2 Pathophysiology


2 Pathophysiology


Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is diagnosed more frequently now than in the past. The characteristics of this potentially life-threatening disorder are (socially) disturbing snoring, excessive daytime sleepiness, disturbed concentration and memory, personality changes as well as cardiovascular, metabolic, and cognitive morbidities. Snoring is usually the cardinal symptom, but is aspecific, while the disorder can be suspected based on a thorough history taking (and physical-technical examination). In high-risk populations, OSA can contribute to the course of the underlying disorder, and influence its outcome. Due to its high prevalence and multiple interactions with most organ systems, OSA is a huge burden for the healthcare systems worldwide which deserves explicit attention.

2.1 Epidemiology

Johan Verbraecken

2.1.1 Introduction

Epidemiological studies provide strong evidence that sleep-disordered breathing (SDB), especially OSA, is highly prevalent not only in the general population (▶Table 2.1), but also in specific patient categories with obesity, 1 , 2 systemic hypertension, 3 , 4 cardiovascular disease, 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 diabetes mellitus, 9 , 10 , 11 metabolic syndrome, 12 and endocrinopathies. 9 , 13 Often patients with SDB suffer from excessive daytime sleepiness, though other symptoms can be present as well, while some others remain asymptomatic. In some cases, patients express fatigue, tiredness, or lack of energy rather than sleepiness itself, which can be related to a comorbid medical disorder, but can also be the cardinal symptom of OSA. 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 However, these symptoms are aspecific and can be caused by many different sleep disorders, and hence adequate workup is mandatory. If patients suffering from OSA also suffer from other medical disorders then the negative effects are more common, rapid, and intensive. If OSA is present with other disorders then their consequences will be increased mutually. 18

Table 2.1 Prevalence of OSA based on community-based population studies

First author, reference

Country of study

Age range (years)

AHI ≥ 5

AHI ≥ 10

AHI ≥ 15

AHI ≥ 5 + symptoms

AHI ≥ 15 + symptoms

Young et al 19







Bixler et al 20





Duran et al 21






Young et al 22





Hrubos-Strøm et al 23





Franklin et al 24






Ip et al 25




Ip et al 26




Kim 27




Reddy et al 28




Heinzer et al 29




Abbreviations: AHI, apnea-hypopnea index; OSA, obstructive sleep apnea; U.S., United States.

The objective of this chapter is to describe the most common signs and symptoms of OSA, which can be helpful in identifying these patients. Emphasis will be on OSA, which is the most common type of SDB associated with pathological sleepiness. At the same time, cardiovascular, metabolic, cognitive, and economic consequences will be highlighted.

2.1.2 Definitions

Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is part of a spectrum of sleep-related breathing disorders, described with a widely used term SDB. 17 The International Classification of Sleep Disorders (ICSD-3) has defined four major categories of SDB: OSA disorders, central sleep apnea (CSA) disorders, sleep-related hypoventilation disorders, and sleep-related hypoxemia disorders. 30 The fundamental difference between the first two major categories is the pathophysiological mechanism that exerts the respiratory disturbance. 31 In OSA, the upper airway occlusion is usually caused by abnormal anatomy and/or abnormal control of the muscles that maintain the patency of the upper airway. In CSA, dysfunctional ventilatory control in the central breathing center is involved, finally resulting in loss of ventilatory effort. Many patients have a combination of obstructive and central sleep apnea, which suggests that the mechanisms responsible for different types of apnea must overlap. An obstructive apnea/hypopnea can be defined as a respiratory event that lasts for at least 10 seconds and is characterized by a transient partial (hypopnea) or complete (apnea) upper airway obstruction during sleep. 17 Based on the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) criteria from 2012, a hypopnea can be defined as a decrease from baseline in the amplitude of flow, based on a peak signal excursion drop by more than or equal to 30% of pre-event baseline using nasal canula, with a duration of more than or equal to 10 seconds, and more than or equal to 3% oxygen desaturation from pre-event baseline or the event is associated with an arousal, 32 which is a simplification of previous definitions.

CSA refers to a reduction or cessation of airflow due to reduced or absent respiratory effort, lasting for at least 10 seconds (in adults), due to transient loss of neural output to the respiratory muscles. 17 Its severity is based on the number of apneas and hypopneas occurring during 1 hour of sleep (apnea–hypopnea index or AHI) and the degree of daytime symptoms. According to ICSD-3, the criteria for the diagnosis of a clinically significant obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome are: presence of criterion (A and B) or C satisfy the criteria. 30 The different levels of severity in OSA can be defined as “mild” for an AHI above or equal to 5 and below 15, “moderate” for an AHI above or equal to 15 and below or equal to 30, and “severe” for an AHI above 30. 33 Based on these criteria, “sleep apnea” occurs in 4% of men and 2% of women who are between 30 and 60 years of age. 19 The current definition of OSA takes into considreration two components: (1) breathing pattern abnormalities during sleep and (2) daytime symptoms. This definition indicates that there are also asymptomatic subjects. Nowadays, asymptomatic cases can be referred to as OSA, and the symptomatic ones as OSAS, although this subclassification and use of these terms is not performed systematically. It is possible that nonsleepy OSA patients may have an innate increased sleep threshold or greater level of activations. 34 In one study, only 15% of males and 22% of females with OSA reported sleepiness on the three subjective measures used. 19 Interestingly, patients with OSA who deny the occurrence of sleepiness report other daytime complaints, such as a lack of energy or short memory, which can be the subjective perception of unrecognized sleepiness. 35 , 36 , 37

OSA can be subdivided into adult type and pediatric type, since the diagnostic criteria and clinical presentation for abnormal breathing during sleep are different for pediatric cases and adult ones. 32 Obstructive events may include apneas, hypopneas, and also respiratory effort–related arousals (RERAs). 38 A RERA can be defined as a sequence of breaths characterized by increasing respiratory effort leading to arousal from sleep, but not fulfilling the precise criteria for apnea or hypopnea. 32 , 38 Moreover, these events are characterized by a pattern of progressively more negative esophageal pressures, terminated by an abrupt change in pressure to a less negative level and finally an arousal. Esophageal pressure measurement is still recommended as gold standard, 32 , 39 but the flattening of the flow curve obtained by nasal pressure is explicitly mentioned, together with induction plethysmography, as acceptable alternatives. 32 In routine care, nasal pressure is the method of choice for most sleep laboratories. These events also last at least 10 seconds. Upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS) is characterized by increased upper airway resistance, followed by repetitive arousals, finally resulting in (excessive) daytime sleepiness. 40 , 41 The essential polysomnographic (PSG) features are absence of OSAs, an AHI below 5, and a lack of significant oxygen desaturations, which differ from the laboratory findings of OSAS. 32 The term UARS is no longer used as an independent disease, but is incorporated under the diagnosis OSA(S) because the pathophysiology does not significantly differ from that of OSA(S).

The diagnosis of CSA is made by criteria recommended by ICSD-3. 30 Patients are diagnosed with primary CSA if they present with the following:

  • Sleepiness or difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep, frequent awakenings, or nonrestorative sleep or awakening, short of breath or snoring, or witnessed apneas.

  • PSG demonstrates five or more central apneas and/or hypopneas per hour of sleep. The number of central apneas and/or central hypopneas is more than 50% of the total number of apneas and hypopneas, with absence of Cheyne-Stokes breathing (CSB).

  • There is no evidence of daytime or nocturnal hypoventilation.

  • The disorder is not better explained by another current sleep disorder, medical or neurological disorder, medication use, or substance-use disorder.

All these criteria must be met. Usually, patients with CSA have mild hypocapnia or normocapnia, but rarely, hypoventilation and hypercapnia are also observed. A periodic pattern of waxing and waning of ventilation with episodes of hyperventilation alternating with central apnea/hypopnea is defined as CSB. According to ICSD-3, CSB can be considered if:

  • There is presence of one or more of the following: (1) sleepiness, (2) difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep, frequent awakenings, or nonrestorative sleep, (3) awakening short of breath, (4) snoring, or (5) witnessed apneas.

  • There is presence of atrial fibrillation/flutter, congestive heart failure (CHF), or a neurological disorder.

  • PSG (during diagnostic or positive airway pressure titration) shows all of the following: (1) Five or more central apneas and/or central hypopneas per hour of sleep; (2) the total number of cenral apneas and/or hypopneas is above 50% of the total number of apneas and hypopneas; and (3) the pattern of ventilation meets criteria for CSB.

  • The disorder is not better explained by another current sleep disorder, medication use, or substance-use disorder.

Although symptoms are not mandatory to make the final diagnosis, patients often suffer from daytime sleepiness, repetitive arousals and awakenings during sleep, insomnia, or awakening because of shortness of breath. 30

A last patient group in the spectrum of SDB is termed sleep-related hypoventilation/hypoxemic syndrome. Sleep-induced hypoventilation is characterized by elevated levels of arterial carbon dioxide tension (PaCO2) of more than 45 mm Hg while asleep or disproportionately increased relative to levels during wakefulness. 17 This group includes obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS), congenital central alveolar hypoventilation syndrome, late onset central hypoventilation with hypothalamic dysfunction, idiopathic central alveolar hypoventilation, sleep-related hypoventilation due to a medication or substance use, and sleep-related hypoventilation due to a medical disorder. 30 Among these categories, OHS is the most prevalent clinical presentation of this syndrome. OHS is primarily defined as the association of obesity (body mass index [BMI] > 30 kg/m2) and hypercapnia (PaCO2 > 45 mm Hg) that is not due to lung parenchymal or airway disease, pulmonary vascular pathology, chest wall disorder (other than mass loading from obesity), medication use, neurologic disorder, muscle weakness, or a known congenital or idiopathic central alveolar hypoventilation syndrome. 42 , 43 , 44 , 45 , 46 However, there is not a commonly accepted definition for OHS. Finally, sleep-related hypoxemia is characterized by significant hypoxemia during sleep. This group is believed to be secondary to a medical or neurological disorder. PSG, polygraphy (PG), or nocturnal oximetry show the arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) during sleep of less than or equal to 88% in adults for more than or equal to 5 minutes. Sleep hypoventilation has been excluded.

Over time, different definitions have been proposed by the AASM for the different entities of SDB (ICSD-3 vs Scoring manual), which may complicate the understanding of the problem. 30 , 32 , 39

2.1.3 Signs and Symptoms Suggestive of Obstructive Sleep Apnea

The symptoms of OSA can be classified as symptoms experienced by the patient and symptoms recognized by the bed partner. 47 , 48 Individuals with symptoms suggestive of OSA, especially excessive daytime sleepiness, are candidates for a formal overnight sleep study as patients with such a history have more than 70% probability of having sleep apnea. 33 , 44 Nocturnal symptoms in OSA are more specific than those appearing during daytime. Since symptoms progress gradually, many patients do not become fully aware of their problems until their daytime function and performance are severely affected. Relevant symptoms are summarized in ▶Table 2.2.

Table 2.2 Common symptoms in obstructive sleep apnea

Night-time symptoms

Daytime symptoms

Heavy snoring

Restless sleep, awakenings, insomnia, nightmares

Witnessed apneas

Nocturnal choking or gasping



Excessive sweating

Impotence/sexual dysfunction/decreased libido

Gastroesophageal reflux

Not waking up fresh in the morning

Matinal headache

Dry mouth on arising

Excessive sleepiness


Mood disturbance


Memory and concentration problems

Decreased performance

Snoring and Witnessed Apneas

OSA is clinically characterized by heavy snoring. Snoring may be defined as a vibratory, sonorous noise made during inspiration. 49 It is associated with a vibration of the soft pharyngeal tissues producing a fluttering noise. Often, snoring is more cumbersome for the bed partner than for the patient and it mostly exists for a long time. Four or five loud snores, followed by a silence (apnea) and another series of loud snores is a highly suggestive description of a subject with OSA. Resumption of respiration can be associated with loud stridorous breathing (“gasping” or “snorting”). Typically, these symptoms are most prominent in the supine position or after alcohol intake. However, in rare conditions, snoring may not be so prominent, even in the presence of severe OSA. 50 There is also convincing evidence that snoring might cause daytime sleepiness in the absence of OSA. 19 This might occur due to UARS or by upper airway inflammation due to snoring induced vibrations within the pharynx. 38 , 51 In the general population, 25% of men and 15% of women are habitual snorers (snore almost every night) but the prevalence of snoring increases progressively with age: 60% of men and 40% of women between the ages 41 and 65 years snore habitually. 52 The prevalence of heavy snoring in the general population ranges from 15 to 47% in men and from 6 to 33% in women. 53 , 54 , 55 Snoring can be quantified either by frequency (how many nights per week) or by intensity, or by directly asking the patient how often they snore loudly or about vibratory qualities; but this information is only modestly helpful for making a clinical decision. 56 In a large PSG study in 1,040 patients referred with suspicion of OSA, socially disturbing snoring was associated with OSA (AHI ≥ 10) in 37% of the patients referred to exclude sleep apnea (▶Fig. 2.1). The combination of heavy snoring with excessive daytime sleepiness revealed OSA in 56% of the referred patients. 57 In the absence of snoring, the diagnosis of OSA becomes less likely but cannot be excluded (e.g., in patients after uvulopalatopharyngoplasty [UPPP]). Often, snoring is underestimated or denied by the snorers themselves and is reported by their bed partners and environment. Of the patients who deny snoring, 75% are proven to be snorers when measured objectively. 58 Usually, patients develop strategies to cope with heavy snoring. Nevertheless, snoring is a cause of poor sleep quality for the patient’s bed partner, affecting the partner’s quality of life. 59 Often alcohol intake and sleep deprivation aggravate snoring and sleep apneas. Symptoms of dry mouth during sleep or in the morning together with a globus sensation in the pharynx may also be suspected for heavy snoring.

Fig. 2.1 Distribution of cardinal symptoms in a series of 1,040 referred patients with suspicion of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). EDS, excessive daytime sleepiness.

Witnessed apneas and choking at night are related to apneic events and are reported by bed partners or roommates. Inquiring about the frequency of apneas observed by the partner has about the same (low) diagnostic utility as asking about snoring frequency. Bed partners seldom give accurate information about frequency of repetitive hypopneas. It is more useful to ask patients whether the bed partner reports to them choking or gasping during the night than it is to simply ask the patients if they wake up experiencing these symptoms. Attacks of choking or dyspnea that wake them from sleep may result in referral for a sleep study. Patients usually report it as being wakened by snoring, and are able to register events only after the airway has opened and they are in the middle of the postapneic snore. In conjunction with an arousal, patients often feel a sensation of tachycardia. Episodes of choking have to be differentiated from sleep choking (typically at initiating sleep) and sleep-related laryngospasm (typically in the middle of the night). 60 In such conditions, patients describe dramatic episodes where they wake up during the night gasping because of complete airway closure, despite violent efforts to reopen the airway. After some time the airway suddenly opens and patients feel fine. Patients are usually extremely frightened, often feel they are going to die, and are unable to breathe properly for much longer than patients with OSA (often several minutes versus a fraction of < 15–30 seconds).

Pathological Daytime Sleepiness

Pathological or excessive daytime sleepiness is the second key symptom in the diagnosis of sleep apnea. 47 , 61 , 62 According to the AASM, excessive daytime sleepiness can be defined as “sleepiness that occurs in a situation when an individual would usually be expected to be awake and alert.” 63 It is caused by increased respiratory effort and hypoxemia, which finally results in the so-called “arousal,” with sleep fragmentation and loss of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and slow-wave sleep as a consequence. Extreme daytime sleepiness is characterized by falling asleep during motor activity (talking, eating). Unequivocal sleepiness is characterized by falling asleep in quiet conditions (under boring situations or during periods of physical inactivity) or while driving. Extension of physiological diurnal sleepiness is considered mild sleepiness.

Sleepiness casued by inadequate sleep is very common in the general population; therefore it is hard to distinghuish from sleepiness due to an underlying sleep disorder or a medical disease.

In general, patient and environment will not give too much attention toward this symptom, as far as it does not lead to repetitive traffic accidents or occupational accidents. Tasks arising at regular intervals can be performed at decreased levels of vigilance, but this is not the case for unexpected tasks and (traffic) events. Therefore, up to 9% of all traffic accidents are attributed to sleepiness and falling asleep, 13% of the accidents with physical harm, and 17% of the accidents with fatality. 64 In car accidents where sleepiness was the obvious cause, the rate of deaths was three times as high as in other accidents. According to a French study, falling asleep while driving seemed to be the cause of 3% of the accidents causing material damage, 20% of the accidents causing injuries, and 50% of the accidents causing death. 65 As a consequence, a recent accident can give occasion to consult a physician. On the other hand, sleepiness is often underestimated or denied by patients with OSA, since they get adapted to this condition over time. 66

Different rating scales have been developed to assess sleepiness, such as visual analogue scales, 67 the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale, 68 the Stanford Sleepiness Scale (SSS), 69 and the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS). 70 These tools have different indications and are useful to assess patient’s perception of current sleepiness and the feelings and symptoms associated with drowsiness. 67 , 68 , 69 These tools are fast, simple, easy to understand, cheap to administer, and reflect the patient’s own opinion on the severity of his/her sleepiness. Usually, these scales are used to supplement the history and to follow the effects of treatment. The SSS was one of the first self-rating scales introduced in 1972 to quantify sleepiness. 69 This scale asks subjects to rate their degree of sleepiness at a single moment of time from seven descriptions, ranging from “feeling active and vital; alert wide awake” to “almost in reverie; sleep onset soon; lost struggle to remain awake.” The SSS is fast and easy to administer. However, there are no reference values and it has not been validated with other physiologic measures. 34 The ESS is a measure to assess the tendency to nod off 70 and enables the quantification of excessive daytime sleepiness. The ESS was developed in 1991 as a trait to measure the tendency to fall asleep in several specific situations. It is a subjective tool to measure how sleepiness interferes with an individual’s daily activities in eight situations. Although very popular in daily clinical practice, the test is limited by the situations assessed that patients may actually experience rarely or never (e.g., driving). Many sleepy subjects may also score in the normal range, since they do not actually fall asleep, despite being drowsy, either because of lack of opportunity or because of effective compensatory measures. 34 Its reliability and validity have also been questioned because of its weak or absent correlation with objective measures of sleep, but it is still the most widely used instrument. These scales can only be used well if subjects have insight into their symptoms and the capacity to dissociate sleepiness from other symptoms, such as fatigue.

Specific tests have been developed to measure sleepiness more objectively, 36 , 71 such as the multiple sleep latency test (MSLT), maintenance of wakefulness test (MWT), and vigilance tests such as Oxford Sleep Resistance Test (OSLER) test or Psychomotor Vigilance Task (PVT). 63 , 72 , 73 MSLT and MWT are considered the gold standard measures of objective sleepiness. The MSLT is an objective measure of the tendency to fall asleep under standardized conditions and in the absence of altertness stimulating factors. The MWT is an objective measure of the ability to stay awake for a defined period of time. 63 , 73

According to the AASM, the MSLT is not routinely indicated in the initial evaluation and diagnosis of OSA or in the assessment of change following treatment; however, it is strictly indicated when a patient with OSA is suspected of having narcolepsy. Patients with OSA frequently underestimate the severity of sleepiness. Objectifying sleepiness may be important for the evaluation of OSA severity and its consequences on the individual level. 74 In daily practice, MSLT, MWT, and vigilance testing are restricted to patients with persistent hypersomnolence despite adequate continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy or surgical or oral device therapy. On the other hand, routine use of these tests can be recommended for medicolegal reasons, but is not routinely feasible. 65 , 73 Unfortunately, in MWT, completely normal values do not necessarily ensure absolute safety. Therefore, clinical judgement should always prevail in a context of ability to drive.

As with ESS, the AHI also poorly correlates with quantified measures of sleepiness, which could indicate that some individuals cope better with sleep fragmentation than others, while brain susceptibility and subjective perception of the consequences of hypoxemia could also be involved. 75 Using a cutoff value of 18 respiratory events per hour, a sensitivity of 71% and a specificity of 60% for identifying subjects with excessive daytime sleepiness was obtained. When subtle flow limitations are not taken into account, the sensitivity/specificity is even worse. 76 Hence, for clinical purposes, it is obvious that the respiratory disturbance index is a more reliable parameter, but even then, its correlation with daytime symptoms remains suboptimal. In the Sleep Heart Health Study (SHHS) a poor correlation between the AHI and sleepiness was reported: the ESS only rose from 7.2 to 9.3 when the AHI changed from less than 5 to more than 30. 77 However, in clinical decision making, it is important to identify patients in whom CPAP therapy should be instituted to treat daytime sleepiness.

In severe cases of OSA it is difficult to identify excessive daytime sleepiness resulting from other causes than sleep apnea. Depression, disturbed mood, diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular diseases are among the most important confounding factors, 78 , 79 , 80 as well as sleep disorders other than OSA or side effects due to medical treatment. 81 , 82 , 83 In a large epidemiological study (n = 16,583 subjects), depression was the most significant risk factor for excessive daytime sleepiness, followed by age, BMI, sleep duration, diabetes mellitus, smoking, and finally sleep apnea. 81 Obesity alone may interfere through systemic inflammation (adipokines and chemokines) being activated even in the absence of OSA. In OSA, stress activation involving both the sympathetic system and the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis may also be involved. Some patients have persistent symptoms while on adequate treatment. Whether residual sleepiness (ESS ≥11) is related to residual apneas is an unanswered question. Some extrapolations could be made. In a series of adequately treated OSA (baseline ESS >10, 6 months CPAP, compliance ≥4 h/d), 84 Koutsourelakis et al found that 55% of their patients had an abnormal ESS score (>10) (16 ± 3) at follow-up, which was related to a history of depression, diabetes, heart disease, and a higher ESS score (16 ± 3 vs 14 ± 3) and lower AHI (44 ± 28 vs 59 ± 34) at baseline conditions. Unfortunately, their study group was blurred by patients with mild OSA (AHI > 5). Stradling et al studied 572 patients on CPAP and compared them with a control group of 525 individuals from a community survey. 85 There was no difference in the percentage of patients with an ESS above 10 in the CPAP group compared with the controls (16 vs 14%). In the study of Pépin et al, 12% remained sleepy on CPAP, or 6% after exclusion of associated major depression, restless legs syndrome, and narcolepsy. 86 This again emphasizes that mood disturbance is often involved in (residual) sleepiness. However, a link between residual sleepiness and residual apneas in selective patients is not ruled out. Maybe more insight will be obtained when pathophysiology of (obstructive) sleep apnea identified on CPAP or oral devices is disentangled. Verbruggen et al reported residual excessive sleepiness in 27 out of 84 patients (32%) on oral appliance therapy, despite normalization of AHI in patients with mild to moderately severe OSA. These patients had a significantly higher baseline ESS (15 ± 4 vs 9 ± 4; P < 0.001) and were younger (43 ± 9 vs 47 ± 9; P = 0.028) compared with patients without residual sleepiness. 87


Fatigue can be defined as an overwhelming sense of tiredness, lack of energy, and a feeling of exhaustion, associated with impaired physical and/or cognitive functioning. 88 Exhaustion could potentially reflect changes in mood, known to be common in chronic illness, but can also be the symptom of unknown or neglected OSA. 14 Fatigue is frequently reported as the main symptom in patients with OSA, in up to 50% of referred cases, and is more common and more distressing to OSA patients than excessive daytime sleepiness. 89 , 90 Increased fatigue has also been closely related to increased levels of depressive symptoms in OSA patients. 91 , 92 Fatigue is also a common and distressing complaint in the general population and a major problem in a wide range of diseases in internal and sleep medicine. Previous studies have demonstrated that self-reported sleep quality is independently associated with fatigue, even after taking into account demographic, comorbid conditions, OSA severity, sleepiness, and depressive symptoms. Hence, patients complaining about fatigue have a worst perception of sleep quality. 93 It has important implications for clinical practice, where lack of energy, fatigue, and tiredness may lead to investigations, including sleep studies, and differential diagnosis that do not address the medical problem. The fatigue of the various disorders is not disease-specific, and is likely caused from interplay of physiological, psychological, and lifestyle-related factors. However, typical symptoms of OSA are less predictive in the presence of comorbid conditions, or might be attributed to these medical disorders, while consideration for OSA may be missed. Instruments to assess fatigue are the Fatigue Severity Scale, 94 visual analogue scales, 95 and specific questionnaires such as the fatigue-inertia subscale of the Profile of Mood States 96 and the vitality subscale of the SF-36 quality-of-life questionnaire. 97

Fatigue or Sleepiness?

Excessive daytime sleepiness is a cardinal feature of OSA, which is frequently used interchangeably with fatigue, likely because patients often complain of both types of symptoms. Daytime sleepiness, reflecting a physiological need for sleep, can be objectively quantified with tests, while fatigue is more elusive and relies almost exclusively on self-report. 98 Nevertheless, symptoms compatible with OSA may be caused by OSA itself, or by comorbid medical disorders that can predispose a patient to sleep disturbance. Clinicians must be aware that absence of complaints of fatigue, tiredness, sleepiness, or lack of energy does not rule out the possibility of OSA. 15

Other Daytime Symptoms

Thorough anamnesis of patient and bed partner can make clear the association between the main symptoms and sleep apnea syndrome by bringing to light complaints related to poor sleep quality. These complaints include profuse body sweating, matinal headache (due to nocturnal carbon dioxide [CO2] accumulation, usually dull and generalized), not feeling fresh in the morning, nasal obstruction, behavioral alterations, memory and concentration problems, decreased cognitive performance, depressed mood, anxiety, automatic behavior, social problems, marital problems, decreased libido, unexplained muscle pain, all resulting in a decreased quality of life. Also, symptoms of reflux have been more frequently reported; however, these symptoms improve with OSA treatment.

These symptoms can be explained by pronounced intrathoracic pressure changes induced by vigorous breathing attempts against an occluded airway along with regurgitation of gastric fluid.

There is also evidence of an association between erectile dysfunction and OSA, based on self-report and small case series, 99 but underreporting can be estimated. CPAP therapy has shown to reverse this problem.

Disturbed Sleep, Insomnia, Nocturnal Sweating

Most patients with OSA have little difficulty initiating sleep and have short sleep latencies during sleep studies. 100 On the other hand, problems of maintaining sleep, early morning awakenings, nightmares, abnormal motor activity, nocturnal dyspnea, nocturnal asphyxia, and nocturia are frequently reported. OSA patients also often have a restless sleep. Apneas can be associated with body movements or movements limited to mild limb movements. Occasionally, abrupt arm and limb movements with involuntary hitting of the bed partner occur. 101 Due to this increased motor activity at night, patients with OSA often suffer from nocturnal sweating. It is striking that, despite these typical symptoms, the interval between the first symptoms and the final diagnosis can often take some years. Nevertheless, OSA patients are usually convinced that they are sleeping well and are unaware of the breathing stops. Infrequently, patients may have insomnia as their major symptom. Moreover, a significant proportion of insomniacs have sleep apnea (25–50%), which is most likely to reflect recurrent sleep fragmentation and increased wakefulness during the night. This manifestation is described as occult sleep apnea, provoked by an increased number of arousals and sleep/wake transitions, which per se may induce unstable breathing. Women may report more insomnia and less witnessed apneas. Rarely, arousal triggered by obstructive events may induce nonrapid eye movement (NREM) parasomnias, such as nocturnal eating syndrome. In case of increased nocturnal sweating, a number of medical reasons have to be checked, such as infections, endocrinological alterations (hypoglycaemia, thyroid dysfunction), cardiovascular disorders with increased sympathetic activity, malignancy, chronic pain, stress disorders, and substance abuse or withdrawal (benzodiazepines, opioids, ethanol).


Nocturia can be defined as waking up more than once during the night to urinate (each void is preceded by and followed by sleep). 102 The prevalence of nocturia is high and increases suddenly with age. About 20% of elderly males and 25% of elderly women report regular nocturia (NYHANES III study). 103 It has been reported to be up to 50% in patients with OSA, and the number of voids at nights seems to correlate with the severity of OSA. 104 , 105 , 106 Nocturia can be attributed to increased levels of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) levels, related to the generation of negative intrathoracic pressures in OSA. These pressure swings cause false signals of volume overload to the endocardium, with resulting increase in ANP secretion and increased urine production. Umlauf et al found increased nocturia and elevated urinary ANP only when the AHI was more than or equal to 15 per hour. 106 Fitzgerald et al demonstrated that CPAP could decrease nocturia in OSA patients. 107 Although less well supported, nocturia in OSA could also develop due to an increased awareness of bladder fullness secondary to arousal and/or transmission to the bladder of positive intra-abdominal pressure provoked by repetitive obstructive events. 108 , 109 Thorough medical history taking with respect to hypertrophic benign prostate, diabetes mellitus, chronic heart failure, renal disease, and use of diuretics is mandatory. Increased intake or late consumption of liquids is also one potential explanation to be excluded.

2.1.4 Age and Gender Bias

Most of the studies have been performed in middle-aged subjects (range 40–60 years), overweight male subjects with moderate to severe OSA. As a consequence, the features and neurobehavioral as well as cardiometabolic sequellae in OSA mainly apply to this specific cohort. Nevertheless, OSA can also have a substantial impact on daytime vigilance and quality of life in the elderly (>70 years old). Remarkably, anamnesis and daytime symptoms can be less specific in advanced ages. 110 A gender bias also takes place in the OSA population, as discussed earlier. In general, men and women report many of the same typical symptoms. However, women may report insomnia, and are more likely to complain of depression, morning headache, and fatigue. 111

2.1.5 Symptoms of OSA in Older Subjects

The symptoms of OSA in aged people are similar to and could be confused with some of the functional deteriorations in elderly. Both OSA and ageing lead to disturbed sleep, cognitive dysfunction, and increased cardiometabolic alterations. With age, sleep becomes more fragmented, independent of OSA, and there is a well-documented age-related decline in sleep quality. 112 , 113 , 114 , 115 , 116 These features of sleep in aged people have led to the suggestion that older OSA patients may be habituated to the added disease-related sleep disruption of OSA, and hence, do not suffer from symptoms of daytime sleepiness compared with young OSA patients. In the SHHS, it has been shown that age is associated with a reduction in subjective sleepiness measured with the ESS in females, but not in males. 117 However, in another study comparing older people with and without OSA, patients with OSA were more sleepy than those without OSA. 118 In older OSA patients from clinical cohorts, subjective daytime sleepiness was found to be similar to that experienced by younger patients matched for BMI and disease severity 119 and less in another. 120 Altogether, the current information on the symptoms of sleepiness in older people with OSA is controversial.

Estimates of the prevalence of OSA suggest that it is higher in the geriatric population than in the general population, and the clinical consequences may be different. 121

2.1.6 Symptoms in Overlap Syndrome

Based on established prevalence figures, OSA and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) should coexist in about 1% of the adult general population, with even higher figures likely depending on the definitions employed for diagnosis (▶Fig. 2.2). 122 Sleep quality is typically poor in COPD, with diminished amounts of REM and slow-wave sleep, which may contribute to the daytime fatigue frequently reported by these patients. 123 Patients with overlap syndrome present with the clinical features of each disorder to a greater or lesser extent, depending on the balance between the OSA and COPD components. However, there are likely to be additional clinical features that reflect the higher prevalence of hypoxemia, hypercapnia, and pulmonary hypertension. Specifically, morning headache reflecting hypercapnia, cyanosis reflecting hypoxemia, and peripheral edema reflecting cor pulmonale are likely to be common in overlap patients. Such finding should facilitate the selection of COPD patients for further assessment regarding the likelihood of OSA.

Fig. 2.2 The two components of the overlap syndrome.

2.1.7 Focused History

Referral of patients to sleep facilities is mandatory, but risk stratification and triage of patients is highly desirable, given the diagnostic capacity of sleep centers is limited and waiting lists tend to grow. 124 Relevant clinical information (symptoms, past medical history, family history) should be obtained from the patient, supplemented by collateral history from a bed partner, relatives, friends, or caregivers. Details of patient’s typical night sleep time and sleep-wake schedule are always required, along with the observation of other symptoms. The degree and relevance of sleepiness should always be evaluated clinically, and special emphasis should be paid to driving performance. Patients with suspected OSA should undergo careful physical examination. Overall, it may be hard to produce objective, reproducible findings because of observer and reporter bias. Persistent efforts have been made to increase standardization. Use of questionnaires allows for both the identification of individuals with a high likelihood of OSA and for triage according to their symptomatology. Questionnaires that make use of isolated symptoms have a limited effectiveness. For instance, loud snoring is a primary symptom in OSA that has a sensitivity of almost 100% but lacks specificity. As a result, snoring has a low positive predictive value. 125 On the other hand, the report of “breath holding” has a low sensitivity, but a high specificity for OSA. 125 Furthermore, the diagnostic performance of the ESS score above 10 to predict AHI more than 5 per hour has a sensitivity of 54% and a specificity of 63%. 126 Also, subjective clinical impressions of OSA tend to have inadequate sensitivity (60%) and specificity (63%). Therefore, attempts were made to develop novel clinical prediction models with optimized sensitivity and specificity, however, without beneficial outcome. 127

2.1.8 Screening Questionnaires and Clinical Prediction Models

Several screening questionnaires that incorporate risk factors, clinical symptoms, and physical examination parameters have been developed to facilitate the diagnosis of OSA. Some of these have been validated for perioperative screening 128 : the Berlin questionnaire, 129 , 130 the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) checklist, 131 the STOP-Bang questionnaire (acronym for snoring, tiredness, observed apneas, hypertension, BMI, age, neck circumference, and male gender), 132 and the Flemons Index (Sleep Apnea Clinical Score [SACS]). 133 Attempts to establish a reliable diagnosis based on a clinical prediction model without a simultaneous objective sleep test have failed. 134 The oldest of these tests is the Flemons Index, which combines neck circumference, presence or absence of arterial hypertension, and historical features (habitual snoring, partner report of gasping, choking). The test provides an SACS and it has been shown that a score of more than or equal to 15 has been associated with a high likelihood to find OSA (odds ratio [OR] of 5.17 and a positive predictive value of 81%). 133 Furthermore, the SACS has been associated with postanesthesia care complications. 135 Takegami et al developed a four-variable screening tool based on gender, BMI, blood pressure, and snoring. 136 This tool was highly discriminative, but mathematical corrections were needed to calculate an end score.

The Berlin questionnaire was the outcome of Conference on Sleep in Primary Care in Berlin, Germany (April 1996). 137 The questionnaire has a high specificity for identifying subjects with moderate to severe OSA, while rather low specificity. It classifies subjects as low or high risk for OSA based on responses in three different categories: (1) snoring history, (2) daytime sleepiness, and (3) history of obesity or arterial hypertension. If a patient responds positively in two of the categories assessed, he/she can be considered at a high risk for OSA. The Apnea Risk Evaluation System (ARES) questionnaire is an attractive tool that combines features of the Berlin questionnaire, the Flemons’ Index, and the ESS and classifies the patients as “no apparent risk,” “low risk,” or “high risk,” with a sensitivity of 94% and a specificity of 79% for an AHI above 5. In 2,877 patients screened with the ARES questionnaire in a preoperative setting, 23.7% had high risk for OSA (661) and among these 82% had OSA. 138 An increased sensitivity (90.4%) at the expense of a lower specificity (43.2%) to find an AHI above or equal to 15 compared to the Berlin questionnaire was reported. 139 The ASA scoring checklist combines history of apparent airway obstruction, somnolence, and physical characteristics. Its sensitivity is good (72–87%), while its specificity is low (36–38%). The STOP and STOP-Bang questionnaires are self-administered questionnaires developed by Chung et al. 132 STOP is the acronym for four questions addressing the presence of snoring, tiredness (daytime fatigue), observed apneas, and arterial hypertension. The STOP-Bang questionnaire is a refinement of the STOP questionnaire and incorporates questions on BMI (>35 kg/m2), age (>50 years), neck circumference (>40 cm), and gender (male) with improved sensitivity at the cost of a little lower specificity. Both questionnaires have a high sensitivity for identifying subjects with OSA, but, on the other hand, relatively low specificity. The STOP-questionnaire labels a patient with a high risk for SDB if at least two positive answers are present, while the STOP-Bang questionnaire uses a cut-off value of more than or equal to three positive answers. Due to its simplicity, the STOP-Bang tool is often used to predict severity of underlying OSA and to facilitate triage of patients. In a recent study comparing STOP, the Berlin questionnaire, and the ASA scoring checklist. the last one showed the highest sensitivity but the lowest specificity. 140 , 141 Overall, the potential usefulness of these tools for prioritization of an objective diagnostic test is limited. The best model so far is the OSA50 questionnaire, which combines a simple questionnaire with oximetry. For clarity, OSA50 is the acronym for obesity (waist circumference: males >102 cm; females >88 cm), snoring (Has your snoring ever bothered other people?), apnea (Has anyone noticed that you stop breathing during your sleep?), and 50 (Are you aged 50 years or over?). If yes, a score of 3, 3, 2, and 2 points, respectively, is assigned. If a cutoff is above or equal to 5/10 and an oxygen desaturation index (ODI) above or equal to 16 per hour is applied for OSA, a sensitivity of 97%, a specificity of 87%, and a diagnostic accuracy of 83% is obtained. 142 The authors preferred oximetry over nasal pressure for their two-stage model, because the failure rate for the oximetry signal (3%) was one-third of that observed for the nasal pressure signal (9%). Recently, Perioperative Sleep Apnea Prediction (P-SAP) score was introduced. This score incorporates six out of eight elements of the STOP-BANG questionnaire and some other elements used in the standard perioperative assessment (Mallampati score, presence of diabetes, thyromental distance <6 cm). 143 For each of the nine risk factors, 1 point is assigned (unweighted scale) and scores are summed up. This results in a very high sensitivity and a very low specificity in the lower range, but a very low sensitivity and very high specificity in the higher range. Anyway, it was concluded that the score requires further refinement.

2.1.9 Consequences

Most compelling evidence described here (▶Fig. 2.3 and ▶Fig. 2.4) is based on cross-sectional population-based investigations, looking for associations between the prevalence of a cardiovascular consequence (e.g., diabetes mellitus) at a given time with the severity of OSA, based on various levels of AHI. Others follow a population over a time period and determine the amount of new cases (called “incidence”). Such approach enables to determine the risk of developing consequences at various disease levels. It is worth remembering that conclusions from investigations in clinical cohorts could be different from those in population-based asymptomatic individuals, and these clinical cohorts are subject to referral bias.

Fig. 2.3 Major consequences of untreated obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). (Statue of Bachus in Boboli Gardens, Firenze, Italy)
Fig. 2.4 Most of the patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in the general population are asymptomatic, but are prone to the consequences of the disorder.

Cardiovascular Morbidities

OSA is increasingly recognized as an independent risk factor for systemic hypertension, stroke, cardiac arrhythmias, and coronary artery disease (CAD). 144 , 145 , 146

Systemic Hypertension

Elevated blood pressure values can be present during sleep as a consequence of OSA. 147 Moreover, systemic hypertension during wakefulness may be related to OSA. At least 45% of patients with OSA have systemic hypertension. In OSA, hypoxia increases sympathetic tone via chemo- and baroreflex activation, which finally results in increasing blood pressure. 147 , 148 Increased negative intrathoracic pressures (promoting venous return) and arousal from sleep, both in association with apneic events, also contribute to the rise in blood pressure seen in OSA. 149 , 150 , 151 Lack of a normal decrease in blood pressure during sleep, often described as “non-dipping,” may be the earliest sign of OSA-induced hypertension and an independent risk factor for developing CAD, 152 , 153 as well as heart failure, especially heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) and a strong risk factor for stroke. The Wisconsin Sleep Cohort Study, one of the largest population-based studies (n = 1,060), reported a close dose-response relationship between OSA and hypertension. After correction for established risk factors for hypertension, this relationship was still present. 154 Moreover, the Sleep Heart Health Study (SHHS) (n = 6,424) identified OSA as an independent risk factor for systemic hypertension. 155 In the following 4 years, the OR of developing systemic hypertension increased gradually and linearly with increasing AHI. 156 In the European Sleep Apnea Database (ESADA), it was shown in a multiple regression analysis (with both ODI and AHI in the model) that ODI was independently associated with prevalent hypertension, whereas AHI was not: OR (95% CI) for ODI was 2.01 (1.61–2.51) and regarding AHI 0.92 (0.74–1.15) (P < 0.0001 and P = 0.3054, respectively). 157


Evidence from a broad variety of studies has suggested an increased risk of stroke in OSA patients, 158 , 159 , 160 with the 10-year predicted occurrence of stroke being 14%. 161 At the same time, a high prevalence of OSA was also demonstrated in patients with stroke. 162 , 163 , 164 , 165 Central apneas and Cheyne-Stokes respiration have been shown to occur rather commonly in the acute phase of stroke, but spontaneously resolve with time and its clinical impact is not proven. Intermittent hypoxemia is probably the most critical factor in the cerebrovascular abnormalities predisposing OSA patients to stroke. Moreover, impaired cerebrovascular response to hypoxemia has been reported in OSA patients, which is consistent with underlying endothelial alterations. Overall, fluctuations in blood pressure, reduction in cerebral blood flow, altered cerebral autoregulation, endothelial dysfunction, accelerated atherogenesis, and prothrombotic and proinflammatory states are mechanisms involved in the increased risk for stroke in OSA. 166 Studies have found a direct relationship between nocturnal oxygen dipping, intima media thickness, and atherosclerotic plaques in the carotid arteries, independent of the presence of systemic hypertension, and thereby support a direct relation between OSA, atherosclerosis, and subsequent stroke. 167 , 168 Another correlation was found between increased severity of OSA and incidence of stroke and death in a cohort of OSA patients after a follow-up period of 3.4 years. 158 Consequently, increased mortality was found in patients with severe OSA (AHI > 30) after stroke 163 , 169 and cross-sectional data from the SHHS have shown greater risks for stroke in the highest quartile (AHI > 11) (OR 1.58 [95% CI 1.02–2.46]) than in the lower quartile (AHI 4.4–11) (OR 1.42 [75% CI 0.91–2.21]). 160 Another group showed an OR of 4.33 (95% CI 1.32–14.24) for prevalent stroke in moderate-to-severe OSA (AHI ≥ 20), after correction for other risk factors, compared to patients without OSA. After 4 years of follow-up, an AHI of more than or equal to 20 at baseline was associated with an increased incidence for stroke, after adjustment for age and sex, but not for BMI (OR 4.48 [95% CI 1.31–5.33]). However, after correction for age, sex, and BMI, the OR was still elevated, but without statistical significance (OR 3.08 [95% CI 0.74–12.81]). 159 Nevertheless, OSA in patients with stroke often results in worse functional outcomes and higher mortality. 170 , 171

Cardiac Arrhythmias

The whole spectrum of cardiac arrhythmias has been observed and associated with OSA. The most common among them are nonsustained tachycardia, sinus arrest, second-degree atrioventricular conduction block, and premature ventricular contractions. Their prevalence and complexity increases with the severity of the OSA and following hypoxemia. 172 , 173 , 174 In the SHHS, it was suggested that patients with OSA have increased likelihoods of atrial fibrillation (OR 4.02 [95% CI 1.03–15.74]), nonsustained tachycardia (OR 3.40 [95% CI 1.03–11.20]), and complex ventricular ectopy (OR 1.75 [95% CI 1.11–2.74]), 175 with a fourfold increase in the prevalence of atrial fibrillation in patients with severe OSA. 175 It has been shown that ventricular premature beats decreased by 58% after 1 month of CPAP treatment in OSA patients with CHF. 176 The mechanisms by which OSA induces ventricular arrhythmias are uncertain, but hypoxemia, bradyarrhythmias, and sympathetic activation induced by apneic events may play a critical important role. Initially, increased vagal tone is observed during apnea as a result of hypoxic stimulation of the carotid bodies during absent ventilation. Once respiration resumes, inflation of the lungs decreases vagal tone, while the hypoxic influences on sympathetic tone are unmasked with resulting tachycardia. These episodes of tachycardia and postapneic elevated blood pressure increase myocardial oxygen demand while hypoxemia exists, predisposing to ischemia and possibly tachyarrhythmias. In healthy subjects, sleep usually is a time of reduced tachyarrhythmias and ischemia, while patients with OSA may not enjoy this effect. In atrial fibrillation, hypoxemia, blood pressure changes, sympathetic activation, transmural pressor surges, and systemic inflammation are predisposing mechanisms to its development. The relationship between OSA and atrial fibrillation may also contribute indirectly to the increased risk of stroke in patients with OSA.

Coronary Artery Disease

Some studies suggest an independent association between OSA and CAD in middle-aged adults. 177 One study described not only the association between coronary artery calcification (CAC) and OSA, but also highlighted the association between CAC and increasing OSA severity. The OR for CAC increased with rising OSA severity: mild (OR 2.1 [50% CI 0.8–5.4]), moderate (OR 2.4 [75% CI 1.0–6.4]), and severe OSA (OR 3.3 [95% CI 1.2–9.4]). 178 The frequency of nocturnal oxygen desaturation correlated with the extent of coronary lesions and explained 13.4% of their variance, suggesting a pathophysiologic role of OSA in coronary atherosclerosis. 179 The chronic effects of OSA, such as systemic inflammation, oxidative stress, lymphocyte activation, vascular smooth cell activation, decrease in macrophages, increased lipid levels, lipid peroxidation, high-density lipoprotein dysfunction, and finally endothelial dysfunction, potentially trigger the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. Plaque rupture can be provoked by the acute effects of OSA, such as intermittent hypoxemia, acidosis, blood pressure surges, and systemic vasoconstriction, in conjunction with simultaneous changes in intrathoracic and transmural pressure. 166 Hence, the increased oxygen demand and reduced oxygen supply at night in OSA patients may trigger an attack of myocardial ischemia and resulting nocturnal angina. Nocturnal angina and ST depression have been described in OSA patients, but may be diminished after CPAP treatment. 180 , 181 However, another study did not find evidence of nocturnal myocardial injury based on measurements of cardiac troponin T in patients with established CAD and moderate to severe OSA. 182 In addition, observations of the occurrence of myocardial infarction (MI) in OSA patients found an altered time interval of nocturnal sudden death compared to the general population. In general, the likelihood of onset of MI is between 6 and 11 AM. In contrast, almost half of OSA patients have their onset of MI during the sleep hours, between 10 PM and 6 AM. This may implicate that OSA patients are prone to nocturnal MI. 183 , 184 Recently, a new provocative scenario has emerged to suggest that in some specific populations, OSA could be associated with a cardioprotective role. Epidemiological studies are also suggesting that protective mechanisms may be activated in a particular subset of patients with OSA. 185 In patients with acute MI and mild to moderate OSA, activated adaptive mechanisms were shown to improve endothelial function, hence providing cardioprotection in context of acute MI. Shah et al demonstrated that patients with OSA have less severe cardiac injury during an acute nonfatal MI when compared with similar patients without OSA. The protective role could become activated via ischemic preconditioning and supersedes the detrimental inflammatory and oxidative stress which is typically present in patients with relevant OSA. 186

Subclinical Cardiocirculatory Impairment

One of the most important clinical findings in the recent years is the occurrence of atherosclerosis in overall healthy subjects with OSA, free of any cardiovascular morbidity and other cardiovascular risk factors. 167 , 187 This is part of subclinical cardiocirculatory impairment described in OSA, together with masked systemic hypertension, 188 increase in arterial stiffness, 189 diastolic dysfunction, 190 , 191 and left and right ventricle hypertrophy. 192 These early cardiovascular changes have been correlated with systemic inflammation, 193 related to intermittent hypoxemia. 194 About half of the cases presenting with clinically relevant heart failure have a normal left ventricular ejection fraction (so-called HFpEF), and left ventricular diastolic dysfunction is considered to be a common underlying pathology. 195 Studies have shown that impairment of the left ventricular diastolic function is very common in OSA patients, suggesting not only subclinical myocardial disease (that may account for the risk of heart failure), 196 , 197 , 198 but also a role of OSA in pulmonary hypertension. OSA appears to be associated with cardiac remodelling and altered diastolic function, and to exert an additive effect to that of elevated blood pressure in patients with both hypertension and OSA. 190 Cross-sectional data from the SHHS have shown a strong association of SDB in moderate and severe OSA with chronic heart failure (OR 2.38 [95% CI 1.22–4.62]) and a weaker association for mild OSA (OR 1.95 [75% CI 0.99–3.83]). 199

Cardiovascular Mortality

Observational cohort studies indicate that untreated patients with OSA have an increased risk of nonfatal and fatal cardiovascular events, an increased risk of sudden cardiac death during the night, and a higher risk of stroke or death from any cause. 144 , 145 In an older study, the probability of cumulative 8-year survival was 0.96 for patients with an apnea index below 20 and 0.63 for those with an apnea index above 20. Difference in mortality related to apnea index was particularly accurate in patients younger than 50 years and in whom mortality from other causes is uncommon. 200 In the study of Marin et al, multivariate analysis, adjusted for potential confounders, showed that untreated severe OSA significantly increased the risk of fatal (OR 2.87 [95% CI 1.17–7.51]) cardiovascular events compared with healthy subjects. 25 Treatment with CPAP attenuated this risk. 144 , 200

Since the group that received CPAP got more intensive follow-up during the first year after diagnosis (two additional visits), outcome could be improved in this group independent of the CPAP treatment itself. Moreover, these results were only valid in men. The occurrence of OSA was a significant predictor of premature death in patients with CAD and who are at increased risk of stroke. 201 , 202 These studies have the intrinsic limitation of lacking a randomized controlled design, which clearly limits the evidence level. In one prospective study, it was found that the apnea index was a predictor of excess mortality in the fourth and fifth decade, but not in aged population. 203 In some population-based cohorts, a decrease in survival was reported with increasing OSA severity, with an OR of 3.0 (95% CI 1.4–6.3) (Wisconsin) and 1.46 (1.14–1.86) (SHHS) in subjects with severe OSA compared with those in the normal range. 204 , 205 However, after stratification by age and gender in the SHHS, the OR remained only significant in males aged less than 70 years. Lavie and Lavie proposed a survival advantage in moderate OSA, suggesting, as a potential mechanism, that chronic intermittent hypoxemia during sleep may activate adaptive pathways in the elderly. 206 For example, older people have a reduced acute cardiovascular response to arousal from sleep, compared with younger subjects. 207 Hence, the poorer cardiovascular reactivity of aged adults may, paradoxically, reduce the impact of arousals from sleep and protect against cardiovascular morbidities and mortality. However, it has to be reminded that the cardiovascular consequences of sleep apnea in the aged population may also be influenced by survival bias, as middle-aged, hypertensive OSA patients may not survive into old age. Discrepancies between studies could probably be explained by the heterogeneity of the patients included in the elderly populations.

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