more aggressive tumor than PTC and follicular cancer, more recent data suggest that the outcomes for Hürthle cell carcinoma are similar to those for follicular cancers. 39 , 40 When compared to a population of mostly PTC, however, the overall and disease-specific survival are lower for patients with Hürthle cell carcinoma. 41 Like other well differentiated cancers, outcomes are very dependent on initial stage and invasiveness of the tumor. 39 Additionally, Hürthle cell tumors are often less iodine avid compared to other differentiated tumors. 42
9.3.1 Genetics of Differentiated Thyroid Cancer
Several genetic mutations have been associated with tumor development in differentiated thyroid cancer. The most extensively studied are the RET/PTC, BRAF V600E, RAS, and PAX8/PPARG mutations. RET/PTC rearrangements result in activation of the RET proto-oncogene and have been described in up to 43% of papillary thyroid cancers. 43 Activation of the RET proto-oncogene has been associated with prior radiation exposure. Recently, RET/PTC mutations have been described in follicular adenomas and other benign thyroid pathologies, and when present are associated with an increased rate of growth. 44
Mutation in the BRAF gene, resulting in constitutive activation of BRAF kinase, has been linked to development of PTC and poorly differentiated thyroid cancers. 45 The BRAF mutation, which has been described in 50 to 90% of conventional PTC, is associated with older age, lymph node metastasis, distant metastasis, recurrence, and persistent disease. 46 , 47 However, because of its high prevalence, use of BRAF positivity has been difficult to integrate into clinical practice. Coexistent mutations in BRAF and RET/PTC have been described in up to 13% of PTC and were more common in advanced stages of disease. 48
Mutations in the four RAS proto-oncogenes, HRAS, KRASA, KRASB, and NRAS, result in a conformational change to their active form and promote downstream growth effects. RAS mutations have been found to have a high prevalence in follicular adenomas and follicular variants of PTC. 49 , 50 They are associated with worse outcomes in papillary thyroid cancer and poorly differentiated thyroid cancers. 51 , 52
PAX8/PPARG is a fusion gene, often the result of a t(2;3)(q13;p25) chromosomal translocation. Constitutive activation in thyroid cells leads to the overexpression of PPARG and consequent loss of the normal inhibition of cell proliferation and induction of apoptosis. The loss of these functions results in uncontrolled cell growth. 53 The PAX8/PPARG fusion gene is a common genetic abnormality seen in approximately 50% of follicular adenomas and 35% of follicular carcinomas. 54 , 55
9.3.2 Preoperative Evaluation
If malignancy has been confirmed by FNA, or is highly suspected, then an ultrasound of the thyroid and lateral neck should be obtained prior to any surgical intervention. Cervical lymph node involvement is estimated to occur in 20 to 50% of cases of differentiated thyroid cancer. 24 Patient outcomes are highly affected by the completeness of the resection, including cervical lymph nodes, so it is important to identify patients with evidence of lymph node metastasis for optimal surgical planning. 56 , 57
On ultrasound imaging, involved lymph nodes tend to have loss of the fatty hilum, a rounded shape, hypoechogenicity, cystic change, increased peripheral vascularity, and microcalcifications. 58 The location of the lymph node is also important; lymph nodes located in the lower portion of the neck are more likely to be affected than lymph nodes in the upper portion of the neck, where they are more likely to be reactive. 59 However, none of these criteria are sufficiently sensitive or specific to definitively identify cervical metastasis. Therefore, all abnormal-appearing lymph nodes should undergo FNA biopsy if it will change surgical management. The lymph node aspirates may also be sent for thyroglobulin to increase the diagnostic accuracy of detecting metastatic DTC. 60 The sensitivity of other imaging modalities, such as computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and positron emission tomography (PET), for abnormal neck lymph nodes is lower than neck ultrasound and, therefore, not routinely recommended in the preoperative evaluation. 61
9.3.3 Staging
Staging for differentiated thyroid cancer is generally performed using the American Joint Committee on Cancer’s (AJCC) TNM staging system. 62 This is the most universally accepted staging system and is required for cancer registries. Stage is based first on patient age because older patients have a higher risk of death from thyroid cancer than younger patients. 23 Patients under the age of 45 have stage I disease if there is no evidence of distant metastasis and stage II disease if there is evidence of distant metastasis. For patients over the age of 45, stage I disease is defined as tumor < 2 cm without lymph node or distant metastasis. Stage II disease is a tumor 2 to 4 cm without lymph node or distant metastasis. Stage III disease is a tumor that is > 4 cm or has minimal extrathyroidal extension, or the presence of metastasis to the central lymph node compartment. Stage IV is divided into three substages: IVa is a tumor that invades through the thyroid capsule or tumor with lateral compartment lymph node metastasis; IVb is a tumor that invades into the prevertebral fascia or encases the carotid artery or mediastinal vessels; IVc is a tumor with evidence of distant metastasis.
The AJCC staging system addresses a patient’s risk of death due to differentiated thyroid cancer but was not developed to determine the patient’s risk of recurrence, which causes significant morbidity in patients. Thus it is suggested that risk of recurrence be classified into high, intermediate, and low risk of recurrence. 7 High-risk patients have macroscopic tumor invasion through the capsule, incomplete tumor resection, or distant metastatic disease. Intermediate-risk patients demonstrate microscopic tumor invasion through the capsule, cervical lymph node metastasis, aggressive histology (i.e., tall cell, insular, columnar cell), or vascular invasion. Low-risk patients have no regional or distant metastatic disease, and complete tumor resection without evidence of capsular or vascular invasion. 7
9.3.4 Postoperative Management
Under the influence of TSH, radioactive iodine (RAI) is taken up into thyroid cells and induces cell apoptosis. RAI has increasingly been administered in the treatment of papillary thyroid cancer, though there is variation in its use, and the indications for therapy remain a topic of debate. 63 The most universally accepted indication for RAI is for the treatment of distant metastatic thyroid cancer, especially to the lungs. 64 , 65 , 66 In addition, RAI has been used in an adjunctive role to treat cancer cells that are suspected to be present after operative treatment but are not clinically apparent. There have been studies that show reductions in the rate of recurrence, as well as all-cause mortality. 23 , 67 , 68 However, other studies have not confirmed this benefit, especially in low-risk patients. 69 , 70 , 71 , 72 Finally, radioiodine has been used to ablate the normal remnant thyroid tissue, which facilitates postoperative surveillance of thyroglobulin levels and allows the physician to diagnose recurrence at an earlier stage. 73 Radioiodine is not without side effects, most commonly salivary gland damage and obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct. 74 , 75 Additionally, after RAI, there appears to be a small risk of increased malignancy, especially leukemia, which is dose dependent. 76 , 77
Recommendations for RAI are largely dependent on the risk of death and/or recurrence due to thyroid cancer, balanced with the increased cost and morbidity associated with treatment. For PTC, RAI is recommended for all patients with evidence of distant metastasis, gross extrathyroidal extension of the tumor, and tumors > 4 cm in size. RAI may be indicated in tumors 1 to 4 cm in size with lymph node metastasis, lymphovascular invasion, or aggressive histology, and should be considered on a case-by-case basis. RAI is not recommended in unifocal or multifocal PTC if all foci are < 1 cm and there are no other high-risk features. In contrast to PTC, follicular and Hürthle cell cancers are considered higher risk for recurrence; therefore, almost all patients with these tumors are treated with RAI (if iodine avid), with the exception of minimally invasive follicular carcinoma. 7 , 78
If a patient is determined to be a candidate for RAI, there appear to be similar results using thyroid hormone withdrawal to increase the TSH versus using recombinant human TSH (rhTSH). 79 , 80 The treatment dose of RAI should be minimized to the greatest extent possible to prevent side effects. For thyroid remnant ablation, use of 30 mCi was found to be as effective as a higher dose of 100 mCi. 81 Treatment doses for suspected microscopic or macroscopic disease are generally higher. No randomized studies on this topic have been performed, however, so the treatment dose is largely based on physician preference.
Levothyroxine must be used to replace physiological thyroid hormone levels after total thyroidectomy, but it is also often employed as a therapeutic agent. TSH receptor proteins are present on the membranes of DTC, and these cells respond with accelerated cell growth in the presence of TSH. For that reason, larger doses of levothyroxine have been used following primary treatment for DTC to suppress the TSH, preventing growth of tumor cells. This practice, which has been shown to reduce both mortality and recurrence, is supported by most studies in the literature, including a previous meta-analysis. 82 Like RAI, these benefits are not as clear in low-risk patients. 72 TSH suppression is also not without side effects; it may contribute to increased cardiovascular mortality in elderly patients and fractures in postmenopausal women. 83 , 84 , 85
The physician must balance the risks and benefits of TSH suppression therapy in each patient. With the increasing incidence of low-risk DTC, controversy remains over the degree and duration of TSH suppression. Patients at intermediate and high risk for recurrence should generally undergo TSH suppression to < 0.1 mU/L, whereas those at low risk for recurrence should have a TSH in the 0.1 to 0.5 mU/L range. 7 Long-term TSH goals may be more relaxed, with a target of 0.5 to 2 mU/L in those at low risk for recurrence. However, those at high risk should continue to have a TSH suppressed below 0.1 mU/L in the absence of significant risk of side effects. 86 , 87
Although the risk of death from thyroid cancer is low, persistent and recurrent disease remains a significant source of morbidity. Several techniques are employed to detect recurrent disease in patients after treatment of DTC. Thyroglobulin (Tg) is a protein produced only by thyroid cells, so its presence in blood suggests that there are residual thyroid cells (either normal thyroid or DTC). It can be measured while the patient has a suppressed TSH on levothyroxine therapy (suppressed Tg) or under levothyroxine withdrawal (stimulated Tg). Alternatively, rhTSH has also been employed to obtain stimulated Tg levels. 88 In a patient who has undergone thyroid remnant ablation, Tg should be undetectable. Stimulated Tg < 1 ng/mL is indicative of remission, whereas a suppressed Tg > 1 ng/mL suggests the presence of disease. 89 Tg levels are more difficult to interpret in a patient who has not undergone remnant ablation. Additionally, some patients develop Tg antibodies, which can result in a falsely low level in a patient with recurrent disease.
The most common area for DTC recurrence is in the neck. 68 Therefore, an ultrasound is generally obtained 6 to 12 months after therapy to determine if there are any suspicious-appearing lymph nodes. Concerning lymph nodes should undergo FNA biopsy. An iodine-131 (I-131) diagnostic scan can also be performed, especially in patients with mildly elevated Tg levels (suppressed Tg > 1 ng/mL or stimulated Tg > 2 ng/mL) and a normal neck ultrasound; however, it is of little utility in patients with undetectable thyroglobulin levels. 90 In patients with a negative I-131 scan and significantly elevated stimulated Tg (> 5–10 ng/mL), a PET scan may be useful to detect noniodine avid disease. 91 , 92
Tumor characteristics can be used to estimate the risk of recurrence, discussed earlier in this chapter. Additionally, patient response to initial therapy is predictive of the likelihood of recurrence and can therefore be used to “restage” patients. 93 In one study, patients at low risk for recurrence had a 3% rate of recurrent disease in the 2 years after treatment, whereas those at intermediate risk had a 21% rate and those at high risk had a 68% rate. In the cohort who demonstrated an excellent response to therapy (stimulated Tg < 1 ng/mL, negative neck ultrasound), the risk of recurrence was 2% in the low-risk group, 2% in the intermediate-risk group, and 14% in the high-risk group. Alternatively, the cohort who had an incomplete response to therapy (suppressed Tg > 1 ng/mL, stimulated Tg > 10 ng/mL, rising Tg level or evidence of structural disease on imaging) had a 13% recurrence rate in the low-risk group, 41% in the intermediate group, and 79% in the high-risk group.

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